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Find out in this article what the Gene Keys Dream Arc is all about and whether it’s for you – from an experienced Gene Keys Guide. What is the Gene Keys Dream Arc? How does it work, and how is it structured? What are my experiences after two years of active quests (adventure journeys)?
What is the Gene Keys Dream Arc?
The Gene Keys Dream Arc is an intuitive adventure journey into the archetypal mystical animal realm of the 64 Gene Keys. Many of us grow up in a digital society with TV, smartphones, and game consoles without a direct connection to nature. Even if we perceive and admire this nature as small children, many lose this access later. In addition, more and more parents deny their children access to Mother Earth and the animal realm out of fear.
The Gene Keys Dream Arc takes you deep into the inspiring world of nature and the creature realm, mastering the balance between earth and heaven. Yes, the program manages to be profoundly grounding and mystical.
This is not a traditional shamanic journey or experience, although it may help you to feel drawn to a specific wisdom teaching. In the Dream Arc you stimulate the inspiration of the collective dream world, perhaps remembering your dreams more and strengthening your direct connection to the animal realm.
Three worlds (Under -, middle – and Overworld) are home to various creatures, offering multifaceted messages and tasks in so-called quests. Some messages are about connecting more with the inner world, while other messages focus on the outside world. Perhaps you will even have to go on a proper adventure? Who knows 😊
How is the Gene Keys Dream Arc structured?
The Gene Keys Dream Arc is divided into three areas – Terrain, Quests, and Harvest.
1. The Terrain (Foundation)
The terrain is the foundation. Three portal creatures are introduced – the praying mantis, the camel, and the woodpecker – which accompany you in the three realms of the Dream Arc. The spider also weaves the web of life (Life Web), and the sloth encourages you to take breaks and pause. The trinity of Shadows, Gifts, and Siddhi form the Underworld (insects and reptiles), Middleworld (mammals), and Overworld (birds) in the Dream Arc.
2. Die Quests (Adventures)
The Quests on the Life Net are the heart of the Dream Arc, where you spend most of your time. Twelve categories of quests are marked on the Life Web. Each category is assigned a handful of animals from the 64 Gene Keys. In the Quests, you will get to know the animals from the categories and perhaps even invite them into your unique Life Web soon.
The twelve categories of Quests are Guardians, Changers, Unifiers, Laughers, Journeyers, Warriors, Dreamers, Hunters, Healers, Messengers, Tricksters and Leapers.
Each category includes an in-depth video by Richard Rudd and Rosy Aronson, with plenty of inspiration from contributors from the Gene Keys community, including stories and dreams about each animal accompanied by artwork, music, and interviews.
3. The Harvest (Treasure)
At the end of your journey, the Harvest of your Kin occurs. You enter a sacred union with an animal from the Dream Arc that accompanies you in realizing your earthly higher destiny. I still do the Quests after more than two years. I am patiently taking my time with the Harvest of my Kin. There is no schedule for when the harvest must take place. And that’s a good feeling – because the sacred union with your Kin is a once-in-a-lifetime decision!
How is the Gene Keys Dream Arc working?
Explore via the Dream Arc Approach
The Gene Keys Dream Arc has no straightforward process like the Golden Path from A to Z, from Life’s Work to Pearl. You open one Quest after another at your own pace. My experience is that you always intuitively attract the right Quests and creatures. In addition, the quests merge with everyday life’s themes and perfectly complement your methods for unfolding your potential.
Each Quest has its own sense of time, and the period of the adventures is entirely different. The entire life web also has its timing. For me, the experience of the quests is always different. Sometimes, there are week-long breaks or an intensive task completion of a quest, and then there are three new quests and animals on the life web in one week.
Your task in the Dream Arc is to connect with your natural rhythm of life and sense of time – with generous trust and a playful spirit of discovery!
The Dream Arc Retreat
In the official Dream Arc Retreat, you can start your adventure with the Gene Keys community from July 15, 2024. This retreat is the perfect start for three months, after which you can continue your journey alone or with companions in the quests.
Explore the Dream Arc RetreatMy Gene Keys Dream Arc Report
In the Gene Keys Dream Arc context, I have had a rather anxious and reserved relationship with the animal world since childhood. This reservation might be because I often had nightmares of reptiles and mammals as a toddler, and my childhood was spent in a fearful relationship with animals, purely along the lines of. “All dangers and diseases are hidden in animals. Watch out!”
Without a natural habitat for the animals, most of my contact occurred in zoos, comics, TV, and books. Anyway, this distance from animals didn’t stop me from trying the Gene Keys Dream Arc – fortunately!
