Gene Key 36 – From Turbulence to Compassion (36th Gene Key)

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In this new article series, I share the wisdom of the Gene Keys.

Gene Key 36 is the start of this sharing journey and the path to wisdom.

The 36th Gene Key is about the Siddhi of Compassion, the Gift of Humanity, and the Shadow of Turbulence.

Gene Key 36 Energy Symbol

Our Gene Key 36 energy symbol invites you to profound contemplative work with the Gene Keys. Enjoy it!

Gene Key 36 – Shadow of Turbulence

“The Wheel of the Shadows”

We remember a lot by going through turbulences. But if we are turmoiled, the key to the heart is sealed. That is the quintessence of the Gene Key 36.

Only when we dare to face this shadow and be awake and clear in this turbulence, we remember that suffering is not what it seems to be and that it is not what our physical mind wants.

Suffering is chaotic and unpredictable. Yes. Suffering is full of turbulences.

However, within suffering is hidden a more profound secret.

For human beings, up and downs are natural and a requirement.

You may ask.

How can suffering be good?

Will my suffering never end?

We need the up and downs as a mirror to remember what we need and what we do not need in life. We also need it to see the importance of relationships.

Like the stock market, the ocean, and global weather, we also have daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly up and downs. Some of those energetic interferences are subtle, and others are more intense.

The Seasons of Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter are nature’s turbulences. Because we are part of nature and earth, we go through turbulences too.

The difference between the shadow of turbulence and the gift of humanity is that we can handle the turbulence. We are more open-minded, selfless, and act out of philanthropy. We remember that others are a mirror of us. We stop blaming others and look within.

By going through turbulences, we remember an essential life lesson as soon as we see the bigger picture.

We remember that we are not alone in this chaotic universe full of changes.

Unfortunately, human beings are stubborn and love to keep the limiting patterns of comfort alive. This stubbornness and arrogance is the ultimate reason why we tend to experience stronger and stronger turbulences. We do not listen to our heart and the pure desires of our nature.

And because we are not listening, we receive more substantial signs of turbulences. Physically, those turbulences can manifest as all kinds of health problems.

And the more we are stubborn to listen, the stronger the signs become.

The ultimate sign of stubbornness can be considered as the disincarnating of the physical body.

People must be honest with themselves. Most people would rather die than looking within and discovering the deep dark part of their history. They will preferably continuously suffer instead of healing their history.

One of the reasons is that there are not many playful approaches to discover the soul’s darkness. So, a lot of humans are reserved to look within.

But hope is always there, and more people open their horizons. Enough people have gone through states of victimization. Enough people are not willing to be victims anymore, as enough abusers are not further fulfilled and happy at abusing and manipulating others.

We live in a prosperous time of accelerating changes in human beings.

Gene Key 36 – Gift of Humanity

“The Art of Being Human”

All our brothers and sisters worldwide, from Asia, America, Europa, Australia, Africa, and Antarctica, share one truth.

The truth that humanity is one organism and our unified mother is earth. The Gene Keys 36 gift of humanity releases a fragrance of mindfulness for the revelation of this truth.

Every one of us needs phases of activity, pausing, reflecting, and growing. If we only want to grow, we soon will burn out and radiate a lack of purpose. If we only pause and reflect, we soon are not experiencing the vast service and prosperity opportunities.

In both states of growth and reflection, we can lose ourselves in the vastness of the physical mind.

The gift of humanity and Gene Key 36 can trigger insane spontaneous healing. After contemplating the Gene Keys for years, I consider myself one of the living examples of the 36 Gene Key insane healing powers from suffering to love.

I cannot consider myself as mindful and present in my teenage years until my mid-twenties. I was hiding in my mind’s selfishness and the fears of the past and the future

I never knew there is something like spirituality, energy healing, and a higher purpose. I had forgotten, like described in the Gene Key 33 – Forgetting – Mindfulness – Revelation.

Note: Both the Gene Key 36 and the Gene Key 33 are significant parts of my Venus Sequence.

After so much suffering and turbulence in my teenage years, I had just forgotten the beauty of being a child, the beauty of innocence and truth.

And as soon as I dived deep within my psyche, discovering my wounded inner child and limiting belief systems, the disentanglement of my old self cracked wide open.

