Law of Attraction Revelation, Self-Love & Coronavirus Inspiration

This article is also available in: German

In this article you discover a bigger picture of self-love, a common misinterpretation of the “Law of Attraction” and a Coronavirus Inspiration.

Often, we think of self-love from the perspective of our human mind and mental body. This can create a disconnected world view, leading to the selfish or destructive focus on the physical body and the essential need for survival. We can consider that self-love as a destructive view, because we only care about ourselves. This self-love is pure egoism.

We feel separated from everyone else and desire a connection to a place, person or object.

Are there different levels of self-love? Is there a higher spiritual perspective of self-love?

Naturally, at a certain degree of our consciousness development we access to another aspect of self-love.

This other perspective of self-love is the love to the higher self, which sees a bigger picture of the world and of the cosmos. Here, we are in harmonious relationships and we deeply care about all other human beings too.

Our disconnected world view dissolves into a connected world view in which we see human beings as one big family (humanity).

This is one of the higher spiritual perspectives of self-love.

However, accessing this higher self-love can be still distorted by our emotions, thoughts and negative belief systems, thus it functions with huge limitations.

For example, we may think of humanity as one single organism from the mental realm (thinking) and at the same time on the level of our emotional and physical body, we still do not share this deep truth of unity. We have not fully integrated our higher self into those two lower realms.

Today, we may already act as one organism in our family, in our relationship with partner and close friends. Yet, we do not act as one organism outside of the family, partner and friends’ box.

Coronavirus Inspiration Observation

For humanity the Corona (Covid-19 Challenge) observed from a higher perspective, can be an epiphany for every human being. While being immersed in pausing and stillness at home, more human beings than ever before have the opportunity of a quantum breakthrough.

Most human beings are distracted from their daily 9 to 5 work routine. So, at this moment a lot of individuals are pressured by the divine into thinking differently. For sure some individuals keep holding onto their fear-based reality and negative beliefs. At the same time, a massive awakening is happening.

Coronavirus is a global phenomenon, so we are in fact not separated beings. Otherwise, why would Corona be a global phenomenon? We are in fact indivisible interconnected. This can be a really massive self-realization for most individuals on our planet.

In this period of turbulences, most individuals on earth are on the cross line.

Do I still feed to boogeyman or am I willing to break out of my limited beliefs into an interconnected worldview full of inspiration, compassion and love?

As already stated above, the Coronavirus serves a higher purpose of accelerating our inner work and restructuring our beliefs or conditions that do not serve earth and humanity anymore.

At the same time, it is a clear warning sign that we did not respect nature. We know this as a fact already, unfortunately we still distract this fact away from this “virus”, which in fact tells us:

It is time to act on the restoration of nature.

So, realize this as a chance of awakening, initiation for restoring nature and intense personal growth. I experienced that and it’s worth it. Intensifying your love, compassion and inspiration is always worth it! The results will be clarity, clear feelings, aliveness and ecstatic sensations.

The 3 biggest opportunities right now are discovering your true nature in life, discovering your true purpose in life, and following your heart by serving the whole humanity with your unique abilities.

What blocks your true awakening?

Self-Love and Coronavirus

As already mentioned earlier, today in our world, a lot of human beings have the mental understanding of humanity as one single organism. However, deep grounded fears, which are connected to our beliefs or neural networks (in terms of science) create a chemistry, which is not allowing us to act as one single organism.

This is because of the discrepancy between the understanding of human minds and the programming of sub-consciousness.

Thus, the true wisdom stays inactive or hidden as a potential until enlightenment in every cell of our being is activated.

We want to create a better world, but we don’t act to build it.
We want to be peaceful, but we create more conflicts every day.
We want to be present, but we act from the surface.

Those are very powerful examples, in which ironically we are all stuck in. The more we want something from the human mind’s perspective, the less we seem to create it. It is essential to align our wants with our needs.

Besides air, water, food, shelter and connection, we also need to act from our highest excitement and passion in life.

That we do not act from our highest excitement is happening because we tolerate our mind’s fantasies, without initiating our heart’s ideals into the world. We fear to be different and we fear rejection from others in our society. The result for us is more inner conflicts and less outer activities that truly matter.

For example, is money one aspect of abundance that we are able to attract on earth? If you do not “need” MORE money, but you “want” MORE money you are already in the conflict full of wants and negative expectations.

Forms of abundance can be far more than money. For example, synchronicity and inspiration are two forms of abundance.

This discrepancy exists because we did not do our inner work to the full extent. Our inner work often seems painful and complex and the human mind can’t understand this type of work.

For the human mind and the attached negative belief systems, our inner work seems dangerous and uncertain. This is the reason to prevent us from doing deep inner work, which has to be done by every individual.

Today we still patch everything, instead of discovering the true origins. We distract ourselves from the real work. This is not because we are powerless, this is because we feel and think often from a victim mind’s perspective.

When we were born, we were forgotten to receive something essential. Do you know what is that?

A user manual to easily navigate through life.

So, what are we missing in our cosmic user manual?

Our programming or belief systems are still operating on Windows 2002. From this very old operating system, with affirmations or frequencies, we force ourselves to be in constant higher frequencies. The result is that for a short period of time, we actually operate on a new operating system. Unluckily this system is Windows Vista. And since we all know what happened to Vista, most people return back to Windows 2002, because Vista had a lot of bugs or fails. Nobody liked Vista.

Still today, we are helpless and stuck in our old programming or belief systems. Luckily today, Windows is far beyond Windows Vista and in time, all our human beings will be as well.

The quintessence is that we do not learn from our mistakes in life, because we are misdirected by our human mind.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

– Albert Einstein

So, do you need to further buy in the Windows 2002 and Vista? NO!

It is not logical to do so. This will “kill you” a lot quicker than upgrading your negative beliefs by having the courage, honesty and transparency to follow your natural inherent needs.

The need to remember who you truly are.

The need to remember that you actually never left spirit.

The need to remember that your negative beliefs are not as powerful as you!

Law of Attraction: The Misinterpretation & Revelation

Law of Attraction

What is the quintessence of our current challenge?

It is the misinterpretation of the “Law of Attraction”.

What exactly are we capable of denying? Why don’t we see the truth and the one true tree among the forest?

The Law of Attraction is not about being able to attract our true self through activities like affirmations, meditations or reading books.

We are already our true self that we have only forgotten. We are in a dream in which we have left the spirit even though we have never left the spirit. When we go to sleep, we wake up; and when we wake up in the morning, we fall asleep again.

You may ask…if I am already my true self and I can’t attract this with the law of attraction, why do I still have this feeling of separation? Why do I still feel so bad about myself or others?

This is because we attract what we believe in! We are inside a physical illusion. By updating our current belief systems, in which society told us what we must do and what we must belief in, we can more and more embody our true self.

We have to remember that we are more powerful than our negative belief systems. This is because we have created those negative belief systems to protect ourselves. As soon as we know that we are more powerful than our beliefs, we are able to slowly let go of them.

What is the solution to this misinterpretation of the Law of Attraction?

New innovative approaches that support the truth of the law of attraction and tools to reprogram our sub-conscious beliefs are essential to be discovered.

Those innovative approaches will be connected with joy and playfulness, instead of fear and suffering. Because of those innovative approaches, which help us form new set of beliefs, we take responsibilities for everything in our life.

I am very fortunate that I discovered two innovative approaches (CYP + Gene Keys), which guided me towards my true self. Today I am more loving, caring and peaceful than ever before.

Every person has his or her own access to truth and the most important thing is to look honestly into the mirror and work on the negative faith issues that are hidden deep within us.

So, I am writing this article, because I know that also you and your individual truth is a great service in this world.

Thanks for reading my article about a higher perspective for self-love.

With unconditional love,

Deep Dive into Genius: Radiance Activation Sequence Experience 3/4


This article is also available in: German

With pleasure I am happy to share my insights from my personal Gene Keys Radiance Sphere, which is the 20th Gene Key of Superficiality (Shadow), Self-Assurance (Gift) and Presence (Siddhi).

Should you be familiar with Gene Keys and you are a long-time voyager, my series of articles can empower you and lead you to even deeper insights for your own path to the higher purpose of life.

If you are not familiar with Gene Keys, no worries – it is not as complex as it may look like. You can start with the Part ¼ of the article series here and read my article Gene Keys: My Deep Inner Exploration for You + Amazing Tools, where you are guided into this teaching.

My Personal Diary: Deep Dive into Genius

radiance deep tive into genius

The programming partner of the 20th Gene Key is the 34th Gene Key (Majesty – Strength – Force).

What are programming partners?

Interesting Know-How from the Gene Keys book:

Programming partners are holographically bonded together through opposites – in other words, they are exact opposites. – Richard Rudd

What is important to mention in this context is that it does not matter whether you have my Gene Keys in your hologenetic profile. All of the 64 Gene Keys are deeply embedded into our human nature. The hologenetic profile makes it easier to approach this teaching. At the same time, it is not a measurement for your final destiny. In the first place, the Gene Keys teaching helps to discover our weaknesses and strengths in our daily life, which makes it practical.

The Start into the Sphere of Radiance

The start into the Sphere of Radiance was the third Zoom Call held by Richard Rudd. This time, the live webinar for the Sphere of Radiance had about 700 + voyagers – still a strong commitment from the community. If you have missed reading part 1 and part 2, I highly recommend both of them.

Richard Rudd shared a new way looking at the Sphere of Radiance. From the Sphere of Radiance to the Sphere of Life’s Work is a hidden Pathway of Magic.

Each time a breakthrough happens in the Pathway of the Breakthrough, a hidden mythical bond is formed from the Sphere of Radiance to the Sphere of Life’s work. This Hidden Pathway of Magic directly affects the frequency of the Sphere of Life’s Work.

All your Spheres are interconnected. And also, every single Gene Key is interconnected. Richard Rudd speaks a lot about the theme to not lose yourself in your personal hologenetic profile.

Each Gene Key is in humanities gene pool; therefore, it is in your gene pool.

Still, the hologenetic profile helps massively to guide you in your individual process. For me personally, I see myself a lot in the Gene Keys in my profile, especially while reflecting my past experiences in childhood and puberty. At the same time, I always discover hints of myself in all of the other Gene Keys.

The First Community Call for the Sphere of Radiance

As already mentioned in Part 1, every month besides the Live Call with Richard Rudd is also a week full of Community Calls in which the voyagers share their monthly experience. Again, in the morning, at the day of the Community Call, I had an uncertain feeling. Should I join the community call or not? I wasn’t motivated to join the community call at this day, however I managed to attend the German Community Call on 2. April 2020.

Once again, I remembered about the importance of commitments in life. From overcoming this lack of motivation for this Community Call, I had a very productive day full of devotion.

You may ask yourself:

“Is there an uncertain aspect in life that calls for your guidance?”

My Exploration Through the Siddhi of Presence

My Exploration Through the Siddhi of Presence

As the Sphere of Radiance is about the quality of self-love, I found the connection between self-love and the three states of consciousness, superficiality, self-assurance and presence absolutely fascinating.

While being in a state of superficiality, I completely function from my human mind’s perspective. In this state, I see only what I want to. I stay in a very narrow-minded worldview and fear the uncertainties of life. This is the lower frequency state of my ego.

Every time, I am able to be self-assured in life, my whole being is surrounded by allowing, accepting and embracing everything. The change from the lower frequency (shadow) to the higher frequency (gift) is tremendous. While in the shadow state, everything seems complex and problematic. In the gift state of self-assurance everything is simple and playful. This self-assurance directly is reflected my 30th Gene Keys gifts of lightness (Sphere of Evolution).

In my 4 weeks process of the siddhi of presence, several bigger breakthroughs occurred. I understood that I am very settled in the gift frequency already. At the same time, beings around me were still able to drag me into the shadow frequency of superficiality regularly. And after reading the 20th Gene Key so many times, I had deep respect of the siddhi state of “The Presence”.

In a sense I feared “The Presence” and what it may do to my individuality. At the moment I had this epiphany of fearing the loss of my individuality, I transcended 2-3 very deep rooted ancient beliefs.

Today I am able to observe with clarity, in which state of frequency I am in.

While in the lower frequency of superficiality, this reflection takes some time. In the higher frequencies of self-assurance, the realization is instant. And in “The Presence”, the realization is never-ending.

The Pathway of Core Stability

Radiance The Pathway of Core Stability

In the second week of April, I transitioned in my journey from the Sphere of Radiance to the Pathway of Core Stability, which is the connection between the Sphere of Radiance and the Sphere of Purpose.

Richard Rudd created a meditation for each pathway (Challenge – 1st month, Breakthrough – 2nd month, and Core Stability 3rd month). I attended Richard Rudd’s third guided meditation on 7th April 2020 and I enjoyed the path back into the city and into the world of the mundane! The meditation guided me back into my center. I have to send special credit to Richard Rudd for this series of guided meditations. All of them are magical and so empowering.

After the meditation, I felt peaceful, balanced and ready to initiate my inner reflections into the outer world.

This second week of April was a time of essential importance for my ability to truly reflect the truth.

The Summary of my Sphere of Radiance

Gene Key 20

On the 16th April 2020, the Deep Dive into Genius changed from the Sphere of Radiance to the Sphere of Purpose. After 4 weeks, I was allowing my presence with more lightness and understanding.

I allowed myself to do regular physical movements and with lightness I am regularly working on my knee injury (daily 1-2 hours mobility exercises), which I still carry on from around 10 years ago.

This alone is a big breakthrough, because I always wanted to forget my physical health challenges and while not forgetting them, I forced them away.

Right now, is one of the biggest shifts in my life. The seeds of my inner work, which I implanted 4 years ago, start to truly blossom into the outer world. My higher self is more able to work through me, then ever before. I am super in harmony and in peace with all that is.

Ask yourself honestly the following question.

In which aspect of my life, am I still forcing myself to do something, because it seems required from society?

This forcing yourself truly generates the inner field of superficiality and the superficiality reinforces the field of force. While we are stuck inside those ego structures, we are never able to see the big picture. Therefore, we are never able to blossom our true and unique qualities into this world.

So honestly and with transparency, check which beliefs are holding you back to live you higher purpose.

Thanks for reading my article about Gene Keys.

Part 4/4 will be available within the next 4 weeks, until that time I invite you to write about your experience in the comments below.

What’s your experience with the Activation Sequence and the Radiance?
What’s your experience with the Deep Dive into Genius and Gene Keys?

Feel free to share it in the comments below.

With unconditional love,


Gene Key 22 – Revelations of Grace


This Gene Keys article is also available in: German

This 22nd Gene Key article is inspired by my own suffering through grace and may lead you to a greater understanding about your suffering and how to overcome it. Maybe you discover your own wormhole for a breakthrough through spacetime.

