The Flaws Within – What Earth Do You Prefer to Live On?


This article is also available in: German

Limitless reasons exist why I should be different than I am. Limitless limits exist why I cannot be who I am supposed to be. Life has its own rhythms, and many of us human beings lost this core connectivity to the rhythm of life.

2020 and the future years will represent this lost rhythm with nature and the flow of life. We lost our identity and moved in the direction of pure automation. This steals the inherent power to keep an open heart and speak the truth wholeheartedly from one to another.

I am no exception in this. The more I remember, the more I remember what I have forgotten, and the more I see how little my impact on the whole is. At the same time, my impact, on the whole, is everything. And so is your impact vastly underrated. Because it also means everything!

In the end, there is just unity.

2020 and the future years are the most critical in humanities history in different aspects. We can decide to move into a fully automatic dictatorship that we all created, or we decide to trust our hearts and feelings, bringing mind and heart into union.

Are our feelings not what makes us human beings in the first place?

Today in society, we philosophy and study consciousness, subconsciousness, and psychology, but we completely forget the value of our intuition and heart. We rationalize everything, and all that cannot be understood by our ratio is seen as a coincidence of life for which we have no power over.

Most human beings do not understand the vastness of living on planet earth. Life on earth can be both heaven and hell. Our perceptions and experiences decide if we experience heaven or hell.

In 2020, I see more people experience heaven and hell. Why is that?

Because people are more awake, reflective, and aware. At least the people that experienced hell will notice that there is no hell to enter the afterlife. And the people experiencing heaven will understand that everything is as it should be. Earth can be heaven and hell.

What earth do you prefer to live on?

This is not a matter of one or the other; it is a matter of which one you participate in. Do not believe that we, as human beings, will only experience heaven and be full of light without experiencing the darkness because the darkness surrounds everything.

This *light and purity* is modern spiritual nonsense, and it is dangerous because it hides your true light.

I am no one to judge anyone else besides my actions. Indeed, I am a part of humanity as you are.

My actions influence yours, and your action influences me on a completely different level.

We all are flawless and limitless beings from the core, and at the same time, we are full of flaws within.

The flaws within are also flawless and limitless. So, accept, allow, and embrace your flaws from deep within.

What earth do you prefer to live on?

With unconditional love,


The Secrets of Depressions and the Benefits for Your Soul Purpose!


This article is also available in: German

There is a vast secret to depressions that no one wants you to know in society, and people that know this truth are scared to talk about it in public. Everyone understands that depressions are good for business to keep the abuser and victim game running.

I will reveal this secret later in this read. So, it is a rare event that I am writing about it today.

I am regularly dealing with different states of depressions in my life. I had always felt depressed, but those depressive states’ quality vastly changed in quality and quantity over the last years.

Even today, there are times and phases of my life when they come and go like day and night.

Some days I can’t sleep or work, and some days I am just frustrated and bored.

Who knows this too?

After doing my inner work for years, clearly understanding my past, actively contemplating the worldview of epigenetics, quantum physics, and dimensions of Bruce Lipton, Nassim Haramein, and Tom Campbell – I had a revelation for depressions.

So, this article will help you to understand…

  1. What are Depressions from an Energetic Point of View?
  2. Why are Depressions Essential to Understand Your Soul Purpose?
  3. 3 Steps How You Deal with Depressions

1. What are Depressions from an Energetic Point of View?

Depressions are compression. They are pressure points that intensify energy in a single point. Compressions are always mental, emotional, and physical. It is all about how we interact with the universal patterns of information in the field. And because everyone is connected to the field, sometimes it just happens that more information is accessible. When we access too much information, we may feel exhausted. Most likely, we are not able to efficiently understand the depth of this information.

In most cases, we cannot discover the turn off button. We feel like a victim and run from one psychologist and doctor to another without finding the solution.  Only when a professional will not clarify depressions as mental anxiety we can find the solution. We do not have to be healed from depressions; we only must understand how information is processed in our system and how to streamline the energy efficiently.

You can consider depression as an overload of information entering the personality that needs to be listened to and needs a creative expression.

“When we do not listen to our inner life, we suppress it, so we further stabilize a state of depression.”

