Gene Key 19 – From Co-Dependence to Sacrifice (19th Gene Key)

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In this Gene Keys article, I share my contemplation of the Gene Key 19.

The 19th Gene Key is about the Siddhi of Sacrifice, the Gift of Sensitivity, and the Shadow of Co-Dependence.

Gene Key 19 Energy Symbol

Our Gene Key 19 energy symbol invites you to profound contemplative work with the Gene Keys. Enjoy it!

Gene Key 19 – Shadow of Co-Dependence

“The Dependence Full of Expectations”

In the 19th Gene Key shadow, we depend on each other in relationships. The act of Co-Dependence creates modest expectations (Shadow – Gene Key 42) about the role of each other. As soon as we have fantasy expectations, we blame one another, and as a result, we further strengthen the shadow state and its manifested elementals.

Elementals are emotion and thought forms that live in another dimension (Astral plane & Mental Plane). Every time we victimize us, we reinforce our victimhood and dependence in society.

We see this shadow worldwide, and at the same time, it is one of the first shadows to vanish into nothingness. We can observe this by the role of man and woman in relationships and growing up children. In the last couple of centuries, this role massively shifted and is further shifting towards male and female independence.

Everything is more holistic from the gift of sensitivity. In the shadow of co-dependence, we act out of addiction to sacrifice our higher purpose for our lower emotional and mental desires.

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Gene Key 19 – Gift of Sensitivity

“Becoming Compassionate about Life”

In the 19th Gene Key, as soon as we are independent, something magical happens. Our sensitivity towards life itself has a rebirth. We can feel the connection to trees, animals, and other human beings more intense. This imagination might be like the sixth sense that is revealed and remembered in our personality. It is the access beyond the five senses and beyond words.

The first time I became consciously more sensitive for my environment was as scary as it was beautiful. The sensitivity of all the five senses increased. My sight increased immensely. After visiting a seminar, I still remember driving home afterward how detailed the mountains were with all their sunshine, trees, and green life. Suddenly, everything had more details. I was wondering what just happened. This event was also the first time I understood that I could change my DNA, thus healing my history.

After this event, I became much more sensitive to my environment. All thoughts, emotions, and body signals became crystal clear, and I had to work through all the activated negative belief patterns.

I soon understood that a lot of thoughts and emotions are not even mine. But subconsciously, I dragged myself down energetically by identifying with others and their victim state.

Waking up is hard because one cannot entirely go to sleep anymore. Increasing the sensitivity of the five senses and awakening senses beyond our common senses is expected, however in a society in which the unknown and uncertainty of life is a danger, it can also be challenging, pulling us back deep into our victimhood. It can also be that we abuse our new abilities for our selfish ego-self, which also pulls us back into the shadow.

For me, increased sensitivity means increased responsibilities for everything in my life. And increased responsibilities can put higher pressure and expectations on you. It is essential to stay connected to our truth and feel the lightness of our being. Then we stop sacrificing selfishly out of fear and manifest out of altruism, the true nature of humanity.

Gene Key 19 – Siddhi of Sacrifice

“The Holy Meltdown into the Heart”

The siddhi state of the 19th Gene Key is a meltdown of the selfish ego-mind construct into our heart. We value our true nature. We sacrifice for a higher purpose, which gives us freedom and peace.

Here we talk about sacrificing out of selflessness instead of selfishness.  This siddhi act is the interconnectedness of all life, in which we feel a higher purpose of fulfilling.

The purpose to selflessly care and help all life on planet earth, no matter how ‘small or big,’ how ‘important or unimportant.’ Where the human mind would rationalize this insane meltdown behavior into the heart – this siddhi is thriving.

It is a devotional act out of compassion. It is the meltdown into our hearts that cannot be rationalized by the mind.

3 Questions for Contemplation

  1. How is it possible for you to free yourself from dependency?
  2. What alternative sensitive pleasures are available to you?
  3. When was the last time you spoke with nature? Dare!

Exclusive Video and Podcast (both unique content)

Thanks so much for reading my 19th Gene Key article!

I am here to inspire you, to look deep within.

Visit for more information on the Gene Keys teachings and in my “Everything you need to know about Gene Keys” article.

You can also listen to Richard Rudd’s contemplation of the Gene Key 19 here.

With Love,

Dominik Porsche

Dominik Porsche
Dominik Porsche
Hi, nice to see you here. I am Dominik, dad, student, teacher, Gene Keys Guide, consciousness explorer, open-hearted and spiritual inspiration for the people around me. On Beyonduality I accompany you on a joyful and courageous journey to discover your Soul Purpose, your authentic energy expression. The project Beyonduality guides you in integrating and transcending your spirit awakening experiences through the Gene Keys Teachings. My vision as a dad is to accelerate the process of remembering – that we are spiritual beings – not only humans in flesh. So, we remember our inner truth of abundance and can all live in peace and harmony.


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