Gene Key 33 – From Forgetting to Revelation (33rd Gene Key)

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In this Gene Keys article, I share my contemplation of the Gene Key 33.

The 33rd Gene Key is about the Siddhi of Revelation, the Gift of Mindfulness, and the Shadow of Forgetting.

Gene Key 33 Energy Symbol

Our Gene Key 33 energy symbol invites you to profound contemplative work with the Gene Keys. Enjoy it!

Gene Key 33 – Shadow of Forgetting

“memory division”

In the Shadow of the 33rd Gene Key, we forget about the essentials in life. The Shadow of forgetting is vast in its implications.

We forget who we truly are. We forget what matters in life. We forget why we are here.

The challenge is memory dysfunctionality. In this Shadow, we are not in harmony with ourselves and others. We divide everything, also memories.

The programming partner of Gene Key 33 is Gene Key 19. And here, the Shadow of Forgetting meets the Shadow of Co-Dependence. This combination is related to the great change.

When we forget who we truly are, we are dependent and follow others, not ourselves. It is easy to manipulate human beings in this state because they went astray.

Ultimately, going astray has a higher purpose that we forget so much. And this higher purpose reveals itself in states of mindfulness and sensitivity (Gene Key 19).

This Shadow is one of my core challenges in life; however, it is also one of my core gifts. In my hologenetic profile, the Sphere of IQ is 33rd 4th line. And discovering this constellation in my profile was a huge revelation and relaxation for my whole being.

An example from my life. If someone shares six and more numbers with me, I most likely forget the first two numbers already. Also, when I get those 6-digit security codes per SMS or so for online banking and other secure activities, sometimes I am unaware that I forgot them 5 seconds later.

This memory division has been a massive challenge in my daily life, especially early in school. Because I was never designed to learn and study mathematics or biological processes in its diversity, I was always designed for creativity and inspiration. And so many children today have a similar challenge…

Yes, we are ordinary. All of us! However, we are also unique in the way we function. For me, the standard education system was never an option that fitted for me.

And today, I function so differently that I can’t work in most jobs. But that is fine if I live my higher purpose and in the synchronicity of who I am.

My memory challenge could be a very negative quality and low-IQ in today’s society. However, I learned to embrace it and live with it rather than trying to victimize myself.

And then the magic happens. I remember all that I am here to do. I remember my strength and am passionate and excited about my life’s path.

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Gene Key 33 – Gift of Mindfulness

“Aware Moments”

The 33rd Gene Key and its Gift of Mindfulness is very grounded. This Gene Key also has a close connection to the earth through the Codon Rings. Together with Gene Key 56 and Gene Key 12, the Gene Key 33 forms the Ring of Trials for humanity.

In this higher state of consciousness, we are mindful, feel enriched (Gift – Gene Key 56), and discriminate (Gift – Gene Key 12) of what is wrong and right as a moral codex beyond the human moral codex that still functions from the shadow frequency.

Here we start orientating (Gene Key 2) ourselves back to the roots or cores of our being. We live our moral codex that is above everything else.

This new human codex is also the true challenge of many awakened people today. Unfortunately, we still live in a shadow frequency society – with punishment and division. So, many of us fear to live out their moral codex’s in terms of health, freedom, and justice because we feel society and culture can punish us.

And when we fear punishment, the shadows are present within us.

So, we need to go beyond the restrictions and limitations of cultural beliefs and norms to receive the blessings of revelation and grace.

Gene Key 33 – Siddhi of Revelation

“Divine remembrance”

The Siddhi of the 33rd Gene Key is Revelation. As you are aware of the higher dimensional realities, you sacrifice (Siddhi – Gene Key 19) your lower bodies into your higher bodies.

This sacrificing is the bridge between humanity and divinity or between the physical and non-physical. So, we sacrifice ourselves for a higher purpose. We can see that this is one of the higher purposes of war games because people sacrifice themselves for their countries. But, sacrificing yourself for your country is still purely in the realms of physicality.

In this siddhi, we truly sacrifice our physicality into non-physicality. We merge with the nothingness and experience sudden revelations of light.

We purify our physicality through intoxication and revelation.

These ecstatic states of consciousness are still far beyond imagination for most human beings. And many people expressing and experiencing those higher states are misunderstood in society.

So, what is left to do in such a state?


Nothing at all besides functioning purely from the heart.

Even thus, life’s experience on earth in the current evolution of humanity may be very challenging and complex, but it is also beautiful.

Life is a mystery and it is supposed to be a mystery.

3 Questions for Contemplation

  1. Who are you truly, beyond physicality? What are you here to achieve? Why did you incarnate on earth in those challenging times?
  2. How can you cultivate mindfulness and discrimination in your life?
  3. Which revelations support your evolutionary and spiritual growth?

Thanks so much for reading the 33rd Gene Key article!

I am here to inspire you, to look deep within.

Visit for more information on the Gene Keys teachings and my “Everything you need to know about Gene Keys” article.

You can also listen to Richard Rudd’s contemplation of the Gene Key 33 here.

With love,

Dominik Porsche

Dominik Porsche
Dominik Porsche
Hi, nice to see you here. I am Dominik, dad, student, teacher, Gene Keys Guide, consciousness explorer, open-hearted and spiritual inspiration for the people around me. On Beyonduality I accompany you on a joyful and courageous journey to discover your Soul Purpose, your authentic energy expression. The project Beyonduality guides you in integrating and transcending your spirit awakening experiences through the Gene Keys Teachings. My vision as a dad is to accelerate the process of remembering – that we are spiritual beings – not only humans in flesh. So, we remember our inner truth of abundance and can all live in peace and harmony.


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