We are not willing to let go of our past, thus establishing more intense emotional patterns. Those emotional patterns are established in our physical bodies. And those emotional patterns also establish in our mental condition. In extreme cases, states of suppression cause all kinds of anxiety states because we cannot handle the energy. We behave like remotely controlled by our environment; we feel like victims of our environment.

So we have to understand this: Modern Science is on the brick to understand that we have the capability to access all the information of the universe because we live in a holographic universe, in which everything is recorded and can be recreated from every spacetime of the universe. We have the power to access the universes energy field, which includes our energy field and different subtle bodies.

When we cannot handle our energetic field, and we suppress it because this seems the only valid option, we feel depressed. We hide away from our emotions, thoughts, and the rhythm of our physical body and our heart. Because we never learned how to deal with the energy and the information from the field.

How to deal with compressions and our personality history is neither a home nor a school subject and teaching.

That is also why in solar storms from the sun and different universal activities, we can feel more sad or depressed because more compact information is transmitted. But because we cannot handle this compact information, we human beings can feel it even stronger – having our extreme ups and downs.

The core of the challenge is that collectively we still believe to be victims. We do not believe that we are co-creators in this universe with pure abundance and freedom. Our limiting beliefs convince us that we cannot access all information of all universes from within. So, we seek information from the outside of our world.

We cannot gather all the information instantly because we would be perfect, right? We would be the oneness that can not experience itself anymore. Because of that, we must accept our journey on earth. We must allow and embrace our suffering.

2. Why Are Depressions Essential to Understand Your Soul Purpose?

Depressions are information packs that influence human beings more than anything else in the 21. Century. Only when we can decipher and extract information out of the field can we familiarize ourselves with our Soul Purpose. The compressions/depression blocks the information that is not meant to be visible for the time being. So, depression is positive in our evolutionary context. We are not meant to understand and remember everything. Seeing depressions and your Soul Purpose in this perspective will make your life a lot easier! 

3. 3 Steps How You Deal with Depressions

How are depressions a positive signal for you? They are a sign that you have reached a point of no return in a cycle of your life. When you decide for something in life, you are not meant to sustain your old self, events, and life, but we hold onto the past lives.

When we go for Option A, we do not tolerate to burn Option B. Option A can be one partner and option B the single, separated life. Option A can be one business, and option B is the closure of this business and starting a new business. If one path is stagnating and decaying, this is known as “death.” It is not different than physically dying.

Therefore, humans feel so depressed all the time. We feel to lose the old, which seems never to be revisiting us every again. What is dying is the hope to return to the old life. When we hold onto the old, we intensify and block information that needs to be freed.

Step 1: So, the first solution is to honestly let go of the old and understanding that life is not meant to be lived in memories. When we start to understand that everything always decays and grows in our universe, from plants to trees to human beings – we begin to feel lighter, and we are grateful for each moment. Every day millions and billions of cells die and are renewed. And because we are made from this 50 billion and more cells, we die every day without observing and understanding it. We do not think about the past or future anymore because we know that this moment will decay, and it will never return as it was before.

“By living in the past and future, we never actually lived in the first place. “

We misinterpret the present moment, and thus we misinterpret our past experiences and our future probabilities. Understanding this will improve your life’s quality immensely, and depressions will maximum be compressions from now on. There will be smaller or larger decays or deaths in everyone’s life. And because we misinterpret all our life’s experiences, we misinterpret everything about other life experiences too.

Step 2: Do not make the mistake I have done so many times in my life. Holding back and doing something halfhearted, gives only half-hearted and messy results. Every time I entirely devoted myself to a project and mission, I had tremendous success, and every time I kept even a single percentage in the fridge – it has early or later frozen the process and created painful experiences. So, commit yourself to feel the suffering, the depressions, and work out solutions to access your energy field of information’s more efficiently, instead of pulling out and holding back.

“Half-Heartedness spreads all energy as far as possible into all directions, and Devotion binds all energy strongly together into a single mission.”