In the next minutes you are going to read this article, with certainty, imagine how you are able to overcome all your suffering and how you are an inspirational guide to free yourself from worn-out beliefs, which gave you, in certain areas in life, a lower quality of life.

Liberation from worn-out beliefs is the goal of this article.

In this article, I intensively implemented my knowledge from Gene Keys, as my experience is highly related to Grace (Siddhi 22nd Gene Key).

Read more about the Gene Keys in my introduction article here. Every time I am relating a word directly to one Gene Key, it looks like “Grace” (Shadow/Gift/Siddhi 1-64th Gene Key). By integrating this wisdom in the whole article, you can observe how I am playing and connecting the dots between different emotional genetic states of humanity.

Tip: This is also an article that is not tangible from the mind. Simply let it resonate and read my words from your heart.

A Short Story: The Helplessness of My Suffering

In our society, it’s easy to misunderstand Grace and Suffering.

For a very long-time, my mind made me believe that it’s a bad idea to turn on my inner light full of hidden experiences because I labelled suffering as bad, evil and dangerous. I listened to whatever reason, which was suitable to keep my individual box of pandora closed.

So, I hided this box in my secure vault.

I repressed the hopelessness. I didn’t feel to think or talk about my suffering. This hopelessness was a state that I was trapped in.

Until my mid-twenties, I had intensive cycles of challenges over a longer period of time. I tended to believe that suffering is all life is about and I was a master to deep dive into suffering.

In a sense, my suffering seemed to be a state that I was supposed to be always victimized (55th – Shadow). I was a true victim.

So, which approach helped me to see the bigger picture?

Two Mechanisms That Numb Us

Reactive and Repressive

Still today, we see two main mechanisms in humanity that numb us and make us forget our deep inner suffering.

The first mechanism is passive / repressive. Here we introvert as human beings with all kinds of behavior up to addiction. On the outside we might catch ourselves consuming massive amounts of food, up to excessive movie marathons. This is an example of how we project our inner life to the outside.

This mechanism is the art of suppression.

The second mechanism is aggressive / reactive. Here we extrovert as human beings with all kinds of behavior up to addiction. On the outside we might catch ourselves investing incredible amounts of time in a selfish (Shadow 27th Gene Key) businesses up to the other extreme of being trapped in a spiritual society that is not beneficial to us and the whole.

This mechanism is the art of aggression.

Over the last couple of years, by observing a lot of my mechanisms playing out in front of my eyes, I noticed how deeply I was embedded in the game of selfish mediocrity (Shadow 8th Gene Key) in my life.

It is a lie if I state that I am fully free of my passive and aggressive mechanisms today, however my attitude towards those mechanisms altered to a gentle approach full of love.

I just discovered that a gentle attitude enables me to see love and beauty in everything.

The gentle attitude is the key to change towards a higher quality of life. And in order for us to see the beauty in everything, we are invited to change our worldview. And in order to change our worldview, we must change our beliefs.

Therefore, we must look inside and not outside.

Then, why don’t we look inside? What are we trapped in?

Interplay of Grace and Transfiguration

The programming partner of the 22nd Gene Key is the 47th Gene Key of the Siddhi Transfiguration. While in the highest state, true miracles and incredible transformations can occur, in the shadow state of oppression, we suppress our suffering further.

In the 22nd Gene Key, the shadow state is dishonor, which clearly displays the dilemma we are all in. The dilemma we are in is dishonored oppression. We do not honor that we feel oppressed.

We truly see the repressive and reactive patterns play out in our current evolutionary stage. We tend to confuse ourselves more than ever before with all kind of distractions (Shadow 56th Gene Key).

We may dishonor our physical body, our emotional or mental body to a certain extent. Yet, eventually we will have the wisdom to act with benevolence or graciousness from our whole being. You could say: gracious mindfulness.

In general, the lower frequencies of dishonor and oppression can be so complicated, that we even project and express a fake happiness in our outer life’s towards others, while in the inside we feel unhappy, in rejection and in a lost state of being.

This projection of our inner unhappiness onto outer happiness is the desire to express authentic happiness. Sadly it’s not the embodiment of authentic happiness. In other words, we have the desire to end our internal state of unhappiness, projecting our conflict out in the world by certain reactive artificial patterns.

By playing the game of numbness and dishonesty (Shadow 59th Gene Key), we hold ourselves back and we may never blossom true beauty (Siddhi 1st Gene Key) and exquisiteness (Siddhi 8th Gene Key) in our world.

Then, what are the essentials to success in our inner work?

3 Great Revelations from Suffering Through Grace

22 Gene Key

What would truly happen, if you have a gentle attitude in your life? The following three concepts show how my suffering positively influenced me and how they might also inspire your life.

1. How Every Shadow Contains a Gift

The first time I heard “Within Every Shadow There Is a Gift”, I had a mental and physical breakthrough.

After over one year of deep contemplation, by pausing over and over again, I discovered a truth for myself and graciousness (Gift 22nd Gene Key) emerged more often into my life.

In one perspective I was a victim and I cursed the feeling of separation from everything that exists and from the other perspective I was free, and I was gentle and grateful for the wholeness within everything that exists.

Both perspectives enabled me to evolve out of my deep-rooted fears by merging my divinity and humanity.

It’s a path of incarnated wholeness in action by embracing humanity at its fullest and embracing wholeness at its fullest.

To access my higher potential, I gave up fighting with my fears. I experienced that the seeds of my biggest potential were hidden within my vast fears.

So, embrace everything as it is and always remember that you are far more multidimensional than just a body with a given name at birth.

2. Be Grateful to Your Dark Night of the Soul

We all still tend to think, feel and live dualistic and non-multidimensional. When the time arises in which we recover from the dark night of our soul, we are not able to live dualistic for a very long period of time anymore.

One of the deep desires is the desire to end our own turbulences (Shadow 36. Gene Key). We often force us out of our turbulences by distracting ourselves, which in the end created more turbulences till exhaustion (Shadow 40th Gene Key).

While we observe this from a higher standpoint – turbulences are one of the most misunderstood shadow states. Because of turbulences we are truly able to feel connected to other humans because we all have turbulences.

Out of these turbulences, compassion emerges. We shouldn’t think of compassion correlated with sympathy. Sympathy is courtesy on the surface and compassion is deep understanding, because you are able to perfectly understand any other life form from the inside out.

Ultimately through universal love (Siddhi 25th Gene Key) we are all connected; however, turbulences are practical to the suffering of humanity, which everyone can relate to.

Probably there is no human being that has no turbulences in life. Alone by this undeniable fact we are all unified.

In fact, by suffering from turbulences we have deep genetic roots, which we all share. The gift of humanity is born out of those turbulences, while engaged gently. We begin to observe ourselves in many other human beings, which gives us a sense of altruism (Gift 27th Gene Key) and empathy (Siddhi 13rd Gene Key).

In the essence it is all about compassion (Siddhi 36th Gene Key), the underlying ability of all abilities. Compassion combines the love to see ourselves in everything else with the ability to be guided and guide others by nature.

So, surrender to what can’t be changed.

We incarnated as a human body to evolve and experience the joy and love of being a human being.

Don’t give in to fear, stay calm and observe all your struggles with a clear distance full of peace (Siddhi 6. Gene Key).

3. Grace – The Sacred Divine Gift

Whenever Grace spontaneously visits us, our whole being is emanated by pure divine love. By courageously embracing our own fears and accepting our whole being, grace inevitably visits us from time to time. Grace has its own timing. Grace can neither be forced and manifested by will, nor scientifically discovered and used.

For me grace is the sacred divine gift of love that always surpasses all expectations. The ultimate desire (Shadow 30th Gene Key) or fear might be to experience Grace itself.

Accept your longings and desires. Don’t challenge them, because you can’t win.

Surrender to your longings and desires in a gentle and lovely approach and they will surrender to you.

Should you be deeply aware and resonate strongly for this truth, I heartily recommend the article Conclusions for the Seven Sacred Seals by Gene Keys and Gene Keys material of “The Seven Sacred Seals”.

Sending you love and light!

Are you interested in reads similar to this article in the future?
Let me know in the comments below.

What was your experiences with Grace so far?
Feel free to comment below.

With unconditional love,


Compassion – A Wormhole to Your Heart (Listening from Heart)


This article is also available in: German

This article is supposed to guide you into your compassionate inner heart by letting go of all your entangled limitations, finally, resulting in the ascension of true human love. Then a peaceful state of unity full of joy and understanding envelops you.

The foundation of this article is a part of my own contemplation and inspiration from the Gene Keys System. About Gene Keys, I wrote an “All You Need to Know” article. You’re welcome to read it here.

Compassion – How to Unlock the Wormhole to the Heart 

How to Unlock the Wormhole to the Heart

Compassion and turbulences are more intimate in our life than we would like to admit.

The turbulences in our life are manifold. Whenever we can’t accept and can’t love our distractions and desires, an entanglement of a lower frequency happens, resulting in a narrow-minded view of the world, which seems to be overwhelming us.

In this case of turbulences, how do we access this wormhole to the inner heart?

To gain access to this wormhole, we must first understand that the quality of our compassion is not something we can achieve, but a quality we need to earn. Therefore, the wormhole’s access to the heart is also reflected by our life experiences.

Through wisdom we begin to understand a bigger picture of the heart, the mind and the will from the divine.

Honestly answer the following three questions with an instant and intuitive “Yes” or “No”.

  • Am I ready to allow, accept and embrace all of my deepest fears?
  • Am I ready to go beyond my fearful path and enter a new path which leads to massive uncertainties?
  • Did I truly experience what had to be experienced to embody the quality of true compassion? 

We are on the path where more and more people can intuitively and honestly answer 2 or in rare cases even 3 times those questions with a “Yes”.

Compassion beyond our fears is not only to be earned on the level of thoughts, emotions or on the higher dimensions of consciousness. Compassion beyond our fears is mainly to be harvested deep down in our physical body, in the darkest memories of our cells.

The wormhole to the inner heart is suffering.

Suffering is the raw carbon minerals, and compassion is the diamond formed from those elements.

The Longing for the End of All Suffering

We can’t go beyond our fearful path while still fighting with our deepest desires. One root desire of humanity is to end all suffering. As long as we pursue such an unreal goal to end all suffering, we attract more lower frequencies and turbulences in our life.

It is one of the great paradoxes that how to allow, accept and embrace our deepest fears and transcend them beyond our current state of evolution.

When we dare to see the beauty in all suffering, true compassion ascends.

How Compassion Guides Us Beyond Suffering and Fear

How Compassion Guides Us Beyond Suffering and Fear

Compassion is one of the essential qualities, which is an embodiment to listen from our hearts. True compassion neither listens to judgement nor compares suffering. True listening accepts and embraces everything.

Compassion knows that everything we detect in another human being is also a part within us, therefore judgment and comparison are obsolete, because the mind tries to distract us from our fears, often with success.

Relationships and Compassion 

All kind of relationships are an essential part of compassion. These relationships can be with another individual, a whole society, the earth, the sun or humanity. Depending on the level of creating pauses and listening into all relationships, our relationships are either full of turbulences and conflicts or full of compassion and peace.

Each relationship is a rich enhancement of the raw carbon minerals, and we should never run away from them. Because soon enough the gems are ripe and ready for harvest.

Would you ever run away from a raw diamond gem, that you just about to cut?

The Inevitable Vulnerability of Compassion

The Inevitable Vulnerability of Compassion

When we truly listen to ourselves and other human beings, we open our hearts, which leads to the deepest vulnerability. Because of this immense vulnerability of our individual borders, we often shut down our hearts to protect our beliefs again.

From early childhood, we may have protected our heart, because in our childhood complex genetic codes far beyond our current understanding of science were triggered. Those genetic triggers served the understanding of being a human on earth and interacting with everyone else.

Later in life, protecting our heart most likely closes the heart, experienced as restraining of our breath into the belly, following a half-hearted life. In this state of contraction, true listening is cut off, because we only listen to our own fears, thus projecting those fears onto another human.

All the protection and oppression formed our reactive and repressive behaviors in which we learned to close our heart to protect us even more. As a result, we have attracted even more of these protective mechanisms.

A reactive behavior could be the projection of a fear onto another human being. A repressive behavior could be the internalization of a fear by repressing the state within us.

Even if our hearts stay closed for a very long time, fortunately, our desire to end all suffering at one point in our evolution inevitable cracks our hearts wide open again.

When the opening of our heart occurs again, we have the sacred opportunity to heal our past wounds. While we start to heal our sacred wounds, the first time in our evolution we experience a sparkling of compassion.

A great paradox ascends in which our vulnerability makes us invulnerable. 

The Revelation of Compassion

An unknown feeling and sensation of true compassion may be experiences only for seconds, however this first experience shatters us open into the raptured unity of humanity.

However, the portal to true compassion may be artificially closed by human will and force again, leading to all kind of emotional turbulences.

We can also identify ourselves by believing that compassion means having pity. In this case, we usually unconsciously lower our frequency to the person we want to sympathize with, which is a fatal misinterpretation.

Once we act from the shadow plane, we are no help to the person we are talking to, because we have no distance to give solution-oriented perspectives with clarity.

Thus, we only intensify suffering and enter into strong turbulences, although we wanted to catapult our communication partner with ease into the neutral observation plane for reflection, if that is what he needs. This is one of the greatest paradoxes and at the same time a great gift.

Every time we lower our frequency and approach a low shadow/suffering frequency, we have the choice to either suffer with people or to radiate true compassion from a higher frequency and minimize the suffering of the person by accompanying them to a neutral plane from which they can reflect themselves. This is the essence and purpose of compassion.

Anyway, at some point of our evolution we begin to feed our uncertain feeling and sensation from a higher frequency of collective compassion more often, until we naturally embody an open heart.

This could be like a learning and listening from failure until our mind has the revelation that the heart needs to be the authority and our ego identity accepted and loved the submission to the heart.

We begin to notice that to live with an open heart is not the end, but the beginning of a life full of joy and ecstasies.

Over a long period in our life, we realize that to feed our inner light by listening from heart, no fears are able to shake our foundation anymore. That is because…

Compassion is embodied humanity, which flows directly from the inner heart.

Grace and Compassion

Grace and Compassion

Inner and outer conflicts are never able to touch the fragrance of true compassion. In those times of conflict, we are in our own fearful prison and beyond this prison, we can’t see, feel, sense and listen anything else.

Only when we start living by allowing, accepting and embracing our deepest inner and outer conflicts we start to be compassionate.

In this context of conflicts, an often-misunderstood concept of compassion is the way we solve problems. We tend to distract ourselves from our true inner conflicts, by projecting problems from inside onto others in the outer world.

Those handful invisible distractions can only be understood in an honest approach by each individual. Often, distractions make us feel proud, valuable and popular in society. We may even feel and believe that we are a great asset for humanity and the earth.

But when grace shows us our true hidden motives full of superficiality, we begin to realize our own selfish acts, which only leads to a different kind of fearful life.