Gene Key 36 – Siddhi of Compassion

“The Deepest Incarnation Possible in Humanity”

The siddhi of the 36th Gene Key of compassion has an extraterrestrial fragrance of invincibility in even the deepest states of suffering and is not often accessible today.

Being compassionate means knowing the boundaries of yourself and others. The paradox here is that we must first break all boundaries in order to know our limits. This is an acausal event that cannot be brought about by the will of the mind.

Being compassionate means to stay in a high frequency that uplifts and guides others into their soul purpose.

In spring, summer, fall, and winter, being compassionate means always staying connected to your absolute truth.

This truth can be chaotic and beautiful at the same time. All depends on our perception and how we act in times of crisis.

Being compassionate does not mean lowering your frequency and suffering with others; however, lowering your frequency is used to understand others’ feelings while staying in your presence.

Being compassionate does not mean being forever free from suffering because all feelings are more intense. The difference between the shadow and siddhi is that we can never be an embodiment of the suffering again. At the siddic level, we will always observe the suffering and act out of peace, love, and harmony with our true self.

I experienced very painful states of suffering, and at the same time, they were exquisitely beautiful. I do not believe that I am partially or fully an embodiment of this or another siddhi. I do not know. However, there are times of experience that genuinely feel close to the hidden meaning of compassion.

This uncertainty is also the magic of the Gene Keys teachings. It is not understood from the physical mind because it can only be understood and experienced physically from all cells.

The Gene Key 36 is also a part of the Codon Ring of Divinity together with the 37th Gene Key (Siddhi of Tenderness), the 22nd Gene Key (Siddhi of Grace) and the 63rd Gene Key (Siddhi of Truth).

When Grace implodes within, we need to be tender, and soon we understand truth. Compassion arises from this self-realization of soul-spirit-ego and the power and position in “God” and “All that is.”

And as explained in the 36th Gene Key, compassion is all about the dark night of the soul.

Only when we experienced the darkness of our soul are we able to be compassionate. We understand the suffering of others, and we are grateful for being of service to each other.

We understand that suffering is subjective to each of us; however, we also understand that suffering is Divine Grace.

3 Questions of Contemplation

  1. How can you become aware of your turbulence so that you can slowly let it go?
  2. What does humanity mean to you?
  3. Why is it so easy for you to be compassionate with others?

Video Contemplation of the 36th Gene Key

Gene Keys Readings with Dominik

Would you like to deepen your Gene Keys in the Hologenetic Profile and get to know the three sequences? Then I now offer you a unique opportunity to work with me in live 1:1 Zoom Sessions on the topic of Gene Keys.


Thanks so much for reading my 36th Gene Key articles!

I am here to inspire you, to look deep within.

Visit for more information on the Gene Keys teachings and in my “Everything you need to know about Gene Keys” article.

You can also listen to Richard Rudd’s contemplation of the Gene Key 36 here.

With Love,

Dominik Porsche

Dominik Porsche
Dominik Porsche
Hi, nice to see you here. I am Dominik, dad, student, teacher, Gene Keys Guide, consciousness explorer, open-hearted and spiritual inspiration for the people around me. On Beyonduality I accompany you on a joyful and courageous journey to discover your Soul Purpose, your authentic energy expression. The project Beyonduality guides you in integrating and transcending your spirit awakening experiences through the Gene Keys Teachings. My vision as a dad is to accelerate the process of remembering – that we are spiritual beings – not only humans in flesh. So, we remember our inner truth of abundance and can all live in peace and harmony.


  1. This sharing really touched me deeply. GK 36 is my Life Purpose and has been a real challenge for me to get a sense of what could possibly be a Gift in Humanity. I’ve been in the GK for about a year and am finding that as the various keys are in my awareness, I often come across articles or speakers and teachers who have comments about Humanity. Just by listening to various definitions about Humanity has been very helpful in expanding my understanding of this word.
    I’ve listened to all your sharing about the keys and find them very helpful and lighthearted at times. Thanks so much for being vulnerable and sharing from the heart about your personal experiences. I find your examples helpful as I look for experiences in my own younger years.
    I believe that you are in the current Venus Deep Dive so am happy to have your insights as support on this journey.
    With gratitude, Jan

    • Thanks a lot Jan! I am happy that my sharing inspires you. I will definitly publish an article about my Venus Sequence Experience, probably also a video an podcast episode.

      All the Love,


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