Step 3: Believing that physical death will fix your depressions is probably the most significant error in humanity. It is just not the case that after physical death, our problems go away. They are sustainable until we solve them. Physical death is not the higher mind and the soul’s death – because of that, we better deal with our struggles now, not pushing them away further into the future, hoping that they will disappear at one point in our life. Be yourself! There are enough experiences from out of the body, near-death experiences (I have several friends who had one and shared their experience), and many more. We would be ignorant and arrogant to the belief that we are petty as it would be ignorant and arrogant to the belief that we have more significance than we have. We can master our lives! But this is a task to be reckoned with – we should not try to master others’ lives or the universe.

“Master your life before teaching others how to master their lives!” 

Only you know how to become the master of your life. I have written more than 30 articles on Beyonduality, which will support you as a kind of guide. But you must walk the path yourself! 

Thanks a lot for reading my articles. I am always keen to share my experiences in life.

With unconditional Love,

Dominik Porsche

Your Purpose in Life and Society Integration


This article is also available in: German

As already written in the main article “Discover Your Soul Purpose,” life’s purpose is the assignment that you have taken to earth as a soul. For example, this could be that this time you do not make the same “mistakes” as in previous incarnations and master the challenges with ease.

If you integrate your mission into society, you can also consider this as your vocation. So, you find your vocation by unfolding your life’s work and your archetypal qualities and abilities.

I have even made a self-check for you to filter out your archetypal qualities and abilities.

Find Your Purpose in Society

For you to get your life’s work and soul purpose integrated into society, you may determine for yourself what your unique abilities and qualities are for society. This is one of your higher purposes for society.

To be in a higher service, you must essentially have a fundamental understanding of the global economy—especially the perpetual female and male gender struggle, which is littered with conflicts.

I am a big fan of the spectrum of consciousness from Gene Keys to understand these conflicts in depth.

We live in a time in which women become more influential in politics, economy, and cooperation. We can observe this by looking into the management levels of companies or politics.

There is no wrong or right here. Just as there are good and bad role models for men, there will also be bad role models for women in management positions. One of the significant challenges in today’s world is the balance and diplomacy between women and men.

This is an example of how you could offer valuable benefits in society with your life’s work if you have the abilities and qualities to find diplomatic and peaceful solutions to disputes.

How do you proceed so that you discover this social purpose in life?

First of all, you have to deal with yourself and your inner life. At the same time, you are currently already passively implementing this task as an employee, self-employed person, or entrepreneur, which helps you to recognize your abilities and qualities more. Probably, you are already “On the track” even though you may not know it.

How could this social purpose of life look like?

Maybe you are a programmer in a company and find ways to integrate new concepts for gender equality into society. Here it is vital to act outside your comfort zone because nobody has ever done this task and mission before.

Maybe you are a kindergarten teacher and find ways to integrate new concepts for gender equality into society. This takes place here on a completely different level than with the programmer, yet both possibilities could help all people worldwide find their harmony.

For me, equality means not to force women and men or girls and boys into a prefabricated box. So, it is about letting them freely unfold so that they can develop their own style. This way, they are aware of their purpose in life much earlier in their lives and automatically act according to what they enjoy most.

Of course, these people carry out a social mission in life, which is for all people and the earth. 

Your Purpose in Life in Society – Private Factors  

What is the benefit for you and your private environment if you integrate your purpose in life into society? What do your brothers and sisters get out of it?

Ask yourself intensively how you and your environment can benefit from your life’s work in the long term.

Private and personal are very close to each other. The personal is focused solely on you, and the private is including your circle of friends and family.

What effects do your actions have on your friends and family?

What changes do your actions have on your friends and family?

The paradox is that only through a process of inner change, can you positively influence your outer world and your environment. This does not yet require manifestations in the form of more external resources.

“Like more happiness, love, patience, and understanding, the inner resources will lift you and your environment to the next level of consciousness.

Your Purpose in Life in Society – Environmental Factors

The purpose of life in society can just as well be fulfilled for the environment. Maybe you are a programmer and develop a new system for more efficient waste disposal or a system like Boyan Slat with “The Ocean Cleanup” for the sea’s plastic problem.

Depending on what your expertise is, you can also use it for the environment. The most important thing is not to set yourself any limits. Above all, it is essential to follow your heart and see clearly that your mission will be a success no matter what.

Your mission is always serving the society and not only yourself. This is essential!

You can also help the animal kingdom. Always check the global social benefits. See that it improves your well-being and the well-being of your fellow human beings, animals, and nature.