While such a graceful experience is embraced honestly, it leads to a massive breakthrough. Then everything changes for us and we begin to live in the present moment more often.

Grace is a force from ‘all that is’ that only visits us when we are ready, and certain trials have been successfully accomplished.

We remember that there is nothing in existence that we have to run away from. Everything, from good to evil is embraced gently. Everything, from duality and non-duality is embraced gently.

For the first time, we truly see life on a neutral space where we can freely decide what we want to experience. Because between good and evil or duality and non-duality there is always a balance or neutrality. This is our one point or the center.

Grace has to be utterly surrendered to. There is no technique or method for grace to visit us. Only when we feel helpless and we finally stop the pursue to end all suffering, our suffering slowly subsides.

To surrender as a human to everything that is, is like a shapeshift from a caterpillar to a butterfly.

The Future of Humanity 

The Future of Humanity

Today we live in a time of a great shapeshift from human beings to humanity. Like the path from a caterpillar to a butterfly is magical, the path from humans to humanity is also magical.

For a long time, the base of our collective society and our individual achievement was built up on conflict and separation.

Compassion and grace are ready for our collective society based upon peace and unity. Love is ready for our individual achievement based upon peace and unity.

Evolution entangled by the involutionary force of grace can’t be stopped, because the involutionary force of nature can’t be stopped by humanity.

Compassion and love can’t be stopped, because the consciousness of the earth is compassion and love at its core.

Compassion never excludes anything; it only includes an infinite amount of gentle possibilities full of love and forgiveness.

In reality of our nature, every single cell in our body is compassionate and full of love.

May we remember this deep inner truth. May we allow grace to visit and humanity to be experienced at this moment.

With unconditional love,


Deep Dive into Genius: My Evolution Activation Sequence Experience 2/4


This article is also available in: German

With pleasure I am happy to share my insights from my personal Gene Keys Evolution Sphere, which is the 30. Gene Key of Desire (Shadow), Lightness (Gift) and Rapture (Siddhi).

Should you be familiar with Gene Keys and you are a long-time voyager, my series of articles can empower you and lead you to even deeper insights for your own path to the higher purpose of life.

If you are not familiar with Gene Keys, no worries – it is not as complex as it may look like. You can start with the Part ¼ of the article series here and read my article Gene Keys: My Deep Inner Exploration for You + Amazing Tools, where you are guided into this teaching.

My Personal Diary: Deep Dive into Genius

Evolution Sphere Deep Dive

The programming partner of the 30 Gene Key is the 29 Gene Key (Devotion – Commitment – Half-Heartedness).

What are programming partners?

Interesting Know-How from the Gene Keys book: Programming partners are holographically bonded together through opposites – in other words, they are exact opposites.

So, the two Programming Partners reinforce each other very strongly. Take the two Gene Keys 29 and 30 as an example. Half-heartedness (shadow of Gene Key 29) leads to more desires (shadow of Gene Key 30) and vice versa; commitment (gift of Gene Key 29) reinforces lightness (gift of Gene Key 30) and vice versa; devotion (siddhi of Gene Key 29) reinforces rapture (siddhi of Gene Key 29) and rapture reinforces devotion.

The difference at the siddhic level that the mind can’t capture is that both Siddhis melt together and form an unity.

What important to mention in this context is that it does not matter whether you have my Gene Keys in your hologenetic profile or not. All of the 64 Gene Keys are deeply embedded in our human nature. The hologenetic profile makes it easier to approach this teaching. At the same time, it is not a measurement for your final destiny. In the first place, the Gene Keys teaching helps to discover our weaknesses and strengths in our daily life, which makes it super practical.

The Start into the Sphere of Evolution

The start of the Sphere of Evolution was the second Zoom Call held by Richard Rudd. Instead of 1100 voyagers, this time the live webinar for the Sphere of Evolution had about 700+ voyagers – still a strong commitment from the community. If you have missed reading part 1 for the first Zoom Call from Richard Rudd, I highly recommend you to visit it here.

Richard Rudd shared with all of us a deep but simplified understanding of life: “If you do it, you get it! If you don’t do it, you don’t get it!”

We have to act. We have to initiate.

I am happy that I act, and I am fully committed to my journey.

What things are you supposed to do but you don’t do?

The First Community Call for the Sphere of Evolution

As already mentioned in Part 1, besides the Live Call with Richard Rudd, every month there is also a week full of Community Calls in which the attendances share their monthly experience. In the morning on the day of the Community Call, I had an uncertain feeling. Should I join the community call or not? I wasn’t motivated to attend the English community call, however I managed to attend the German one on 5. March 2020.

Once again, I remembered and practiced the importance of commitments in life.

I committed myself to dive deeper into the Gene Keys with a group of people. I was happy and felt great. The Community Call helped me immensely to understand the distractions and desires that I often force myself into. At the same time, I learned a lot from the other attendees and their storyline in the hologenetic profiles.

In this Community Call, I observed a big change in my storytelling experience. Most times I felt like in a rush to tell a story when I was with family and friends and pausing did not work out easily in my daily life.

Just before the Community Call, I received this “rush” insight that somehow I always had this urge and desire to tell my story as quickly as possible.

So, I immensely slowed down in my talk and I was not in a hurry to tell the story of my Sphere of Evolution. I consciously created more pauses.

This community call helped me to tell my stories calmer and with pauses, without a rush feeling.

Overall, a pure lightness (30 – Gift) settled in my whole being.

After the community call, I had a clear and structured feeling deep in my physical body. For quite some time, no thoughts appeared in my mind and I was in a never-ending state of peace.

“Where are you supposed to be truly committed at the moment?”

My Exploration Through the Siddhi of Rapture

Through the Siddhi of Rapture

The Siddhi of Rapture is an ecstatic state full of wonder. This rapture is the blossom from our deep desires. What did I learn about my desires?

I observed that whenever a desire visited me, I was able to feel a lightness to allow, accept and embrace those desires in smaller dosages.

At the same time, I was able to forgive myself whenever a desire, in my case for example – unhealthy food addiction visited me for a longer time and resulted in overweight because of the higher dosages.

Because of this, everything changed and small dosages are the norm today, without feeling the pressure to let myself fully go in my old food behavior.

Desires are really a very special life topic for me, and I begin to love them more often. Today, I am grateful for my desires because they revealed my biggest imbalances. They also revealed my mistrust and self-doubt. Only because of my desires, today I have a greater understanding of my whole being.

In the TV Show Lucifer, the incarnated devil often asks with charm:

What do you truly desire? 

This is absolutely fitting for our deeper transparency and revelations in our life. Because often we conditioned ourselves to neglect or suppress our guilty desires, which in fact create more of those exact desires on the surface.

Divine Rapture

Later in the Sphere of Evolution period after flying back to Cyprus, I also allowed myself to drink a Cypriot glass of red wine, which I enjoyed from a higher level of consciousness. Even one micro sip of red wine ended in absolute ecstasy.

This exact sensation while drinking the red wine is unbelievably hard to put into words. It was like an experience of rapture, similar to a lightning strike from another dimension into the physical form.

I was not tempted for higher dosages of wine, because that would have massively decreased my level of consciousness.

I never experienced this deep sensational prosperity in this lifetime before. Also, fresh local olives had a similar effect of rapture on me.

The Pathway of Breakthrough  

The Pathway of Breakthrough

In the second week of March, I transitioned in my journey from the Sphere of Evolution to the Pathway of Breakthrough, which is the connection between the Sphere of Evolution and the Sphere of Radiance. 

Richard Rudd created a meditation for each pathway (Challenge – 1st month, Breakthrough – 2nd month, and Core Stability 3rd month). I attended Richard Rudd’s second guided meditation on 09. March 2020 and I really loved how the meditation was built up! The meditation guided me right into the depth of my inner being in a poetic and artful way.

After the meditation, I felt empowered and I was grateful for my deep inner journey so far, which led me to a light sensation full of rapture.

This second week of March was also the time that more turbulences appeared worldwide. I meditated regularly again, which helped me to find a calm spot / the zero point within the storm.

The Summary of My Sphere of Evolution 

My Sphere of Evolution

On the 16. March 2020, the Deep Dive into Genius changed from the Sphere of Evolution to the Sphere of Radiance. After 4 weeks, I was able to accept my personal great challenge of Desire with more lightness and understanding.

Deep down in all of our hearts, we know which desires help and which desires do not help in the long run. We all have desires as human beings, there are no exceptions. We all have to ask ourselves the following question.

From which attitude, physically, emotionally and mentally are you allowing your deepest desires?

I am grateful to be more and more stable with my deep desires from life and whenever in the past I crossed the border to higher dosages, I absolutely forgave myself and embraced those deep desires up to this moment.

It is not true, that I am a forgiving character in the sense of allowing everything. I am a forgiving character in the sense that I found everlasting peace in myself.

Now it is time for me to guide others to this everlasting peace.

More and more, I begin to ask myself the following question.

Does this desire block or empower my service for all that is right now? (all that is includes everything – even the nothingness is included)

From this last important question, I send love and light to you from Cyprus.

Thanks for reading my article about Gene Keys.

I recommend reading my second part: 3/4 Part of the DEEP Dive into Genius (Radiance & Stability)

What’s your experience with the Activation Sequence and the Evolution?
What’s your experience with the Deep Dive into Genius and Gene Keys?

Feel free to share it in the comments below.

With unconditional love,


Learn How to Meditate: In 5 Effortless Phases (Guide for Beginners)


This article is also available in: German

If you want to learn to meditate effortlessly and systematically, you are at the right place!

As this is a very multifaceted topic, the learn of meditation can seem complex. However, in reality, it is playful and easy.

It is exactly this inspiration and lightness that I would like to share with you in this guide.

Table of Contents:

1. What Are Meditations?
2. Do You Also Have “No” Time for Meditation?
3. Why to Meditate: The 9 Greatest Benefits of Meditation
4. Learning Meditation: In 5 Effortless Phases
– Phase 1: Intension, Motive and Expectations
– Phase 2: Location & Time
– Phase 3: Sitting Position, Posture & Body Relaxation
– Phase 4: Thoughts, Emotions & Feelings
– Phase 5: Grounding & Pausing
5. 3 Critical Mistakes in Meditation That You Should Avoid
6. 7 Frequently Asked Questions While Meditating
– I Can’t Stop My Thoughts, What Should I Do?
– What Is the Best Time to Meditate?
– How Long and How Often Should I Meditate?
– What Else Can Meditation Be Used For?
– Is It Possible to Meditate During Illness?
– How Do I Get Rid of Negative Thoughts?
– Should I Close My Eyes or Leave Them Open?
7. The Start in Your Meditation Practice

1. What Are Meditations?

Meditations are a means of observing and accepting thoughts, feelings and sensations thereby achieving deep relaxed states so that body, mind and soul are in balance.

One of the basic ideas is to have clarity in our present world by observing our true nature. This presence includes all incoming and outgoing daily thoughts.

Is the point therefore to have no thoughts?

No, it’s not about stopping the spirit and not having thoughts, it’s about observing the spirit and accepting the thoughts, letting them come and go. This makes us more self-confident; we love ourselves and are at peace with ourselves.

This is also about getting clarity and understanding in our thought world, which means being more physically and emotionally stable.

Meditation has been proven to increase our patience, joy, peace and freedom over the mind, which benefits us in every aspect of our daily lives.

2. Do You Have “No” Time for Meditation?

Does the excuse “I have no time for meditation” work?

There are many types of meditations.

These begin with a few conscious breaths and go all the way to guided meditations of a few minutes to several hours.

If an active meditation starts with just a few conscious breaths and we inhale and exhale tens of thousands of times a day anyway, the “I don’t have time for meditations” is an excuse for not wanting to deal with yourself.

So be courageous and start small. It is definitely not necessary to immediately learn how to meditate actively for 1-2 hours a day.

It is better to start with 5-10 minutes after waking up and before falling asleep and take 1-2 phases in the middle of your everyday life when you feel stressful. Place a few conscious breaths there for yourself, without great expectations of yourself, until you establish a firm habit. Do not force yourself to reach a certain number of minutes per day. Practice what feels natural.

In theory, that is all you need to know for meditation and the following sections of this article are individual improvements. How to meditate is something we find out for ourselves by actively learning how to meditate best.

3. Why to Meditate: The 9 Greatest Benefits of Meditation

Benefits of Meditation
Copyright – Ronny Barthel

1. Reduce Negative Stress More Quickly

One of the first observations that people make when regularly practicing meditation is that they are relieved of stress.

In today’s fast-paced world, meditations not only relieve stress on our physical body, which is often under stress all day long, but also on our emotions and thoughts. This is due to our holding and conscious pauses, which makes our cells more resistant to stress. As a result, we radiate true self-love, self-confidence and self-awareness.

2. You Are the Master of Your Thoughts

We all know the feeling when we go to bed in the evening after an overstrained working day and our thoughts automatically continue to run. Our thoughts just don’t switch off and in the morning of the next day, headaches with full of thoughts appear immediately.

We often ask ourselves the following: How long must I work today?

We also often make statements like: I don’t feel like working today.

If we are 100% honest and transparent with ourselves, we may realize that over 90% of the thoughts that rush into us every day do not lead us to a more joyful and relaxed life.

Most people today have no real communication and no understanding of their thoughts. For us, thoughts just come and go, and we feel that we can’t actively control the nature of our thoughts. Meditations are a wonderful means for the way we deal with our thoughts.

Through various types of meditation, we train new habit patterns that gradually connect our brain with the rest of our system, such as our solar plexus.

3. Your Mindfulness Increases in Everyday Life

If you have been meditating for a while, you will find that you are much more attentive in everyday life. Because you radiate less negative stress and your world of thoughts is lighter, you recognize and observe the world with new eyes. We enter a world of conscious meditation with full of mindfulness.

If we let this process to more mindfulness develop naturally, it is always effortless and loving.

4. Remain Calm in Hectic Situations

We live in a hectic digital world in which everything has to run fast. If you are familiar with meditation here, you will be able to stay calm and confident even in the most hectic everyday situations. Through your increased awareness, you will notice more and more often in these fast-paced moments how irrelevant this hectic pace really is. In these new moments you breathe in and out consciously and remain strengthened in your center.

5. Clarity in Everyday Life in Decision-Making

Meditations help you to release the pressure of having to make the right decision. The more actively and deeply you learn to meditate, the more consciously you approach your true being. The closer you are conscious of your true being, the easier you can make clear decisions in everyday life.

With serious decisions, which give your whole life a new direction, you may also realize that there is no right or wrong.

As long as you make the decision from your heart, your whole being will be in harmony with you and you will feel an inner peace and relaxation. Here, meditations support you from the inside out, from the heart into the world.

