Fire Love in August 2024 – when will you Expand Your Love?

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This article is slightly different from what you are used to. Although it is directly related to the Gene Keys and my experiences of transformation, it is an encouraging contribution of inspiration and motivation in the fiery summertime of August 2024.

Everything revolves around love in my life. I know what it means not to be loved or wanted, especially in this life, and I am delighted to return to my heart.

Yes, I don’t believe that or know how to think I have returned- no, the return to the heart is tangible, measurable, and understandable – not logically from the mind, as we would like it to be, but it corresponds to my individual truth. This realization is not a “maybe it is like that from the mind” but a cellular meltdown of truth from all your being.

However, the path to the heart involved many detours, with many stumbling blocks and rough experiences – from physical injuries that limited me early on in my childhood to obesity, severe daily bullying during puberty, not having a caregiver for a way out, withdrawing from society into gaming and the internet. Many people feel lost today when I look at the constantly growing internet sector.

But at some point, the question arose in me: Is that all there is? Is that all there is to a person’s life? To vegetate? The desire for real life and aliveness grew so much. The suffering and pain were so heavily present that I dared to take the courageous step back into my heart. It was my intuitive and instinctive decision to go into the fire in 2016 without consciously realizing the decision at that time.

“If you want to love and live, you must also be prepared to die.”

This quote carries a risk, and at the same time, it is what I lacked in the first half of my life from puberty onwards (from 8 – 25 years old) – an understanding of the connections for a human life full of vitality and compassion that we, or many of us, do not learn from society. We learn to function as separate beings.

Many of us learn to control, manipulate, and force ourselves and others into something that further dulls us – we suppress our life energy.

It’s fascinating how people and companies are motivated to experiment, research, and develop AI (artificial intelligence) and the technology of the future, and in doing so, are dying off more and more without even realizing it out of fear.

No sensitivity. No patience. There is no natural rhythm. All naturalness is undesirable in a society of performance pressure, punishment, and destructive control procedures.

In the process, we separate ourselves further and further from our inner life and love – I see it everywhere.

We learn to function and conform; thus, we unlearn to feel alive and live – indeed, we unlearn to love.

Young people who ride their bikes hands-free and can even play on their cell phones – are completely turned inward and distracted. When I observed this and so much more… yes, I knew – even though many people say there is a gentle turning to the right direction and the awakening will happen, very few people understand that it is already too late for a “gentle awakening.”

An awakening always comes with a loud bang – the thunder, and as the Gene Keys and Human Design describe – the Great Change will differ from what many wish for. It is already far too late for the gentle collective path of change.

Ultimately, only love will hold us together in such a cosmic event, whatever form it may take. We cannot deny that the earth is shaking more, the sun is more active, and we humans have also gone to war again in Europe, whether we want to hear it or not. It is what it is – the truth that we still like to deny.

The good news is that the collective awakening in the final stage will become a gentleness that humanity has not experienced as a collective for so long – a flow of connectedness and togetherness, just as I am already experiencing in small circles today. But even in these small circles, conflict, turmoil, and discomfort always emerged first.

“To love is to allow.”

To love is to allow means…

… allowing yourself to be yourself (with all your weaknesses and strengths).

… allowing others to be themselves (with all their weaknesses and strengths).

… to allow yourself to live, not just to think or exist as a bookworm without any tangible connection to the world.

… to allow yourself to feel, be present in your body, and act with ease at your own pace.

… to perceive others as they are and not to believe what you think of them. Perhaps because they are old, fragile, or extraordinarily different.

And yes…

Love also means setting yourself apart, saying no to the lifeless and the abstract matrix brain of society that only puts you to sleep and confuses you further.

It is not easy to love and open up – I speak from past experiences, what awaits me in the near future (perhaps even deprivation of freedom in the truest sense of the word), and what awaits us all. I could only transform so much suffering into love myself because I had the right tools, the time, the money, the means, and the courage – to shed my entire old life.

And no, shedding the old life does not mean “throwing it away” or “repressing” it. For me, it was an absolute integration of the old into the new, and still is today. It was simply a new setting of priorities in everyday life. It is being devoted and committed for years, from morning to night, standing in the field of my “small change” in the eye of the Great Change and combining the everyday with the divine – allowing both to play together.

My evolution with the Gene Key 30 predicted precisely that for my life. I am among the first people to surrender into the abyss (30th hexagram in Iching), into the fire of purification. At least if I dare to do so, that explanation is what the Gene Keys describe because it is my evolution, my greatest challenge in life, to transcend the desires of the lower nature and the ego.

And I’m still here, in the middle of the great purge 😀 Who knows how long I can be there and play along? Anyway, I am happy to be able to serve humanity and reveal my love to you – even if people will misunderstand. It’s always like that… that’s the risk of wild love. That’s the danger of my existence and always has been.

Now, in this time of Great Change, it is vital to have fresh experiences that give us strength and stability – that give us great roots.

It is crucial now to slow down and not do everything faster and faster.

How can we perceive each other if we constantly fight like little children? We defend our opinions everywhere, want to be right, and don’t even realize that this separates us from each other.

The larger the group, the worse it gets – because our language doesn’t allow us to have genuine encounters. This clarification of understanding takes a lot of time and patience – and we don’t give ourselves the gift of that much time and patience. We have not aligned our actions, feelings, thoughts, and BEING with this slow art.

The great addiction of individual misapplied language is synonymous with the separation of soul and feeling. Then there are so many languages from so many countries. We can see the state of diplomacy worldwide – conflicts everywhere, in small family contexts and significant national and international contexts.

“The complexity of language represses simplicity – the simplicity of being human.”

Only the language of the heart and love can bring humanity into the new era. Even if we live in this turbulent time of indifference, of abstinence from love – love will reveal itself more and more in people and show itself. The mother earth has been prepared for this moment for thousands of years.

Humanity will realize that true love embraces indifference because love understands it. Only true love understands life; we are part of life, even if we like to withdraw and suppress ourselves – and almost freeze like stone or turn into cold robots.

Yes, suppose you are reading this and now form opinions about it. In that case, it is precisely this cold precision and alienation of the mind that does not want to accompany us to where we so urgently need to go – to the center of our heart, where warmth, love, and understanding prevail, instead of “being right,” “controlling time by force” or “learning things quickly”!

Oh, how hard we are on ourselves. How hard I have been on myself, and I still am today! The only thing that helps me is taking breaks and slowing down in moments like these – it’s healing and balm for my soul. I love the Gene Keys and the Art of Contemplation so much. At least everything slows down a little – even if I want to live more timelessly and free of society’s many “deadlines.”

I am enjoying my journey more and more.

May you also be able to enjoy your journey through life as a human being, no matter how dark the night of your soul is and how heavy and exhausted you feel. May you allow love and light to enter your life so they gently embrace and transform you.

May you even lose your mind in the process so that you truly realize what is essential in your life and what is not.


Dominik Porsche
Dominik Porsche
Hi, nice to see you here. I am Dominik, dad, student, teacher, Gene Keys Guide, consciousness explorer, open-hearted and spiritual inspiration for the people around me. On Beyonduality I accompany you on a joyful and courageous journey to discover your Soul Purpose, your authentic energy expression. The project Beyonduality guides you in integrating and transcending your spirit awakening experiences through the Gene Keys Teachings. My vision as a dad is to accelerate the process of remembering – that we are spiritual beings – not only humans in flesh. So, we remember our inner truth of abundance and can all live in peace and harmony.


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