Your Purpose in Life in Society – Business Factors

What is the benefit for you and other companies if you integrate your life’s work into society?

Today we are all conditioned to short-term profit, but short-term gain, no matter what kind, is extremely volatile and does not serve the well-being of all. If you want to profit in the short term, you need a participant who can make extreme losses in a short time. If you build your strategy on sustainability and the long term, everyone can benefit.

For example, who recommends a credit of 100.000 Euro or more to an already “poor person” who wants to be successful, so that he makes 5.000 Euro fast and easy “money,” acts selfishly in the well-being of himself. Whoever wants to sell a property to a successful person has a different lever and can play the game even more intensively. I am personally not a fan of debt, no matter in which way. I just don’t like to play Russian roulette with my future, especially not in a time like today, when everybody wants to sell everything to everybody and prices worldwide are rising to the unaffordable and have already risen.

Look for yourself and integrate your life’s mission socially, where everybody can profit, and nobody can lose. A real win-win situation is a prerequisite for sustainability in our society.

Conclusion: Mission of Life, Vocation, Purpose – Integration into Society

It is always fun to write about this topic. At the same time, our language has made it increasingly difficult to distinguish between individual words. The mission of life, vocation, and purpose are just a few of the many names that repeatedly cause confusion. Some of these terms are the same, and some are very different.

For me, life’s mission is the task of the soul, and the vocation is the collective realization of the mission of life on an active level (DOING). The purpose is the passive level (BEING) that always resonates. This passive level (BEING) could be understood as a system of values that define you and your whole personality. Just like a fish swims in water and takes the water as a passive matter of principle (BEING), we also accept our purpose as an unconscious matter of principle.

Therefore, it is damn hard to find out our life’s purpose for society.

We may look into our consciousness, subconscious and superconscious and the limiting belief systems bound in them to find out our passive qualities.

We may deal with fears, worries, and frustration. Your shadow work is a prerequisite for discovering your passive qualities and your life’s work. As the shaman has learned to look deep into his inner being, you may also learn ways to look deep into your inner being again.

Here I personally work with Meditation and Gene Keys in combination with self-study and recommend dealing with both because they are connected with joy and fun.

PS: You will find out parts of your being, your hidden destiny about your life purpose and vocation will become increasingly apparent.

With love,

Your Dominik

Spiritual Awakening Signs – 3 Stages of Spiritual Awakening and Questions Answered


This article is also available in: German

How to have a spiritual awakening? Are you ready for them?

Awakening, Enlightenment, Ascension…Can you be even ready for them?

And spiritual awakening, what is it really?

This master’s article is meant to answer all your questions to live your answers to spiritual awakening.

I decided to create this super long article, to write “REAL TALK” about this subject because someone has to do it.

In this article, I write about the 3 stages of spiritual awakening and everything else you need to know. There is also a fantastic FAQ at the end of this article.

last update on 06.05.2021 (brilliant graphic for the 3 phases added and other optimizations)


1. What is Spiritual Awakening?
2. Spiritual Awakening Signs explained in 3 Stages
3. Spiritual Awakening and Relationships
4. Who are Spiritual Awakening Teachers?
5. Spiritual Awakening Quotes
6. Spiritual Awakening Books
7. FAQ Spiritual Awakening Questions
– What are Spiritual Awakening Symptoms?
– How is Spiritual Awakening and Kundalini related?
– What is the Duration of a Spiritual Awakening?
– Can it happen that I had a Spiritual Awakening and now a Depression?
– Can it happen that I had a Spiritual Awakening and Can’t Sleep?
– Can Spiritual Awakening Make You Tired?
– Can Spiritual Awakening come from Alcohol?
– Can Spiritual Awakening Cause Dizziness?
– Can Spiritual Awakening Cause Headaches?
– Can it happen that I had a Spiritual Awakening and Can’t Focus?

What is Spiritual Awakening?

What is spiritual Awakening?

When we fall asleep in the night, we awaken into another reality, mostly our dream reality. When we wake up in the morning, we awaken into our known physical reality again. So, no worries about spiritual awakening, because in a sense, we at least have two huge awakenings every day!

What is a spiritual awakening?

Spiritual awakening is an alchemical process of life. It is a process from one set of beliefs to another set of beliefs. Therefore, it is a significant shift in our worldview that changes us forever.