6. Activate Your Higher Consciousness

After you come closer to your inner truth through meditation and you radiate true self-love, a different kind of radiation slowly begins to spread from your core of being.

You become aware of connections that have been hidden from you until now and you realize why you are here on earth. The more relaxed and deeper you meditate, without a concrete goal, simply with the intention of getting to know yourself better, the more often a miracle occurs. Meditations are especially well suited to activate the access to the higher consciousness.

If meditations are difficult for you personally, it could be because that you still have too many beliefs activated, which shield you from your inner world. Here would be my approach to filter out the origin of these beliefs before I initiate deeper meditations.

If we still fight too much with ourselves, we quickly lose the desire for the beauty of meditation.

My tip: In this case, start with a few seconds at a time by actively observing your breath, instead of trying longer meditations.

7. Heart and Mind Work Efficiently Together

As soon as heart and mind work in symbiosis with each other, we get a different relationship to our mind. We deal gently with our mind and do not judge it further. True intelligence is the symbiosis of heart and mind. Meditations bring insights into how we unfold freely through pausing and patience.

Renunciations and limitations are often associated with impatience. Through meditation we learn a patient and loving approach.

8. Intuitive Impulses for Your Work Area

After the heart and mind cooperate lovingly, you will often receive intuitive impulses as to which procedures are appropriate for you today in the most diverse situations. Often this approach can even seem paradoxical and unusual to you. However, it is exactly those paradoxical and unusual wormholes that allow us to solve real challenges in our lives.

As soon as we have rooted meditation daily on an unconscious level in our everyday life, we automatically pause more often, and everything then seems simple to us.

9. Deeper Insights into Your Uniqueness

The meditation benefits here are less for the head and much more for the heart, which brings you closer to your true being.

Deeper insights into your uniqueness are able to turn your whole world view upside down. You suddenly understand on a deep level that a part of yourself has remained unconscious.

This was the case for me, after I realized that I had developed a genius for music, although I could never imagine composing my own pieces in my previous life, while I always loved music.

The starting point for me was to create my own guided meditations and certain humming sequences. There is still much to come, and I take my time patiently and continue to cultivate my unique ability.

Deeper insights are basically real breakthroughs for you, which inspire you deeply. These are insights that may only be meant for you, without being materialized by anyone outside of you. Likewise, all your cells could be excited to share these breakthroughs with the world and create true outer beauty.

During the following 5 effortless phases I will explore with you how you learn to meditate.

4. Learning Meditation: In 5 Effortless Phases

Copyright – Ronny Barthel

Different from many other approaches for learning meditations, I have thought about how I can inspire you in a different way in the form of 5 effortless phases.

This is my complete experience with over 5 years of intensive practice.

Phase 1: Intension, Motive and Expectation

The first step for meditation is preparation. There are two different types of preparation for meditation. One is for workshops or seminars that take place in a group and the other is meditation alone at home.

Always ask yourself the following:

– What is my motive for this meditation or workshop?
– Which intention do I have for this meditation?
– Do I unconsciously have a blocking expectation for this meditation?

If you have a clear motive, a pure and loving intention and no concrete expectations, you maximally increase the chance for deep meditation experiences that inspire and balance you.

In general, it is important to find and embody your own rhythm and to start with a simple and clear intention.

A clear and open-hearted intention is one of the great secrets for successful meditation.

Phase 2: Location & Time

Just before you enter into a meditation, choose a location that reflects your intention. Normally people do meditations in quiet places. However, you can freely use your imagination here.

Theoretically, you could even do meditations in a supermarket. You go there just to meditate, load your shopping cart up to the top, knowing that you won’t buy anything. You use all your time in the supermarket to meditate.

This could help you to stay calm in hectic environments.

It is also important that you choose the ideal time. Mornings to start the day in the best possible way or evenings to end the day are two popular times to learn meditation.

Choosing the ideal place and time for meditation is an underestimated art in itself that few people master.

Phase 3: Sitting Position, Posture & Body Relaxation

Sitting Position

Depending on the intention, everything is possible from sitting on a meditation pillow, on a comfortable chair, lying on the bed, standing in nature or walking.

The best-known position is sitting as shown in the picture.

Just make sure that you feel comfortable during the performance.


The most important posture often seems to be the straight back and spine, so that the energy inside can flow ideally. I agree with this almost 100%. However, there are also people who do not benefit from this. The reasons are as diverse as the universe itself. The most important thing is that you make yourself comfortable when you meditate. There is definitely no need to search for the perfect posture here.

Body Relaxation

At the beginning of a meditation, no matter if you guide yourself or join a guided meditation, there is usually a phase of body relaxation.

Here you let your body glide in peace. You could intuitively suggest to yourself how your shoulders relax, how your scalp, lips and eyes relax. Then your feet, lower legs and thighs relax. Finally, the stomach and the whole back will relax.

This alone is an intense meditative experience for most people. We don’t need expectations here either.

However, you will find that it is incredibly unfamiliar to us to be deeply relaxed in the middle of the day or throughout the day, compared with the time directly after waking up or directly before falling asleep. The sensation you have in those few seconds before sleeping and after waking up is like being half awake and half in your dream world. In this phase your body is still very relaxed, and you just start to feel the body again.

Most people simply think it is impossible to be in such a relaxation state, permanently.

Meditation is inevitable the death of our ego, because we let go of our physical body while meditating deeply.

Phase 4: Thoughts, Feelings & Emotions

After the body is relaxed in meditation, there is often the relaxation of thoughts, feelings and emotions. Here you can guide yourself how the thoughts come to you and how you let them go gently.

In this phase of meditation, different intentions often come into play. That is why it is so important to know the motive and the intention before practicing meditation.

Otherwise, you open an infinitely large wardrobe with clothes that you have never worn before and that you don’t remember anymore.

This makes the practice of the meditation a pure coincidence.

What probably happens most often is that at some point in meditation you fall asleep, because you have no intention of staying awake during the whole phase.

Through your habit you have created the self-evidence for yourself that from a certain degree of relaxation you will fall asleep and this happens without you being able to actively control it.

Within the 4th phase, guided meditations could also help you better understand your feelings and thoughts or let go of them.

At the end of meditations, there is usually a phase of awakening and coming back into the physical place. For example, you slowly move your fingers and the tips of your feet and breathe deeply into your lower belly and out again.

Here you are also encouraged to set intentions for the rest of your day.

In the 4th phase of meditation there are only the limits that we put on ourselves. I encourage you to think in possibilities.

Phase 5: Grounding & Pausing

After the meditation I allow myself a short period of rest in which I ground myself and I can simply be present without having to achieve or do anything.

But this is not always successful, especially during hectic days with many to-dos, I return directly to work after a meditation. Often meditations also help me to find the missing pieces of the puzzle that have blocked me and that have put me under pressure. Basically, this is how I make my biggest breakthroughs for my daily work.

So, if you are inspired after a meditation, initiate your inspirations into reality immediately so that they can be realized and manifested. This is the only times, I am skipping phase 5 after the meditation.

After the meditation is before the meditation

5. 3 Critical Mistakes in Meditation That You Should Avoid

how to meditate

Mistake #1: You Are Too Impatient

You want to move forward faster than the process allows. I discovered that this impatience is the biggest obstacle for meditations. Only those who meditate patiently will be able to let go of all thought processes and thus enjoy an optimal experience.

Mistake #2: You Have No Clear Intention

Having no clear intention opens an infinitely large wardrobe for you, you will no longer know why you are doing the meditation. I have gotten into the habit of always starting my meditation practice with a basic intention.

For me clear intentions could be physical relaxation, pausing and transforming. Physical relaxation helps me to relieve tensions that have built up in my body due to a stressful daily life. Pausing helps me to release and understand intellectual thinking. And transforming helps me to uncover the emotional beliefs in order to understand them more profoundly.

Another intention could be adventures, like out-of-body experiences or other explorations of the inner world. Often, I also combine the three different aspects, physical relaxation, pausing and transforming with each other in one meditation. As a beginner, I definitely recommend you focus on one simple sphere.

Mistake #3: Stop an Active Meditation in the Middle

Never stop an active meditation in the middle. This has become an absolute motto for me. I practiced some meditations where I had a greater transformation mentally and physically. However, I trusted my true nature, successfully completed the meditation and was quite proud and happy to have done it to the end. I see over and over again how people use very deep meditations recklessly or half-heartedly. This severely complicates your own process and you will never get to the depth you want.

I also have exceptions. Sometimes, I receive very important insights during a meditation, I then record them directly and thus interrupt the meditation. Otherwise, I could forget such spontaneous inspirations after the meditation, which leads to anger and frustration afterwards.

6. 7 Frequently Asked Questions While Meditating

learn meditate

#1: I Can’t Stop My Thoughts, What Should I Do?

As I have already mentioned at the beginning of the article, meditation is not about stopping thoughts, but about consciously perceiving them and letting them move on. The more we allow, accept and embrace our thoughts, the less thoughts that disturb us are present.

#2: What Is the Best Time to Meditate?

In the morning right after waking up or in the evening before going to sleep, you will probably find it the easiest time to get into the meditative depth, because you are either entering a sleeping phase in the evening or you are coming out of a sleeping phase in the morning. During pauses at work and in everyday life in general, meditation phases are always recommended, so that you are more aware of your thoughts, emotions, sensations and you are able to do an inner pause. However, meditations are super flexible and during the daytime, there are no limitations.

#3: How Long and How Often Should I Meditate?

This depends on your intention and can vary from a few seconds to a few hours. In the morning, it is recommended to do a shorter meditation and in the evening before going to sleep, it is recommended to do longer meditations. If you use meditations to help you fall asleep, they are usually longer. It is all a question of intention.

#4: What Else Can Meditation Be Used For?

Meditating for healing headaches, meditating for recovering from colds, meditating at work against stress, meditating for world peace, meditating for accepting negative thoughts, meditating for achieving emotional stability, meditating for grounding and physical stability, meditating for getting out-of-body experiences, to name a few.

#5: Is It Possible to Meditate During Illness?

My personal experiences suggest that meditation when we get cold or even fever leads to much faster recovery, if we are able to accept our fears in a meditative state in love. In addition, it is recommended to use healing frequencies during the meditation. These are additional aids or boosters for our recovery, but they do not replace a medical treatment from an expert at any time.

#6: How Do I Get Rid of Negative Thoughts?

By treating your negative thoughts with love and gentleness, they go away on their own. Basically, the thoughts do not belong to you personally either, but are part of the collective field. Here you simply attract the thoughts that resonate with you. If you stop resonating (personalizing / identifying) with these negative thoughts, the thoughts disappear by themselves.

#7: Should I Close My Eyes or Leave Them Open?

97% of the time we close our eyes in meditation to release more energy in ourselves.

Every day, from our five senses, the eyes consume the most energy, because we overload us with all kinds of visual impressions, especially since the digital age of screens.

However, open eyes are theoretically also possible, and this depends on your intention. For example, a walking/running meditation is done with open eyes.

7. The Start of Your Meditation Practice

Like everything in life, you can take your time and be patient while learning to meditate. How to meditate does not work with a “faster and more” approach, but with a “slower and less” approach.

So just start without expectations and with a simple intention. This intention can be the balance of a health issue, no matter it is from body, mind or soul – meditation will help you find balance with your inner heart.

I wish you much joy and success in learning to meditate.

If you can think of someone in your environment who would benefit from this “Learn Meditation” article, feel free to recommend the article to them.

With unconditional love,


3 Amazing Effects on Your Soul & Psyche After Only 1 Week of Raw Vegan Food


You’re thinking about doing a Raw Vegan Food Week? If the answer is yes and you are also interested in raw food and its effects on the soul and psyche, you have come to the right place. In the following article, I have documented my own experiences on this topic, and I would like to share my tips with you.

This article is also available in: German


1. My Motivation of Pure Raw Food for 1 Week
2. My Food Style Before the Raw Food Week
3. What Was and Was Not Allowed During This Raw Food Week
4. My Complete 1 Week Raw Vegan Food Diary
– My Daily Raw Food Diary for Nutrition and Body
– My Daily Raw Food Diary for Mind and Soul
5. 3 Mental Effects by Raw Food for Me
6. How Raw Food Affected My Health
7. How Raw Food Reduced My Plastic Consumption
8. Should You Do a Raw Food Week, Too?
9. My Revue 10 Days Later (Vegetarian Style)

My Motivation of Pure Raw Food for 1 Week

From the very beginning, my motivation for this 1 week of eating only raw food was from the beginning to live more consciously and to be more stable and transparent in my emotional and mental life.

Additionally, I love food and I can’t imagine a better distraction. This is exactly why I now devote more time to my body and the emotional issues that from time to time make me drift away.

Finding a solution in raw food for the above challenges in my life, could give me more time for the important things in life, like writing new articles, preparing new meditations and quality time with my family and friends. Especially the daily work around Beyonduality consumes a lot of inspirational energy from me.

Does raw food help me gain a higher consciousness and greater focus?

My Food Style Before the Raw Food Week

This is how my nutrition looked like before.

1. Muffins or sweet pieces were part of my everyday life and fruits rather rarely. Meanwhile, I also cooked healthy meals with fresh vegetables 3-4 times a week.
2. I have not drunk a drop of alcohol since beginning of 2020. In 2019 I enjoyed one or two bottles of wine and sometimes drank more than an “average person”. Through this way, I made experiments with myself about alcohol consumption. Feel free to write in the comments if you would like to hear from me about the effects of alcohol consumption on our consciousness, psyche and soul.
3. I have been on a vegetarian (also no fish) or vegan diet for over a year.

What Was and Was Not Allowed During This Raw Food Week

During the raw vegan food week, I ate fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and everything that grows in nature. Tea and black coffee were also allowed, as they contain almost 0 calorie. The most important thing with this raw food week is to consume unprocessed products, optimally in organic quality. Packaged products were therefore permitted only for nuts and dried natural fruit without added ingredients, like sugar in apricots, figs and dates. Moreover, food may only be heated up to 42 degrees during the raw vegan week.

This raw vegan week was not designed for long-term food nutrition. It was a short-term detoxification of the body, so some foods that are theoretically raw foods were not allowed in this process and others like black coffee that technically would be not allowed were allowed in this week.

My Complete 1 Week Raw Vegan Food Diary

I have asked and answered the following questions during the process of this week. Does raw food influence my level of consciousness? Does raw food increase my awareness? Does raw food Improve my mental health?

My Daily Raw Food Diary for Nutrition and Body

raw food

Before I start with the mental section, I will briefly go into my concrete nutrition and its effects on my body.

Every day I drank 1.5 – 2 liters of water from glass bottles, along with fresh tea and black coffee. Sweets were available daily in the form of fruits (mainly bananas and apples) and dried fruits (figs, apricots and dates). The main meal was nuts and fresh salad with spinach leaves, iceberg lettuce, carrots, avocados, peppers, cucumbers, leeks, onions, sprouts, blueberries, grapes, and virgin olive oil. In addition, I also treated myself with fresh turmeric juice, and pomelo. I ate very mindful and little, so that I never exceeded 1200 calories per day during the raw food week.