From the start, the Gene Keys Dream Arc came alive. I watched a woodpecker fly from one tree to the next in the first few weeks. I realized that the woodpecker was one of the three portal creatures and listened to the rhythm meditation. A few days later, a beautiful red woodpecker, as close and precise as never before, sat before my eyes deep down in the tree. (see
Many of the local animals visited me before or after the start of a quest. Sometimes, they visited me at my doorstep in the garden and often on walks in the fields, lakes, and woods. I even encountered an animal in a dream I hadn’t had for decades. Depending on the situation, I followed my intuition and took one of the animals into my life web or not.
The Gene Keys Dream Arc made me develop an unknown curiosity for all animals. Is this animal in the Dream Arc? Which Gene Key and which category of quests is the creature assigned to? What story does the animal tell, and is there a direct connection to it in my life?
The Dream Arc captivated me, and my curiosity is still growing today.
I experience a new kind of empathy and compassion for spiders, mosquitoes (well, sometimes :D), and all animals of the underworld, as well as for mammals and birds. In addition, my disgust and fear of animals has disappeared, and I treat them with reverence and respect.
All animals from everyday life fascinate me, and even with my son in the zoo, I experienced the extraordinary. Apart from that, the exotic animal creatures from Asia, Africa, Australia, and South America have their own magic for a colorful adventure trip.
One day, while contemplating an animal message, my tears of joy ran unconditionally because I was so grateful for the revelation from the Dream Arc. In that blissful moment, a black, white, and blue bird ran in front of my garden door, looked at me briefly, turned around, jumped away, and flew off.
I just thought about what kind of bird it was. It was the first time I’d ever seen one in my life! It was about the size of a raven, colored black and white, and had a slightly glittering blue pattern. After a quick search on the internet, I found it because it was unmistakable. It was a magpie. The magpie’s primary animal message is the vision of alchemical reward. I immediately understood that I was being rewarded for my devotion and intimacy – a sign from the magpie, a confirmation of the quintessence. Then, more tears of joy flowed.
This synchronicity is one of the many experiences. I have experienced so many “coincidences” in the Dream Arm that there are no more coincidences for me.
Everything on earth and in the universe is connected. Everything is magical. We have to learn to reconnect and understand the subtle connections.
My Conclusion for the Gene Keys Dream Arc
The combination of the life web, quests, and animal messages is finely tuned, and Richard and Rosy’s videos are clear, mystical, sensational, and profound. You can contemplate alone or in groups; the time flexibility is impressive.
The Dream Arc opens your heart and is an emotional endeavor. After almost two years, I have become deeply connected to my web of life, and so many of Richard Rudd’s animal messages bring tears to my eyes. Tears of sorrow, tears of joy, tears of compassion – all kinds of tears!
What an experience – a grounding and healing experience for me in our mental society full of worries and fears for the future. Yes, the Gene Keys Dream Arc is truly grounding, believe it or not.
The Gene Keys Dream Arc always makes me laugh, cry, and marvel; I can’t imagine myself without it.
The quests are like hiking to the top of a mountain and the many spontaneous adventures that surprise us along the way. Maybe we’ll find a mountain cave on the way where we can have a look around. Once we have reached the top of the mountain, we head back down into the valley. This down-to-earth travel is also a unique adventure with all kinds of surprises.
The best part is that I can do this intimate healing journey on my own – without having to be on community calls with the Gene Keys, although there are many opportunities for sharing through Clubhouse and the current Dream Arc Retreat.
After over two years of passive enthusiasm, I recently shared my Dream Arc journey for the first time at a Clubhouse. You have total freedom at the Dream Arc, and I love that!
In the Gene Keys Dream Arc, spontaneity meets freedom and leads to revelation.
For example, I had paused my journey for half a year, only to realize afterward that I had completed precisely the quests I had previously accepted. Sure, there are active quests, but there are also passive quests that patiently unfold in the background. The best thing is that the Dream Arc integrates perfectly into your everyday life, even if you are often thrown out of your comfort zone.
In addition, you are always free to accept a quest or not. The balance between doing and being was strengthened for me through the Dream Arc, as was the balance between mental and emotional intelligence. Today, I see the animal world with different eyes – maybe even more so with the eyes of a child again. Who knows?
The free mini-series of the Jaguar is now available as an introduction to the Dream Arc.
Explore the Jaguar JourneyOtherwise, visit the official website for all Dream Arc details here
The Dream Arc Retreat
In the official Dream Arc Retreat, you can start your adventure with the Gene Keys community from July 15, 2024. This retreat is the perfect three-month start, after which you can continue your journey alone or with companions in the quests.
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