You still remember those crazy geniuses, Leonardo da Vinci or Copernicus, right? They all changed how we perceive the world. Earth was believed to be the center of our whole universe, and Copernicus discovered that the sun is at the center of the universe. And Leonardo da Vinci proofed already over 500 years ago, that we will be able to fly. That we can do the impossible!

You may ask what all of this has to do with spiritual awakening.

Spiritual awakening can be considered as an expansion of your worldview. Today, most people would agree that they cannot fly with their human body, heal themselves, or portal from one place to another. It seems like science fiction, and it is science fiction for our current physical evolution.

But what, if at some point, this will be not magic anymore and people commonly manifest those superpowers?

Another subject is that people are not sure what happens after death. We have no scientific facts or data that indeed prove the afterlife, besides the thousands of near-death experiences and stories about astral travel.

The fear of death can be frightening for most, as it is beneficial for others. Cooperations and society are built around the fear of death and that with all power, we have to prevent our physical death.

Most major spiritual awakenings include the experience of the feeling that we exist now and that we infinitely always exist and change forms. This experience is a massive gamechanger with vast implications for our daily life.

We begin to understand that we can never lose another.

We begin to understand that time is unlimited.

We begin to understand that fear is an illusion of our minds.

At the same time, after a sudden awakening, we cannot implement our new inner wisdom in our daily life because we never experienced this major internal shift of our belief systems. This can be a considerable shock and challenge because, globally, we continue to live in separation and a lack of everything.

The meaning of what spiritual awakening is, is the result of my experiences. Sudden spiritual awakenings can be overwhelming because we shift into a completely new reality while staying with our old environment of family, friends, and colleagues.

I shifted to an entirely new outer environment within the last 4 years, and I successfully changed from one to another reality. Only very few people, including my family and friends, are still by my side.

You can read more about this in the chapter Spiritual Awakening and Relationships.

My personal opinion is that spiritual awakening and spiritual enlightenment always goes hand in hand. While we awaken to a new worldview, we always lighten up and access more conscious awareness.

Spiritual awakening is experienced in three stages, and when people experience the second and third stage, they always expand their level of conscious awareness. This new level of awareness can also contract for a while again. However, the inner cellular wisdom stays active until the expansion of the next stage of spiritual awakening arrives.

Spiritual Awakening Signs explained in 3 Stages

Before we go into the 3 stages, I have created this graphic for you (Spiral of Spiritual Awakening – see above). This illustration supports you wonderfully for your personal phase of spiritual awakening. You can also see that I have subdivided the graphic into red, orange and green. This is to illustrate that after awakening, there will be another challenge. The new challenge is easier to overcome because you already have a higher quality of life here. So the awakening becomes easier and easier for you the more often it occurs.

1. The Dissatisfaction Stage before Spiritual Awakening 

Stage 1 is the dissatisfaction stage, in which we begin to fall out of our hearts into the prison of our thoughts and limiting environmental factors. In religion, some call this the fall of Eden, in which the first shame and guilt was born. 

As mentioned before, the actual spiritual awakening is a complete shift in belief systems about you and the world. This is the sign that before your awakening, powerful and old limiting beliefs are present. Those limiting belief systems seem to have power over the decisions in your life. Almost all the time, this ends in dissatisfaction. It can go as far as burnout and depression in one’s life, as it occurred with me. You feel and think you are genuinely the victim and not the director and actor of your life.

At some point in this unsatisfied phase, you cry for help. This is an inner cry, a desire to do something about your life’s circumstances. You actively learn about solutions and coincidently meet people that inspire you to let go of your limiting beliefs. There may be even signs of spiritual awakening receiving secret messages from others.

You learn about permission slips that support you to be more of who you already are, your true infinite self. Permission slips can be any tool or technique that helps you be more in harmony, peace, and, most notably, in a balanced self-love state.

2. The Spiritual Awakening Stage – Enough is Enough

Stage 2 is the awakening stage, in which we discover and act on solutions that help us get out of the deep cave of our minds. This is also the stage, in which the enlightenment occurs.

At some point in overcoming enough challenges in your life, your higher self and higher mind send certain spiritual teachings or teachers which strongly resonate with you. You begin to study your inner self. You open up to deep inner work.