This my weight diary of the week

1. Day – 89.5 kg
2. Day – 88.9 kg
3. Day – 88.0 kg
4. Day – 87.7 kg
5. Day – 87.9 kg
6. Day – 87.5 kg
7. Day – 86.5 kg
8. Day – 86.9 kg
9. Day – 86.5 kg

If you wonder why there is 8th and 9th day, here is the reason. The raw vegan food week went from Tuesday to Tuesday (in total 8 days), and Wednesday is the 9th day to transit to normal vegan nutrition.

My Daily Raw Food Diary for Mind and Soul

raw vegan diary soul

On Tuesday, 28.01.2020, the time had finally arrived. My experiment on raw food and psyche started! After 2 weeks of mental preparation for my detoxification cure, I come to the raw food week after the Chinese New Year, when the Year of the Mouse started, and my loving wife cooked special delicious meals.

For China lovers: the traditional food in north China – day 1 dumplings, day 2 noodles and day 3 pancakes.

Day 1 – How Raw Food and Psyche Interacted With Each Other

On the first day I started in the morning with visualizations and meditations until 12:00. Besides the change and preparation of food, my blog got my focus on the first day. I had even forgotten to eat for the time in between.

My perception was very awake, light and clear in the evening. I felt mentally and emotionally stable. In contrast, the week before, my perception was vague and unconscious.

The diversity of my perceptive range was still very limited on the first day. I therefore felt less awake with a tendency to think inefficiently, which means that many unnecessary thoughts entered my system, which in no way inspired and motivated me.

Day 2 – How Raw Food Affected My Feelings

From day two on I write down less about what I did and more about how perception, emotions and thoughts interacted.

I slowly noticed how my focus and my well-being increased. My body felt lighter and my perceptiveness began to slowly increase. However, a few older feelings began to emerge and arise. These I accepted lovingly. Here I dealt with loving mindfulness and the acceptance and letting go of old burdens that were lying on me. In the evening some thoughts appeared, which attempted to drive me into confusion. I watched these thoughts lovingly and they went away by themselves.

Day 3 – The Turning Point of Raw Food and Psyche

On day 3 the mental condition gradually began to emerge, which I was also able to observe during my first vegan raw food week 2019. An unknown clarity rose up, which usually happened to me when I meditated long time or dealt with myself more deeply. From here on I was much more present with my perception.

The emotions were very balanced and calm throughout the day. In the evening I continued to study Gene Keys and read through the most intensive capital (Gene Key 22). This led to the result that I was able to decipher the message behind the transmission much more intensively.

The thoughts were less but very clear on day 3. A meditation also brought me directly into a very deep relaxation. Later in the book my focus was clear enough to connect deep knowledge in a more playful way. At the same time, some fears came up, which I lovingly pushed aside. Influencing thoughts through raw food (effortlessly) worked from day 3 on.

Day 4 – Raw Food and Psyche Created Inner Clarity

The state, I have already noticed during my first raw food week in 2019, was a great inner clarity. On day 3 this state started again very slowly and today on day 4 it started to become more intense for the first time. Through this clarity I saw much clearer and more detailed. For example, I noticed things that I had never noticed or heard before, such as the sounds outside my apartment.

In general, I felt very balanced, but I also noticed that there are subjects in me that still need to be worked on. With this gained clarity something amazing happened. Mysteriously, at times this day, it was hard for me to think as if thinking was slowing down. I almost felt like being truly present, while effortlessly accessing past and future memories, without losing energy.

Day 5 – How Raw Food and Psyche Surprised Me

Directly in the morning I was unusually fast very clear and awake. I have no memory of being so awake and full of power. Normally my 100% wakefulness always lasted 2-3 hours, but today my physical health increased immensely.

At noon I accompanied my beloved one in a private 1:1 CYP-Bio-Feedback exercise session, which was really something special to me. Here I reached the limit of my abilities and was still able to clearly hold my mental attention and patience towards the other person for over an hour.

Later in the afternoon I visited a shopping mall where I normally feel uncomfortable because of the crowd. Today I felt very much at home there and had very little to no stress. Raw food and inner peace seem to be very close to each other.

My body felt a lot lighter today, which may also be due to the fact that my body had to digest much less processed food during the last few days.

In addition, my thoughts became clearer, so that I had to think less and communicated more with fewer words than normal. Through the clarity and pure energy, it was possible for me to directly reflect on my actions and pull back in the 2-3 situations where this was necessary today. Thoughts about the past and future in every respect were also reduced considerably. Whereby I may say that I was already very effortless and relaxed in this respect before.

In the evening, however, there were brief emotional turbulences, which I then reflected very quickly, and which dissipated!

So, the state of great perception and pure energy lasted for the whole day.

Day 6 – How Raw Food and Psyche Balanced Out

In the morning my energy was neutral and definitely lower than the day before. In the early afternoon the energy slowly increased, and my perception became clearer. In the late afternoon my perception was in a higher state of consciousness compared to the previous day, which may also be due to the fact that I was working intensively within myself on an emotional level today.

Again, it is a up and down, because there is no one-way street in life, because life itself is constantly changing.

Throughout the day I often had the desire for control. But the focus was very quickly shifted back to my loving and mindful way of communication.

Often it was still difficult for me to understand that I was unconsciously acting from a lower frequency, although in these moments I thought I was acting from a higher frequency. Today I understood the first time in my life, that this is due to my unique personality. I won’t go more into details here. My discovery could be either confusing or revealing for you.

On this day I entered a state of deep thought relaxation and to the previous day even more loving thoughts emerged. Everything went quiet and calm by itself. Here I noticed again how raw food and inner peace for the mental level can be very close together, because there is more clarity in the physical body.

Day 7 – How Raw Food and Psyche Created Differences

Today, for the first-time thoughts like “Oh, one more day just salad. I have a limited appetite for salad.” occurred. Otherwise I felt very stable and very quickly came to my meditative state, which had very few thoughts. These thoughts were calm and structured. There was never a moment of “Fast! Do this! Do that!”, and I felt very pleasant.

My emotions were calm and upset at the same time, a feeling of interaction with the collective field. For those states of emotions and feelings, I have a unique inner process of releasing excessive energy. This is neither a technique nor a method. This inner process of releasing excessive energy is a mystery of life, only discovered after diving deep into your darkest inner dimensions. With this it is possible for me to be more centered again after strong emotions have infiltrated my system. If you want to hear more about this, write in comments and I will make a further elaboration.

Day 8 – Side Effects of Raw Food on the Psyche?

I am very happy that I reached day 8 so playfully and effortlessly! My perception was again unusually clear today. Over the night I had headaches, which was not frequent. This is most likely due to my bad sitting and standing behaviors during the day. If this happens to you, be careful that headaches could also be a sign of the unusually low sugar and calorie intake.

Throughout the day I was most of the time emotionally quiet, and highly energetic after some community calls and personal 1:1 calls in the Gene Keys program.

This was also the first day I let my gut feelings persuade me to take 2-3 breezes of salt, as my body felt minimally dehydrated. It is important to know this during the raw food process, as we hardly eat any salt during the whole week. Without salt, fresh lemon water helped me stay stable.

My thoughts were again very relaxed and calm. In addition to the previous days, my thoughts were 50% clearer and always full of love. I let my heart guide me even more intensively than the days before and could express myself very well in the community calls. In addition, I had to admit that a few small fears rose up internally concerning the raw food week. However, I knew that these fears had little to do with the food or my body, but rather with the distraction mechanism that deeply embedded inside me. Therefore, I could deal with my feelings and thoughts lovingly by observing them gently and let them fly away again.

Conclusion on Day 9 of My Raw Food Week

The night was perceptually special. In the middle of the night I woke up, highly motivated and wondered what was going on. In the end, I was able to implement some creative thinking, and was quite happy about it. On the ninth day I went shopping at noon and had no desire for milk, cheese or sweet products. For the first day after the raw week, I decided to enjoy some cooked vegan food, see picture.

Falafel Gnochi

Organic gnocchi, falafel, fresh tomatoes, onion and chili.

And chocolate love floated in the air.

Throughout the day I had feelings of gratitude and often no thoughts were present. How could it happen to have no thoughts at present? Very peaceful and deeply relaxed for psyche and soul. The wonderful effect of free of thoughts was, that original ideas emerged out of thin air. In those free of thoughts moments, the gaps are created to connect to your true origin.

I was also grateful that new people came into my life, that brilliantly matched my philosophy, which really touched me.

The enhancement of my emotional status also boosted my mental status and supported the inner world of my thoughts with creative ideas.

3 Mental Effects of Raw Food on Me

1. Loving Clarity and Focus

One of the mental effects of raw food was that the energy level grew very high. Especially during the last 1-2 days of the raw food week I felt that my physical body is not used to these high and clear frequencies. At the same time, I had more focus on my work and could therefore implement more, which was a great advantage and by far the best effect.

2. Inner Peacefulness and More Efficient Solution Finding

My emotional stability increased and there were no big hangers or challenges during the week. For me this week was very positive and through the loving mindfulness, I was very peaceful. Emotional outbursts and tears of joy and gratitude visited me daily.

3. Inspiration Through Higher Consciousness

The most amazing mental effect of raw food was the increased connection to my higher consciousness. Almost every day I came up with very inspiring ideas to expand my projects and also on everyday topics, solutions came up and I experienced a deeper relaxation. I was guided and loved by life more than ever before in my life.

How Raw Food Affected My Health

The raw food effect on my health was, besides the almost 3kg less on my ribs, that I felt much better. At the same time, raw food is not only an enrichment for our physical health, but also for our psyche. After all, not only mind and soul, but also body interact all together. In order for a higher consciousness to incarnate deeper into the mind, a healthy body is needed, and this is often neglected in the spiritual realm.

How Raw Food Reduced My Plastic Consumption

Even if it is not the main topic of this article, I am very proud to have paid attention to plastic consumption this week and to have been able to reduce it massively. I was able to find out that it is not so difficult once we start to do so and eat more consciously.

Should You Do a Raw Food Week, Too?

Raw food yes or no

Raw food is for the physical body and the soul, like oil for a sports car. A beautiful sports car needs oil change and an overall check every year. A coffee machine needs to be regularly decalcified. The physical body within our soul needs to be nurtured from time to time, so that we are internally balanced.

Everything in life follows certain rhythms and cycles, like inhaling and exhaling or day and night. Our physical body has no exceptions and we shall also pay more attention to it so that we live more consciously.

Unfortunately, we humans have forgotten something important to include when we were born. Do you know what it is?

A Personal Guide for Life!

We often think that we know much better about ourselves and prefer to wait 30-50 years for the big chaos that accumulates in our physical body.

We learned to brush our teeth every day, however we don’t take care of our abdominal area, which is also our inner emotional network. This alone shows our relationship of neglecting towards our true emotions. We should even, out of pure selfishness and common sense, do an inner cleansing for our digestive tract every 3-6 months or at shorter intervals. Through this way we could become healthier and our stomach – intestinal tract could generally be much healthier and better ventilated.

For this reason, I have decided to dedicate myself to raw food weeks more often to act as a role model. It is important for me to do this according to my gut feeling and inner motivation. That’s why I don’t write down a date here and simply let the next raw food week unfold.

It is also important to not over target at the beginning! In order to enjoy raw food, it is better to gradually integrate this style into your everyday life. My process was also a patient journey until I ventured into the raw vegan week.

My Revue 10 Days Later (Vegetarian Style)

What has really changed within the next 10 days? What has become more conscious to me and have I even fallen back on old habits?

Within these 10 days I have intensely noticed how unconsciously I become when I eat unhealthily (a lot of sugar intake) and occasionally eat too much.

Besides my perception, which decreased immensely again, my daily focus was also much less pronounced. Therefore, I am now going into another raw food week and who knows how long it will be. I will keep you informed.

Feel free to ask any questions I couldn’t answer in the comments below. What are your experiences with raw food?

With unconditional love,


Deep Dive into Genius: My Life’s Work Activation Sequence Experience 1/4


This article is also available in: German

In this article, with pleasure I am happy to share the insights from my Life’s Work, which is the 29th Gene Key of Devotion.

If you are not familiar with Gene Keys, no worries – it is not as complex as it may look like. You can start with this article or read my article Gene Keys: My Deep Inner Exploration, where you are guided into this teaching.

Should you be familiar with Gene Keys and you are a long-time voyager, my series of articles can empower you and lead you to even deeper insights for your own path to the higher purpose of life.

What is the Deep Dive into Genius?

What is the Deep Dive into Genius?
What is the Deep Dive into Genius?

Deep Dive into Genius is designed by Gene Keys and first time presented in January 2020. This program is a virtual retreat to walk through the Activation Sequence of the Gene Keys Golden Path.

It is a journey to contemplate your own shadow’s, gift’s and siddhi’s and being guided by your own revelations of suffering to transcend those lower frequency habits into higher states of consciousness.

It is designed to be a 4-month inner journey towards the sphere of your Life’s Work + Challenge (1st month), Evolution + Breakthrough (2nd month), Radiance + Core Stability (3rd month), and Purpose (4th month).

To start the retreat, more than 1100 voyagers attended the Deep Dive into Genius simultaneously by joining the first zoom call by Richard Rudd.

Then once every month, each voyager has the chance to attend a community call, where a group of 5-6 voyagers can share their personal experience of contemplating the monthly hologenetic profile sphere from one voyager.

Through the collective energy field, all voyagers contemplate their spheres at the same time. The synchronicity effect causes a major butterfly effect. The butterfly effect describes that a small change can make much bigger changes happen. In Deep Dive into Genius, over one thousand voyagers interact with each other, therefore creating an invisible force field where a butterfly (voyager) flaps its wings in one place and a breakthrough occurs in another place.

My Personal Diary: Deep Dive into Genius 

My Life’s Work

Gene Key 29
Siddhi: Devotion
Gift: Commitment
Shadow: Half-Heartedness
Programming Partner: Gene Key 30 (Rapture – Lightness – Desire)

The introduction Zoom Call was held by Richard Rudd, the creator of Gene Keys. It was a very special experience for me to be in a call with other 1100+ voyagers – a strong commitment from the community and a deep inspiration for me.

My heart celebrated (42. Siddhi) that we will soon not any more feel anxieties, depressions and deep-rooted fears.

In the long run we as humans will transcend our old genetic structures and previous states of lower frequency consciousness to ascend into our true form as human beings.

The First Community Call for My Life’s Work

On 4. February 2020, the first community calls started. First of all, I did not know what to expect.

Attending the first Community Call was a new experience for me, because we shared our insights from week 1-2 for our life’s work. Everyone was so gentle and lovely – giving everyone else the room to express themselves. Every voyager had the chance to share their experiences, and it felt empowering and heart opening.