This doesn’t necessarily have to be like that, but most times, it is the scenario. You will notice this by the specific different type of energy surrounding your life that wasn’t present until that time.

It may even feel like God is visiting you.

The exact time of your spiritual awakening can’t be expected and will be very spontaneous. This is because you never had experienced it before, and your conscious awareness is limited to look into your future full of probabilities.

Several requirements strengthen the probability that your spiritual awakening is close.

Spiritual Awakening Sign – Courage for Inner Work

You dare to look deeply into your own inner self. Without beginning your shadow work, awakening may stay a dream in your life forever. So yes, spiritual awakening and shadow work is one requirement.

Spiritual Awakening Sign – Trust Your Suffering

Your suffering and inner tension are probably already immense. To trust this, suffering from Love is another spiritual awakening symptom. Combined with the courage and trust to look deeply within, this may lead to spiritual awakening through your shadow work.

How Does Spiritual Awakening Feel?

When the actual awakening experience happens, it can be like an explosion of a champagne bottle within your whole sensory system. From person to person, this will always be completely different. It was very explosive, warm, peaceful and a feeling of being home surrounded my whole being, and the complete awakening experience lasted for over an hour. Thoughts stopped, and my physical body was in an entire relaxation state. In a sense, it was a sensation like barely waking up in the morning and still feeling half asleep and disincarnated to your physical, sensory environment. It is hard to describe, but this comes a little close to how I walked around for an hour. It was almost like flying and incredibly surreal at that moment.

But having a spiritual awakening does not mean that all beliefs will always be in peace. Some of the negative belief systems can fight back as they did in my case. That is the third stage, in which you have to adjust to your new state of awareness and sets of new beliefs about the world. 

3. The Readjustment Stage after Spiritual Awakening 

Stage 3 is the readjustment after the sudden spiritual awakening that changed the bedrock of our beliefs and worldview.

The most significant and most crucial phase is the readjustment stage. While many have huge awakenings, they are never able to implement the wisdom into their lives. This can become a negative feedback loop, in which you believe you feel even worse than before. But this is an illusion.

You just have experienced a state of pure blissful consciousness, for that no other benchmark for comparison exists. Because this state of blissful awareness, in which pure consciousness enters your system, will very quickly be your new status quo, everything that even comes close to your old unsatisfied feeling will feel ten times as bad and robust.

That is the illusion.

Now your limiting belief systems try to convince you, and when you trust and believe them, you lost. They know that you had a big breakthrough, and they fear to vanish into the void of nothingness. You can genuinely see your beliefs as entities that fear for their lives.

When you stay open, honest, reflected, and grounded in your heart, you will quickly notice that these new sets of feelings and thoughts are just your old belief systems’ last offensive acts.

So be in peace with them. Don’t fight back, because this will just strengthen the limiting belief systems and put you in a very confusing situation, causing heavy fatigues.

Critical summary: Illusionary can be the fact while having a boost of conscious awareness, you begin and want to change so many things in our fear-based society. This can cause the effect that you let limiting beliefs convince you that your new worldview has a negative impact because there is so much more work to do. After that, you can be trapped by your negative belief system to feel and think more pessimistic about the world again.

This is the most significant factor why people talk about tiredness, depression, or that they can’t sleep after their initial spiritual awakening. Now, they are fully aware of what they were not aware of before. This can be the shock of spiritual awakening, which has to be understood and dealt with immediately.

My personal opinion:

After a spiritual awakening, the real hard devoted work starts. Everyone will notice that you changed. It has a significant impact on your relationships and all of your environments. This could cause intense turbulences, which you have to be aware of and discover a playful approach to deal with them.

In the first phase, after awakening, you need time and patience to realize the new and put it into the context of a new worldview. In the next phase, you need to partly integrate the new realization into your life. And in the last phase, you need to fully incorporate the recent completion into your life. Those three phases after spiritual awakening take years or even a whole lifetime to complete.

These are my ideas that after a spiritual awakening is before your spiritual awakening, your life truly changes when you awaken. That is because the bedrock of your beliefs changed.

When your belief systems change, your outer circumstances will change, as soon as the time is ready. So be patient and trust yourself. Learn everything about your physical, emotional, and mental body you need to know. This is the best and most effective way to deal with true awakenings.

Also, get to know your higher mind and the higher energy systems, so you will always be keeping a balance of earth and heaven.

In summer 2020 in beautiful Cyprus mountains, I also recorded my first video about my sudden spiritual awakening, which I had several years ago. I wasn’t confident to talk about it until now because a lot of pieces in the puzzle were missing to report my experiences wholeheartedly, authentic, and accurate.

You should watch my video, which is complementary for this section, ‘Signs and Stages for Spiritual Awakening,’ here.

Spiritual Awakening and Relationships

Spiritual Awakening Symptoms and Relationships

Human relationships, aren’t they unique? I promise you, after your spiritual awakening, they are more memorable!

I already have written that in sudden awakenings, the bedrock of your belief system change. This has enormous implications for all your human relationships because friends, family, and partners may not be happy about your new belief systems. And it doesn’t matter if you read this article because you want to achieve enlightenment or not, because anyway, it will happen suddenly and spontaneously.

I can only talk about my experiences here. Within the last 4 years, it just happened that my complete friends shifted to other friends, and lately, I also separated with my partner because the differences in lifestyle and what we dreamed of in life weren’t holding us together anymore.

So yes, spiritual awakening can cause marriage problems. Yes, it can happen that you spiritually awaken, and you go through a divorce.

But what truly matters is how you deal with your challenges and how your attitude towards those challenges are. You can’t fight against your new belief systems that expanded your worldview, as you can’t control and want to support others in their awakening process. They might never have an awakening in their life, and you may try to force them to change their bedrocks of beliefs. This will only hurt your relationship.

So, you have to make courageous decisions, now more than ever before. And believe me, they will be hugely rewarding for you, as long as they come from the heart.

You are also not responsible, how others react to your awakening and decisions. Adverse reactions and blame will only unveil others true identity, which you could not see until now. So better be stable, stay in your roots, and move forward with all of your Divine’s heart and will.

If I learned one fact in life, it is that I am not able to change others against their will. This would only create extreme turbulences later on, and it will create a feedback loop, in which both will be entangled.

Others have to be willing to change their life. I may give guidance to some extend or teach tools and techniques; however, they have to move forward.

Who are Spiritual Awakening Teachers?

Eckart Tolle and the Power of Now

For me, the well-known spiritual teacher Eckart Tolle is an embodiment of those higher spiritual teachings about the timeless state of the now. He described this wonderfully in his bestseller ‘The Power of Now,’ which is probably the most translated spiritual awakening book of our era.

Dr. Joe Dispenza and Become Supernatural

I love the story of Dr. Joe Dispenza and his magical healing of his seemingly impossible to heal the injury of his back.

Here is his video story:

In his bestseller book, ‘Become Supernatural,’ there are many ordinary people, like you and me, talking about how they are achieved the uncommon.

Dr. Bruce Lipton and Biology of Belief

Dr. Bruce Lipton is an amazing being! How can you hate this guy?  In his bestselling book, ‘Biology of Belief’ he shares his stories about his spiritual awakening. For a long time, he was an ordinary scientist, until he discovered that we can change our genetics and that we are NOT victims of our genes. I loved his book and story, and it is a different story about spiritual awakening. 

11 Spiritual Awakening Quotes

  1. “It is through gratitude for the present moment that the spiritual dimension of life opens up.” – Eckhart Tolle
  2. “Some changes look negative on the surface, but you will soon realize that space is being created in your life for something new to emerge.” – Eckhart Tolle
  3. “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” – Albert Einstein
  4. “The spiritual journey is individual, highly personal. It can’t be organized or regulated. It isn’t true that everyone should follow one path. Listen to your own truth.” – Ram Dass
  5. “Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” – G. Jung
  6. “First, we become aware of that which is Divine around us. Then we become aware of that which is Divine within us. Finally, we become aware that all is Divine and that there is nothing else. This is the moment of our awakening.”- Neale Donald Walsch
  7. “Awakening is not changing who you are but discarding who you are not.” – Deepak Chopra
  8. “You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life?” – Rumi
  9. “Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.” – Leonardo da Vinci
  10. “I’m merely saying that there is a way to be sane. I’m saying that you can get rid of all this insanity created by the past in you, just by being a simple witness of your thought processes.It is simply sitting silently, witnessing the thoughts passing before you. Just witnessing, not interfering, not even judging, because the moment you judge, you have lost the pure witness. The moment you say “this is good, this is bad,” you have already jumped onto the thought process.It takes a little time to create a gap between the witness and the mind. Once the gap is there, you are in for a great surprise, that you are not the mind, that you are the witness, a watcher.And this process of watching is the very alchemy of real religion. Because as you become more and more deeply rooted in witnessing, thoughts start disappearing. You are, but the mind is utterly empty.That’s the moment of enlightenment. That is the moment that you become for the first time, an unconditioned, sane, really free human being.” – Osho
  11. “Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” – Ramana Maharshi 