One of the greatest aspects of the community call was the increased learning curve because everyone had such a unique genius and individual life’s work.  And I discovered, how we are able to create our future with the synthesis of everyone’s strength and abilities.

No one has to be left behind or alone, we are in a collective journey into humanity as a single organism, while at the same time we keep our individuality nature in heart and mind.

After the community call, I had a higher consciousness for several hours and it truly felt great, to share with others and to observe other individual beings contemplating their life’s too. The butterfly effect mentioned above, was clearly visible to me.

Because of that insight, I had goosebumps. And finally, I felt a gentle hope and inner motivation for planet earth and our children’s future, because more humans work on their inner state, than I had ever imagined. 

My 4 Weeks Exploration Through the Siddhi of Devotion

For me, to describe my individual Gene Key was always a challenge. Within my four weeks, I remembered that Richard Rudd explained that half-heartedness is “less than 100% commitment for a matter”. Commitment is 100% commitment for a matter and devotion is 100% commitment for all matters and to everything we emanate.

The siddhis are one of those mystical higher consciousness states that are so rarely achieved because our mind has the desire to name, to distract and to justify everything.

As devotion is commitment going mad from the heart, it is almost impossible to understand that siddhi state from the mind.

The 29th Gene Key is in the Codon Ring of Union together with the 4th Gene Key (Siddhi – Forgiveness), the 7ht Gene Key (Siddhi – Virtue) and the 59th Gene Key (Siddhi – Transparency). The Codon Rings are a chemical family within our body, each relating to specific amino acids or stop codon. They are the biological machinery behind what ancients called “Karma”.

I was able to observe the deeper relationships of unity and why it is so hard to understand my own experiences and expressions for myself and this world.

It was because Unity can’t be understood by my own precious mind.

Only after I surrender completely to those deep-rooted desires of lower frequencies; self-illumination might radiate through my whole being. And should this truly happen to me, I might not even notice it.

As an old saying goes:

“Give a bird that you watch a name and you will never see that bird again”.

As long as I name things, I might negate things. By naming what I have experienced as devotional in my life, I might never experience true devotion.

At least for over 5 years I felt to follow the path of my inner heart and purpose of life. I observed that my true commitment for my vocation and life’s work grew slowly but steady without noticing it.

At a certain point within the four weeks, I also remembered that from mid 2019, I said “No” to everything not related to my life’s work and my passion. 

The Pathway of Challenge  

In the first week of February, I transitioned in my journey from the Sphere of Life’s Work to the Pathway of Challenge, which is the connection between the sphere of Life’s work and the sphere of Evolution.

For each pathway (Challenge – 1st month, Breakthrough – 2nd month and Core Stability 3rd month) Richard Rudd created meditations. I attended Richard Rudd’s first guided meditation on 11st February 2020 and I really loved how the meditation was built up!

It guided me right into the direction to my deepest challenges, which is a great sign for my inner deeper process.

After the meditation, I felt crystal clear and once again I remembered to pause more often in my daily life.

Not pausing in the sense that I take a longer holiday, but rather that I hold, pause and let go of my thoughts between activities. Surely it may sometimes be difficult for me to let go of all thoughts.

But a short walk in my office can also be seen as a break, which means that I shouldn’t make any phone calls there, but only enjoy nature and the surroundings. This always opened my perception immensely.

The Summary for my Sphere of Life’s Work

 On the 17th February 2020, the Deep Dive into Genius changed from the Life’s work to the Sphere of Evolution.

After 4 weeks, the understanding for my personal life’s work 29th (Siddhi – Devotion / Gift – Commitment / Shadow – Half-Heartedness) really was clearer for me. A deeper grounding and direction settled in and I knew in my life what to focus on and what to let go.

Whenever I did something half-hearted in the past, it did not last long in my life until a half-hearted result was achieved. And we all know, that we want to avoid such results and at the same time, we still often draw them into our lives.

So, the first 4 weeks of the Deep Dive into Genius definitely guided me towards clear insights of my siddhi level. At the same time the shadow state – half-heartedness became a lot clearer too. Quite paradoxical, right?

For me, this insight changed everything, because I knew I had to look deeply into my own shadows before my siddhis are able to shine through my whole being.

As I reflected my past 4 years, I observed that I have already done great on my contemplation work, even before learning about Gene keys.

Today, I never start something that I am not 100% committed to! To achieve so, I pause briefly, go into myself and decide directly from my gut.

For example, in begin of 2020, I planned to create another brand related to my meditations until November 2020. However, now, I decided to devote all my energy into my blog in 2020.

Besides my life’s work and vocation within projects, my family and friends are the most important things to me, so I also created the environment in 2020 to be 100% committed here.

Each day I actively refine my personal skills of doing and being for several hours, because the more rarified my own personality is, the easier I am able to guide others towards their unique inner truth.

I remembered that I have to jump into the unknown dimensions first, instead of waiting for others to do so.

The more devotional and committed my own journey, the more sustainable and joyful my growth is, and the better I am able to communicate and teach others to grow with simplicity and ease.

To be able to do so, I also have to be forgiving (4th Gene Key), transparent (59th Gene Key), and full of virtue (7th Gene Key).

I am truly grateful for all of my discoveries within those 4 weeks.

Thanks for reading my article about Gene Keys.

I recommend reading my second part:  2/4 Part of the DEEP Dive into Genius (Evolution & Breakthrough)

What’s your experience with the Activation Sequence and the Life’s work?
What’s your experience with the Deep Dive into Genius and Gene Keys?

Feel free to share it in the comments below.

With unconditional love,


The Gene Keys: Everything You Need to Know & More


This article is also available in: German

This Gene Keys overview article is more than a traditional article because just like the Gene Keys, the article is a living, constantly evolving and changing organism. I’ve been making massive tweaks here since 2019.

Should you read this Gene Keys article?

This article is best for you if you are new to the Gene Keys but it is also great for long time voyagers if you are interested in reading my experiences of the programs and the Gene Keys.

Let us celebrate this living organism of the Gene Keys together!

Last updated: 28.08.2023 – Important Reminder for All: The Gene Keys Articles @beyonduality are here to inspire you for your self-revelation awakening process. They are not the teaching itself or replace the official Gene Keys Transmission and Teachings Dominik and the whole Beyonduality team highly recommend self-study of this diamond teaching. You can support our time-consuming project via the following affiliate link Visit the shop.

Check our Beyonduality’s first visual enhancement kit for the Gene Keys here: The 64 Word Clouds for the Gene Keys


1. What are the Gene Keys?
– Short Introduction

– Who’s Richard Rudd?

2. 3 Essentials of Gene Keys: Where to start?
– The Hologenetic Profile
– Gene Keys Book
– The Golden Path
3. The Art of Contemplation

4. The Extraordinary Gene Keys Programs
– Gene Keys Delta Program
– Guides Foundation Programme
– Living Library
– Open Community Calls
– Ambassador Programme
5. FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions for Gene Keys
– How is the Human Design System related to Gene Keys?
– Can I start to contemplate Gene Keys and Human Design at the same time?
6. All My Gene Keys Explorations & Diaries (Articles & Videos)
7. Helpful Gene Keys Tools for You (Free Download)
– My Handwritten 64 Names of Love Map
8. 3 Reasons Why Gene Keys by Richard Rudd is Exciting
9. Dare to be Divine
10. The Seven Sacred Seals
11. Gene Keys Readings by Dominik

What are the Gene Keys?

Gene Keys is a living and a mystical teaching, that has been developed for self-exploration and self-illumination to embody your higher purpose in life. Gene Keys’ power lies in the unique self-inquiry to discover your true nature of being.

Gene Keys is all about relationships and love, your gifts, and prosperity, which is wonderful because you can easily integrate the wisdom experiences into everyday life. You will discover underlying genetic patterns, core beliefs and your human evolutionary potential.

The Gene Keys consists of the following foundation. The individual hologenetic profile (the compass), the 64 Gene Keys (the map) and the Golden Path (the journey).

There are many possibilities to get to know the Gene Keys. My start in the Gene Keys journey began in 2018 after a friend recommended me the book (the map). As I began to read the book with its wonderful phrasing and holistic linguistic design, my interest in filling out the hologenetic profile grew. The book by Richard Rudd is written from love, wisdom, and truth and connects ancient wisdom with the newest discoveries from science.

The most powerful reason for my interest in the whole Gene Keys teaching was my personal experience since 2014, which matched almost 1:1 with the process of the spectrum of consciousness described in the book.

Listen to our Podcast: Dominik’s 5 Words to Describe the Gene Keys

In Gene Keys, it’s all about practical everyday life and the trinity, which matches the mission of Beyonduality.

Who’s Richard Rudd?

Richard Rudd is the receiver and founding father of Gene Keys. He is an award-winning poet, author of several books, devoted husband, and international teacher. He had an exceptional experience at the age of 29 where he received the inspiration of the Gene Keys Synthesis while not being able to sleep for three days and three nights. It took Author Richard Rudd seven years to write the essential Gene Keys book, which includes the Spectrum of Consciousness and all 64 Gene Keys, which was my first contact to this teaching.

After seven years of revelations, experiences and insights, the official Gene Keys book “Embracing Your Higher Purpose” was born in May 9, 2013.

Richard Rudd successfully completed his Master’s Degree in English Literature and Metaphysics and was already deeply involved in Taoist practices between 1992 and 1997, and was ultimately influenced by the I-Ching, the Human Design System, Jung and Psychology, Biology and DNA, Sacred Geometry, Kabbalah and Astrology on his life journey.

Read everything about Richard Rudd in detail here. Richard Rudd is also active on YouTube, where he explains different aspects of Gene Keys in a beautifullly poetic way.

The Gene Keys Synthesis: Where to Start?

1. Hologenetic Profile

The easiest start into Gene Keys is by downloading the Hologenetic Profile for free. The Hologenetic Profile unifies astrological calculations with an archetypal understanding of our genetics. But this does not mean that Gene Keys uses the language and approach of astrology. Because Gene Keys only utilizes the planetary constellations for his living organism, which more or less influence us before and during our birth. Therefore, for the evaluation of your personal profile, there is, in addition to name and email, the requirement of date of birth, time of birth if available and place of birth.

The Hologenetic Profile is available in twelve different languages and uses astralogical data for the planetary constellations. But this does not mean that the Gene Keys can be compared with astrology because the inner language of the Gene Keys Synthesis is not rooted in astrology. The Gene Keys only uses the planetary constellations that influence us more or less before and during our birth.

The subject of our DNA is highly complex and simple. The most important thing is not to rely only on your own hologenetic profile, because those are usually not reliable then. Use your profile with ease and a certain contemplative distance. After all, it’s about embodying your gifts and not about directing more stress, complexity and separation into your life

Would you like to deepen your Gene Keys in the Hologenetic Profile and get to know the three sequences? I offer you the opportunity to work with me in live 1:1 Zoom Sessions on the living library of the Gene Keys Teaching.


2. Book – The Gene Keys

The Gene Keys Book

At the beginning, the hologenetic profile can be quite rich and complex, so another easy start into the Gene Keys is to buy the book or its audible version **. The kindle version of the Gene Key book is also affordable in English, it’s really insane. A big thanks to Richard Rudd for making all of the Gene Keys materials so easily accessible to the world. Besides the book, Richard Rudd’s YouTube channel is a great start into this transmission and teaching because you can feel his teaching’s essence in his videos.

In Gene Keys, it’s all about practical everyday life and the trinity, which matches the mission of Beyonduality.

The Gene Keys book shares a new understanding of core beliefs explained with the inner language of the spectrum of consciousness. Each Gene Key contains a shadow, a gift, and a siddhi. Within each shadow is a unique repressive and reactive nature. These two poles together play out the human drama. Once the victim and the perpetrator. Whereas the perpetrator in this case is also a victim. Both repressive and reactive nature act unconsciously and are caught in an energetic conflict. The Gene Keys relate the story of outgrowing this game of the victim.

In Dominik’s YouTube transmissions, you can discover over 30 book reading sessions:

3. The Golden Path

The Golden Path

The guided program from Richard Rudd is the committed start for the Gene Keys Synthesis. Right now, The Golden Path program is only available in English. Richard Rudd explains everything step by step in an easy-to-follow approach. The first stage of the Gene Keys path is the Activation Sequence, the second stage is the Venus Sequence, the third stage is the Pearl Sequence and the fourth stage is the Saturn Sequence (not yet released). Those four sequences guide you into the heart of your hologenetic profile and all of the wisdom of the transmission.

The Deep Dive into Genius program, which was first launched at the beginning of 2020, starts into the Golden Path with the Activation Sequence. The Activation Sequence unlocks the wisdom of your Life’s Work, your Evolution, Radiance and Purpose.

For Gene Key newcomers it was a great start to understand the map and the compass. Overall more than 1500 people attended the Deep Dive into Genius experience. In 2021 was the continuation into the Deep Dive into Love and in late 2021 the Deep Dive into Prosperity.

In 2022, all three Gene Keys Golden Path sequences were polished. Now, they are very rich and you can listen to powerful guided meditations and a lot more updated content in the online programmes.

More informations in my article:

The Art of Contemplation

One major aspect of the Gene Keys teaching is the art of contemplation. Consider this as the technique of the Gene Keys Synthesis. Recently, Richard Rudd published his new book “The Art of Contemplation”. The Art of Contemplation is an inner process of insights, understanding and revelations throught the power of pauses.

Activities based on the power of pausing could include reading or listening your profile, attending community calls and sharing your experiences and working out the activities of your daily life. The silence inbetween activities is the secret. Pivoting and Merging are the two further essential aspects of the Art of Contemplation and they emerge after you pause, reflect and listen inwardly over a period of time. You can find everything about them in the book.

“To know what we really are, we have to go beyond the mind. This is the purpose of The Art of Contemplation. Paradoxically, for many of us contemplation begins as a form of “unlearning”, as we let go of our reliance on our intellect and open up to new pathways of awareness inside ourselves.”

– Richard Rudd

Here are six great introduction videos about the Art of Contemplation.

The Extraordinary Gene Keys Programs

Gene Keys Delta Program

Delta Fellowship

The Gene Keys Delta Program is a luminous game of higher consciousness. This Gene Keys experience is an entirely new experience into our collective consciousness. I am currently waiting for my fourth delta round to start.

How does the Delta work specifically?

The Delta Program is a seven weeks long journey with seven voyagers.

Each week, a voyager considers a single Gene Key and is in exchange with one of the six voyagers. A single voyager has no assigned partner each week and plays a special role that week. Each week, positions rotate within the group. Thus, everyone has more intense contact and exchange with everyone once, and each participant is in position 1 once – carrying the role of foundation, the special role that gets no partner assigned..

The Delta program is a great commitment to the whole group, because the whole program only works if all seven participants can rotate weekly and the mystical wheel of life can continue.

What makes Gene Keys Delta special?

You enter into an intense sacred bond with all the voyagers that lasts for 8-9 weeks. The special aspect of Delta is that we take on many different perspectives and states of consciousness on the subtle level in the seven-week process. In total there are seven weeks with seven planes or dimensions. The particular states of consciousness you enter are – physical, emotional (astral), mental, causal, buddhic, atmic, and monadic. Depending on the level and dimension, your task is to observe and contemplate the world and environment from that dimension. You then share your experiences with the others in the weekly group conversation. In addition, the collective breath, which is the siddhi of presence, keeps the group in harmony.

More informations in my article:

Guides Foundation Programme

The Guides Foundation Programme is a prerequisite to guide others into the Gene Keys Approach and everyone who dreams of mastering the art of contemplation. The prerequisite to participate in the Guides Programme is to finish the Activation and Venus Sequence online programmes. Furthermore, the Guides Programme is a prerequisite for the upcoming Ambassador Initiative later in 2022. I completed the Guides Programme in September 2021. I loved the course!

Update September 2021: The Guides Programme launched in March 2021 and is a complete self-study online course.

Living Library

One of the main reasons for me to visit the Gene Keys Society besides the forum is the Living Library. The Living Library can be an optimal start into your hologenetic profile, because the Gene Keys living library contains the wisdom of all 64 Gene Keys. You could consider it as the search engine for this teaching. You find everything from the Codon Rings, The I Ching, Astrology, Programming Partners, Integral Human Design to the Dream Arc.

Open Community Calls

Every week and month, you are able to attend in open community calls with other Gene Keys voyagers to deepen your wisdom and journey and to get to know other voyagers. I have already attended several community calls and I loved the experience, and thus I highly recommend these opportunities to you. The community calls are cost free and most of them are over the platform ZOOM.

Ambassador Programme

The Ambassador Programme is for those who take the Gene Keys transmission serious and are committed to be a catalyst in the role to host the wisdom of the Gene Keys transmission. Since 2020, the Guides Foundation Programme is a prerequisite to participate the Ambassador Programme. At the same time, you have to contemplate the Gene Keys programs (Activation + Venus Sequence) for at least 18 months.

Update: The Ambassador Programme has been further delayed.

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions for the Gene Keys

How is the Human Design System related to the Gene Keys?

The human design system originated by Alan Robert Krakower under the pseudonym Ra Uru Hu in 1992.

Richard Rudd was also an active student and teacher of the Human Design system in his life journey. Therefore, there are various inspirations and ideas, such as a compass, found in each of Human Design and Gene Keys. However, the compass is fundamentally different in both systems. In Human Design the compass is called “rave chart” and in Gene Keys it is called “hologenetic profile”.

That today many people make a direct comparison of Human Design and Gene Keys is probably also due to the fact that Richard Rudd used to be an active Human Design teacher and helped shape the system.

Human design is more structured and business-oriented, and Gene Keys is more intuitive and relationship-oriented. Even though both systems harmoniously combine feminine and masculine aspects, the feminine, poetic aspect predominates with the Gene Keys and the masculine and logical aspect with Human Design. By the way, both systems also work with the 64 hexagrams and certain foundations of the I-Ching.

Can I contemplate Gene Keys and Human Design at the same time?

Are those two self help systems good to start at the same time?

Yes and no. Yes you could. No you should rather not!

I recommend starting with Gene Keys as a foundation these days, because it is super condensed and set up for a loving life full of light and gratitude. This is not to say that this is “different” in the Human Design system, however, the focus in Human Design is simply the logical and rational aspect of our human being. If this aspect is more appealing to you, then you are better served in Human Design. If the mystical, living, and poetic part of you appeals to you, then start with Gene Keys.

Another important reason for my view is that I didn’t find any official resources or websites at Human Design that I resonated with directly in a big way. Everyone is doing their own thing with Human Design as I see it. Gene Keys definitely has the founder advantage – he continues to live and develop. You can catch Richard Rudd in interviews and much more!

What I noticed in 2022 is that many Human Design teachers and guides are combining wisdom from Gene Keys with Human Design modalities. So when looking at the hexagrams or gates, some are now using the spectrum of consciousness with their shadow, gift and siddhi from Gene Keys to get an expanded view into the rave charts. But of course it works the other way around too. Many use the Rave Chart to expand a hologenetic Gene Keys profile

Fundamentally, my suggestion is to be aware of the basics of Human Design, because there are many in the Gene Keys community who have taught Human Design in the past and are now actively involved with Gene Keys. These people are happy to give suggestions on the basic Human Design Chart.

But contemplating Human Design and Gene Keys at the same time is definitely a hefty commitment, as Human Design and Gene Keys contain a lot of complex information. So my tip is – first please just one 🙂

For further details, read my article: Human Design vs. Gene Keys– What to Study and Master?

How do Gene Keys connect people with the same Gene Keys?

People with the same Gene Key can often understand your inner truth and communication with more clarity, while others do not understand you and your life experiences in depth. That’s because these people share a stronger genetic relationship to your own Gene Keys and the issues in life. This effect is the strongest when people share the same Gene Keys in the Activation Sequence’s exact Spheres, the Venus Sequence, or the Pearl Sequence.

How do you become a Gene Keys member?

There is no membership in Gene Keys by Richard Rudd. You can create a free profile, buy the book and attend the Golden Path programs. For questions and discussions, you can connect with the community. There is a forum on the official Gene Keys Website and the official Facebook Group ‘Gene Keys Global‘, where all the voyagers and contributors of Gene Keys can be found.

How to find out my human Gene Keys?

To find out about your human Gene Keys, you need to know your birth place / city, your birthday and time of birth, and optimally also your exact birth time. Simultaneously, if you do not know your exact birth time, you shouldn’t be worried because you will resonate with the Gene Keys you need to resonate with anyway.

How to get the free Gene Keys Hologenetic Profile?

Visit the official Gene Keys Website and fill out your details for your personalized Hologenetic Profile.

How to read the Gene Keys?

Each Gene Key can be contemplated in the official book and the audios created by Richard Rudd. Also expand your wisdom by starting the first two free steps of the Golden Path here.

How to use the Gene Keys?

The Gene Keys are for self-study, because it’s a mystical system. Sometimes, I randomly open the book pages, and I start to read precisely this Gene Key. This simple approach always expands my clarity and awareness. It’s also highly recommended not to stop reading a Gene Key in the middle. Always read a Gene Key from the Shadow to the Siddhi because you will have the most in-depth understanding of the relationship between the Shadow, the Gift, and the Siddhi. I can also highly recommend the Wisdom Keepers Oracle Deck by Rosy Aronson.

Where do the Gene Keys come from?

The Gene Keys are a new understanding and a major shift in human consciousness develoved by Richard Rudd. Building blocks of the Gene Keys Synthesis are the I Ching (Book of Changes), the Human Design System, Astrology (Role of Astrology in Gene Keys), Kabbalah, our human genetics and the ancient wisdom of the causal plane / body and the fifth density. You can fine more details in the Glossary of Empowerment.

What does communion mean in Gene Keys?

The Siddhi of the 45. Gene Key is Communion, while Synergy is the gift and Dominance is the shadow. To truly understand communion we may consider the direct relationship with the gift of synergy. Synergy is the path from Hierarchy to Heterarchy. Today we are still dominated by hierarchic systems all around the world. Heterarchy means that every single human being is aware of their soul’s purpose and from within all cells knows that humanity is a single organism. Communion can be seen as a stage in which humanity selflessly embodies this truth of a single organism, in which everyone embodies his or her higher purpose in life. For example, if you think about and contemplate bee colonies and how they always work in communion, you have a brief insight into how humanity will work together harmoniously at one point in evolution.

All of My Personal Gene Keys Explorations & Diaries

Since 2020, I have been documenting various inner Gene Keys explorations. The following articles will give you a deeper insight into the Gene Keys teachings, and my articles will inspire you to explore your own inner truth in the structure of DNA.

In my individual Gene Keys articles, starting in 2022, you may discover my newly developed energy symbols of the respective Gene Key, in addition to the usual contemplation. Have fun with some Gene Keys diaries and individual Gene Keys articles from me.

Read My Gene Keys Articles 

Gene Key 1 From Entropy to Beauty

Gene Key 2 – From Dislocation to Unity

Gene Key 13 – (From Discord to Empathy)

Gene Key 19 – From Co-Dependence to Sacrifice

Gene Key 21 – From Control to Valor

Gene key 22 (Grace – Graciousness – Dishonor)

Gene Key 24 From Addiction to Silence

Gene Key 25 From Constriction to Unconditional Love

Gene Key 30 – From Desire to Rapture (30. Gene Key)

Gene Key 36 (Compassion – Humanity – Turbulences)

Gene Key 36 – From Struggle to Honour (38. Gene Key)

Gene Key – From Provocation to Liberation

Gene Key 36 – From Turbulence to Compassion (36. Gene Key)

Gene Key 44 – From Interference to Synarchy (44. Gene Key)

Gene Key 49 – From Reaction to Rebirth

Gene Key 54 – From Greed to Ascension (54. Gene Key)

Gene Key 61 – From Psychosis to Sanctity

My YouTube Video-Playlist (Weekly Pulse Videos)

My New Podcast – Beyonduality 

Helpful Gene Keys Tools for You (Free Download)

My Handwritten 64 Names of Love Map for Gene Keys

64 Names of Love Chart Gene Keys

Here you find my personal document on how to observe your higher purpose between the 64 Gene Keys on a whole new level with clear insights into your hologenetic profile.

While I dived deeper into the Golden Path last October, I found that the 64 Names of Love is documented in one of the later programs from Richard Rudd (Dare to be Divine), and I loved it! At the same time, I felt something is missing for my higher purpose. So, I made a handwritten version of the 64 Names of Love, including all Gene Keys in detail. The document is perfect for printing or online usage. I made a horizontal and an upright version, depending on your needs.

💥 Below you are able to access the 3 files (2 horizontal formats) + (1 upright format), both in PDF. At the same time, you receive access to all of my personal resources from Gene Keys in the Drive Folder.

✅ Explanation of the 64 Names of Love Map from Gene Keys 🧩

The 64 Names of Love Map is a technical explanation of Gene Keys from the perspective of I Ching. Richard Rudd explained this in the pre orientation part of the Dare to be Divine program, which is easy to understand.

There are 4 primary Gene Keys (1), (2), (63), (64), and the other sixty Gene Keys spread out from those 4 primaries. The (1) + (2) is one family, and the (63) + (64) is one family. In this case, (1) + (2) and (63) + (64) are also called programming partners. From those 4 primaries, 12 mysteries spread out. Each primary contains 3 mysteries which are family to each other. Those 3 mysteries are also family to the above primary. From those 12 mysteries, 48 letters spread out. Each mystery contains 4 letters which are family to each other. They are also family to the above mystery and the above primary.

🧐 What Did I Discover from My 64 Names of Love Map? 🧩

I applied the Gene Keys Style by Richard Rudd, played like a kid and contemplated openly. I found out that for example the Shadow of Dislocation (2), Complexity (23), Addiction (24) and Selfishness (27) has a closer relationship with each other for me personally. While I was doing things too complex (23), addicted (24) and selfish (27) in my life, I fell into a deeper dislocation (2) state. Today, I discovered more often to be simplistic (23 – Gift), human loving (27) and inventing (24), which leads to an orientation in my life (2 – Gift). So, it is quite simple to observe the context from the primary (2) and the 3 mysteries (23), (24) and (27) of that primary.

For my own use, I added everything to my individual map from the programming partners, colored my own individual Gene Keys from my hologenetic profile. Furthermore, I even added all the Codon Rings and the Chakras for each Gene Keys. Be creative by using this map, and feel free to share your experiences.


The Gene Keys documents are free to use. Sharing and linking to this blog article, while using the documents on projects is very much appreciated. By doing so, you help me spread my vision of love and peace. I am happy to serve 💜

3 Reasons Why Gene Keys by Richard Rudd is Exciting

dna 3 reason for gene keys

Reason 1 – The teaching combines spirituality and science with poetry

Gene Keys by Richard Rudd is a system that goes very deep into the hologenetic nature and is connected with a lot of joy. Richard Rudd’s writing style is poetic, and his calm and hearty rhythms in videos on YouTube or the online program mystically opens people’s hearts. Through the Gene Keys Synthesis, I experienced many lineages of higher purpose within my hologenetic profile. So the inner language guided me into much more comprehensive views on my personal life, which I integrate more and more into my practical everyday life. I love that this teaching combines spirituality and science in a harmonic and meanwhile simple manner.

Reason 2 – Gene Keys Describes the Indescribable

How is it possible to describe something indescribable? Award-winning poet, devoted husband and international teacher Richard Rudd has achieved this in his masterpiece! The inner world in this transmission goes into resonance with my unique truth. The combination of the astrological data, the hologenetic profiles, the spectrum of consciousness and the Golden Path is a major shift into a new understanding of fantastic possibilites. Also play and fun are linked together so that the knowledge and insights can be integrated into the practical everyday life in the best possible way. And Author Richard Rudd always comes up with new inspirations like the Seven Days of Grace.

Reason 3 – Gene Keys is a transmission of Love, Wisdom and Truth

In my life, it has become increasingly important to do everything effortlessly and with ease and not to impose goals or paths on life, which results in a limited self. This system translates the game of life beautifully in a multi-faceted way of love and light. I feel safe and at home here. Life itself is alive and effortless, and nature knows precisely where to go. In the body of a human being, we are also part of nature and are allowed to respect it. Richard Rudd’s work deeply appreciates the nature of reality and brings high-frequency teachings with authenticity into the world.

Bonus Reason: Spiritual Path of Devotional Relationships 

In our world, spiritual pathes have been long a devotional path towards a guru or a godhead. The Gene Keys teachings introduce a devotional path towards all relationships in your life. This is fresh, groundbreaking and straightforward.

Finally, I decided to give a short intro to the two advanced programs: Dare to be Divine and the Seven Sacred Seals, which I started in 2019.

Dare to be Divine Course

Dare to be Divine is a very mystical Gene Keys journey into your inner essence.

For me, the Activation, Venus and Pearl Sequences are the fundamentals to understand our genetics in a more refined way and it helped me a lot in a practical sense to observe my own shadow patterns at work. The more I moved from Activation into Pearl, the more mystical it became. This really amazed me, and I understood myself at a whole new level. The golden path revealed my past that I had reflected already and in an intense hindsight, the accuracy of my own voyage was insane.

Therefore, I started the Dare to be Divine material and for me the course shows future probabilities of our universal love and our true self. At the same time, it is not super easy to resonate with everything, as it is at the Golden Path, which is far away from the current life that we live. For that reason, it is important to watch it from a playful perspective. It seems like a course meant for very open-minded and high consciousness beings that are able to see the practicality in the Dare to be Divine material.

While I attended the course from Richard Rudd, I also checked the relationship between my own hologenetic profile and the 64 Names of Love. It helped me to understand the teaching at a more profound level. The Dare to be Divine material is mind opening and the stories are as great as always.

The Seven Sacred Seals Course

The Seven Sacred Seals was by far the craziest journey and online course I have ever done. After reading the book, doing some of the invocations, and resonating strongly with them, I ordered the online course. I have already worked very intensively at similar topics over the last 3 years and went into ecstatic states at seminars before discovering this transmission. I knew higher states of consciousness are possible. However, I was still blown away by the Seven Sacred Seals transmission, especially the invocations spoken by Richard Rudd.

More informations in my guiding article:

Gene Keys Reading by Dominik

Here on my new booking page for the Gene Key Readings / Session, explore all information in detail..

Visit the Reading Page:

Feel free to comment your experiences of the Gene Keys Synthesis below.

Thanks a lot for reading my article. Cheers to all of you voyagers! 🥰

With love,

Your Gene Keys Guide Dominik

5 Essential Steps to Becoming the Master of Your Destiny. Free Will Meets Life Purpose!

This article is also available in: German

This article reminds us of the following:

• Why we’re so often in fight mode and stressed out
• How we can use our free will to let go
• How we can become masters of our own destiny
• How we can exert our unique mission in life and live in alignment with our life purpose

This is how we take away our own free will.

how we take away our own free will

Why is it so difficult for so many people to embrace life playfully and with joy? Do we in fact have our fate and free will withheld from us? What can we do to become masters of our own destiny?

The answer to those questions is very simple and is hidden deep in people’s minds.

We might not like to fully admit that we are not able to implement our insights—which we get to know from books, seminars or YouTube videos—into practice. At least in the achieved quality.

The reasons are manifold. On the one hand we lack the experience to implement insights in our daily life. On the other hand most of the advices given are insights of coaches and consultants. These advices do not necessarily resonate with our inner heart, our life purpose and our mission in life. These people live in a completely different universe!

Each human being is a universe in him- and herself with a unique destiny that can be mastered.

The Idea of Mastering Our True Fate

Our beliefs or behavioral patterns, which are recorded in our subconsciousness, lead us to repeatedly experience similar situations in our life. The idea of mastering our true fate and destiny has, for a long time, been almost absurd in society, because we were subconsciously concerned only with survival.

How do we sustainably adapt our own operating system to the future?

The world is changing and sustainable systems which enable us to master our fate and destiny are desperately needed in the world. These systems are needed to eliminate old beliefs for all eternity and establish new, future-oriented success patterns. Within the essential 5 steps of this article we will explore the details of how a sustainable system is structured.

Anti-Purpose in Life: the Inner Fight!

Free Will Meets Life Purpose!

Usually, the knowledge and insights that we consume at the speed of light in our fast-moving time cannot be applied in everyday life. This creates enormous tension between our “actual state of life” and our “desired state of life” which cannot be reached.

Although we truly want to achieve our “desired state of life,” we do not know how to live up to what we have learned. And since we have forgotten about our mission in life, we walk from one Holy Grail to the next. This holy grail could be a book, seminar, 1:1 coaching or YouTube.

In the end, we are disappointed and deeply dissatisfied that we are getting further and further away from our purpose in life. We are disappointed in not only ourselves but also our mission in life and our free will! The promised Holy Grail, in which we invested a lot of time and effort, has disappointed us tremendously, as most of the changes we’ve achieved only have had a short time effect—this is the well-known seminar effect or boomerang effect which leaves us feeling doomed and tricked.

From that moment, becoming the master of one’s own destiny and fulfilling one’s purpose in life seems to have become a faraway goal away and we say “Goodbye” to our free will. For the moment of seclusion, disappointment, of doubt and mistrust, our heart’s longings seem to be endlessly far away.

However, this is not as bad as we might think because we can only forget our purpose in life to a limited extent and where there is darkness, there is also light. More and more people around the world start to care about their true purpose in life, therefore we are on the edge of releasing an intense amount of our collective karma.

Fortunately, our free will can only be taken away from us in a limited fashion, as the following little story of mine illustrates.

Voyage of Destiny and Limitation of Free Will

Limitation of Free Will

My first two years as an entry-level entrepreneur are an excellent example of the limited usage of our free will and how seldom we actually choose our destiny.

When I had completed my training as an IT specialist, I knew that my mission in life was far from being an employee. As a result – demotivated by my former employer – I was dismissed twice without notice for a fair amount of reasons. Once, I had absolutely no expertise in my job. Don’t ask me how I got the job! At the second job, I got bored after the orientation phase and invested more time in my research of stock market shares and consciousness development than my actual tasks. As soon as my boss noticed, this was the end of my employment and I had to invest time to look for a new job.

Today, I am glad that everything happened exactly the way it did, otherwise I would be somewhere else today—maybe I would still be an employee. Oh my God! This is not a life for me. Many people enjoy being employed. Me? Never again. I would be unhappy because of the restrictions. And I would never have been able to discover my higher purpose in life in such an environment.

During this difficult time, a good friend called me and told me about a special opportunity to earn a lot of money. Right away, the business appealed to me and so I started working as an independent salesman for the company. We held weekly meetings in which we were trained to become more skilled in sales. In addition to that, I continued full time in a new job which included night shifts. The idea to juggle jobs has been introduced in the book “Rich Dad Poor Dad” as well as in many other books – it’s sensible not to put all your eggs in one basket. I wanted to master the transition to a full-time entrepreneur step by step.

A few months later I dreamed of being a millionaire, yet at the same time, I wasn’t able to get 3-5 people excited about my business and its products. I was fated to fail. On the one hand, I dreamed of being able to let go of my work as an IT specialist and on the other hand, I put everything into my personal education for more than 2 years without feeling a breakthrough change occur! I felt doomed.

I thought, “Wonderful, I was sure that my free will has been on my side since my decision to start a business.”

But it was my free will which had me fully under its control, not vice versa!

Despite many books and educational seminars I never reached the point of being able to put the knowledge into practice. I was afraid to fail, and I felt like a stranger to myself.

I got to know the best strategies for sales negotiations, but I could never apply them authentically. And this is why I never sold anything.

At the same time, there were newcomers who sold very successfully with zero sales experience. Could they just make more use of their free will?

Back then, I felt irritated, fated, and doomed! I asked myself, “How can I master my destiny? What is my mission in life? What is my life purpose?”

Life Purpose and Belief Patterns

Life Purpose and Belief Patterns

Years later, I found the solutions for my fated-for-doom career as a salesman!

First of all, my behavior patterns did not allow me to become a “top salesman.” I was so blocked in life and in a shock paralysis that thousands of years of sales training wouldn’t have managed to make a top salesman out of me.

Self-doubt plagued me: “You know, if you succeed here what will your parents and family think?” Or “You’ve never been successful, as though it would be any different now!” These thoughts were deeply embedded in my system.

At the same time, I was a master of comparing, judging, and evaluating everything and everybody! That was what I had learned from my environment! It kept me from being involved more deeply with myself, or in other words, from competing with myself and not putting pressure on myself.

I was controlled by the opinions of others and thus doomed! I told myself that this business had to work, but at the same time, dissatisfaction built up inside me and made me more and more depressed.

“I realized that knowledge is not wisdom!”

After more than 2 years, following a bitter financial defeat, I decided to let go of the business and move forward. Today, this has become a great lesson for my mission in life!

My mission in life was not to be a top salesman. I imitated a role that I never was. My inner truth was equipped with plans of its own, and later I would learn about this. Years later, I remembered this!

When we make decisions, they are often unconsciously taken from our mind and not our heart! We make decisions from our memory and not from our inner intelligence. In the process itself we often have no access to free will and we are subject to fate, which leads to an unnecessary loss of time.

Ego will tell us “You have to follow through with this project now because you started it, or do you want to be a loser?” It’s one of the great illusions that have been in us since childhood and it’s leading us further away from our life purpose.

In summary, we have lost the manual on how to control our subconscious mind in a heart-based and loving way.

“It is not our waking consciousness that determines our destiny, but our beliefs. If we change our beliefs, we change our destiny.”

5 Essential Steps to Mastering Your Destiny! Unlocking Your Free Will and Purpose in Life!

Why could it continue to be hard dealing with our free will and purpose in life? How do we change that for ourselves?

I’m introducing you to 5 essential steps that have been successfully applied in practice for over 40 years by tens of thousands of people (including me and many of my friends).

1. Willingness to Recognize Your Potential

Before we can begin to shape our fate and destiny, we must realize that we have the opportunity to express a higher potential of our own free will.

As long as we still acknowledge that we are victims of our life circumstances and we feel we cannot change anything about it, the journey to the Mastery of Destiny is doomed. Only when we draw this “aha moment” of freedom into our lives are we able and willing to attract the improvement of our own quality of life.

For many people, a threshold of suffering must first be reached here: “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!” When people reach a threshold of suffering for themselves, the chance to break out of their current DNA structure opens up. The heavenly road to our life purpose opens up. Yet, at this stage, nothing changes at all in the outward world. There is only the existence of a probability that the DNA structure will transcend and not fall back into the same suffering routine again!

Many people are very capable of suffering and reach the threshold only after hundreds or thousands of repetitions, until they find a way to overcome the lower frequency structure of DNA forever and progress into everlasting evolution.

“Being a master of destiny requires a willingness to look deeply into oneself!”

2. Identifying the Originating DNA structure

In order to be able to transcend the DNA structure sustainably into higher-frequency ranges, it is essential for us to be aware of the system of dogmas or behavior patterns that we can apply in a self-determined fashion.

There are many spiritual teachers who advertise with thousands of methods to make this possible. The important thing here is that we can playfully find out the origin of the energetic pattern in a self-determined way in order to be able to say with certainty that we have dissolved a shadow theme or part of a shadow theme within ourselves.

Only when our path is connected with joy are we able to deal with ourselves deeply! Renunciation and remaining in our own patterns of suffering has never led to a higher quality of life.

“To discover our purpose in life, we have to let go of our fears and anxieties!”

3. Letting Go of Old DNA Structures

Once we have identified our demon or shadow subject, it is of crucial importance that we remove the existing emotional structure from this belief or let the energy flow out of the neural network. This should be done in a process of loving mindfulness and letting go.

There are many possibilities of visualizing this, such as letting the energy flow into an object or seeing how the energy flows back into the universe. The most important thing is that we neutralize the true origin and let it go – and not just pull a branch off a tree! Only when we let go of the entire tree, including the roots, will this have a sustainable impact on our life and our life purpose.

“To remember our purpose in life we have to let go of our destructive dogmas!”

4. Actively Shaping a New DNA Structure

In order for us to not fall back into old habits again and recreate the past in the future, it is essential to change the root of the previous shadow subject in a beneficial way that will make us free and light. To stay within our metaphor, we are planting a new, beneficial seed in fresh soil for our life purpose here.

As an example, we should feel a lightness, an increased clarity, or a tingling sensation similar to the tingling sensation of goosebumps when successfully transforming our beliefs.

“To connect to our purpose in life, we have to fuel a brand-new neural network!”

5. Establishing the New DNA Structure as a Habit.

What are the next steps you must take in physical reality to fire the new neural network?

How does it help your environment if you act according to this newly set pattern of success?

There are many ways to fire the new structure. One of the most important points is letting go of the control behavior. Daily control addiction and doubts lead to difficulties in the establishment of new structures. Therefore, it is equally essential to eliminate beliefs that cause doubt and control behavior.

“A part of our purpose in life is to act out of our brand-new neural networks!”

Summary of the 5 Essential Steps:

Only when we remove the entire tree, including its roots, and plant a new, conducive seed into the fresh soil in a self-determined way will this lead to a better quality of life in the long term. In this manner, we see our purpose in life more clearly, have access to free will, and our fate does not determine us any further, but it is us who master our destiny!

My motto: The path of life purpose is allowed to be joyful, self-determined, and sustainable (for all eternity)!

Bonus Recommendation: Only Compete with Yourself – Not with Others!

Only Compete with Yourself

One of the early secrets of the success of Apple and Steve Jobs was that he only ever competed with himself, his company, and the employees!

External communication never included a justification for why Apple was better than Microsoft or IBM, for example. They always used a centered, inward-looking approach to marketing.

With this secret, Apple and Steve Jobs were able to introduce innovative products to the market which did not exist in the status quo. See, for example, the first Apple computer or the first iPhone with touchscreen function – a world first in 2007.

Apple had a strong life purpose and no scruple to revolutionize the status quo. As you probably know, times are changing and so did Apple after Steve Jobs’ death. Today, it seems that Apple is only finetuning their status quo, not setting new quantum leaps.

What happens when you only compete with yourself?

You’re dealing with your inner core or heart and are stopping to accuse and judge others. Because of this, you’re experiencing your genius and are centered within yourself, just as you were as an infant. With one tiny difference: Now you have the possibility to consciously navigate your genius! A quantum leap in your development.

Important: This does not mean not being inspired by wonderful solutions of others. Regarding the Beyonduality Blog, I was very inspired by Neil Patel and his international blog and was able to consciously implement elements like optimal readability into this blog. This included elements like font size, formatting, design of the articles, and how pleasantly even advertising material could be integrated to achieve the best reading experience of articles.

My Mission in Life: Leadership from the Heart & Being a Child!

My mission in Life: Leadership from the Heart & Being a Child!

How do I implement these 5 essential steps in everyday life, you may wonder?

How did I lead myself into my wisdom and recognize my mission in life? How was I able to transcend my DNA structure to live my purpose in life?

Dealing with myself—I give myself the answers and compete with myself—as we were when we were little children; we were also competing with ourselves, which was very important. Only later did we learn to look at how others were doing. “How is Felix doing it?”; “Why can Nadine do it better?” We started to measure ourselves against others. We stopped measuring and improving ourselves. At the same time we stopped following our mission in life, our destiny and our calling. We began to emulate others and have continued to do so until today, without bringing our individuality into the equation.

How can I remember to compete with myself again?

It means a lot to me to provide the opportunities that have helped me on my way. Opportunities which are not purely theoretical but go into the essence of matter and non-matter, allowing for real change to occur. Opportunities that can be put into practice and can never be replaced, such as the CYP-Bio-Feedback method which follows the 5 steps that I mentioned above one by one and is helping me and many persons in my close environment. Yet, unluckily, this method is only available for the German market right now.

Do you know about international methods and systems that follow exactly those five steps described above? Contact me or write a comment below.

I am glad that you have read the article to the end. Feel free to share in the comments how you like the article and what your ideas and thoughts are. To what extent have you dealt with this topic and philosophy so far?

With unconditional love,