7 Spiritual Awakening Books

1. The Power of Now

spiritual awakening books Eckhart Tolle The Power Of Now

2. Becoming Supernatural

spiritual awakening book joe dispenza

3. Biology of Belief

spiritual awakening process

4. The Book of Awakening

the book of awakening

5. The Body Keeps the Score

6. The Untethered Soul

Spiritual Awakening Signs The Untethered Soul

7. The Magus of Strovolos

The Magus of Strovolos for spiritual Awakening

FAQ for Spiritual Awakening 

What are Spiritual Awakening Symptoms?

First of all, we notice a shift in perception. This can happen already days or weeks before an actual awakening experience. For me, this happened 6 days before the actual event. I was never so excited in my whole life, while at the same time being afraid. Very paradoxically and confusing states of consciousness.

What happens in spiritual awakening in the body? What are the physical symptoms of spiritual awakening?

The actual spiritual awakening symptoms on a physical level can be a feeling of lightness, excitement, warmth, or heat, and it can lead to goosebumps, rapture, ecstatic states, and a sense of being home, peace, and vastly opening of inner space, like the universe is opening up within.

There may and will also be many other symptoms, which I am not aware of up to date. Please share your experience in the comments below!

When we have the spiritual awakening symptoms, our seven chakras open up, and the meridians system completely actives. This is considered to be Kundalini.

So, in my personal opinion, spiritual awakening goes hand in hand with sudden enlightenment. In the phase of lightening up, we receive new expanding streams of energy into ourselves. This activates sensitive areas in our whole system and causes the Kundalini awakening. 

What is the Duration of a Spiritual Awakening?

This always depends on what we believe to be the duration of a spiritual awakening. I heard about experiences that stayed for several days, in which universal information was crystal clear and was able to flow into the person. My initial sudden awakening was about an hour, in which I had a blissful state of rapture and a heightened state of physical sensations.

There may and will also be many other timeframes, which I am not aware of up to date. Please share your experience in the comments below!

Can it happen that I had a Spiritual Awakening and now a Depression?

 I have already written in the spiritual awakening stage three (Readjustment Stage) about the implications of sudden spiritual awakenings.

So, yes, we may be in a state of depression at some point after our awakening. Awakening is not an experience that will shield us from humanity’s pain body and suffering. This is important to understand.

When we have sudden spiritual awakenings, more than ever before, we open ourselves to collective energies. When we open up, we may feel the collective suffering and pain, which can be challenging. This does NOT MEAN that you, as an individual, are in suffer or pain.

Every time you feel depressed – ask yourself; whether this is from the collective pain body. And take responsibility and patience to deal with this new challenge.

We should also talk about “what’s depression.” I heard about depression is simply compression! Please reread this.

Depression is compression!  

This means that you access a lot more information than you should allow yourself to access. Those emotional and mental turbulences should not be just oppressed because they will always surface again. But this is the typical reaction of human beings right now! When you suppress them, they will come to the surface again, more robust and stronger, like a negative feedback loop.

When you feel depressed, just reflect, “Ahh, wait for a second!!! Somehow on an emotional and mental level, too much stress and information want to be expressed! I decide to let this settle down in Love and peace, I will never fight this, and this compression is a new sign for me to learn and remember who I truly am.

Believe me, the more trained you are, the less you will ever again depressed. Maybe there comes compression, but not any more depression!

Can it happen that I had a Spiritual Awakening and Can’t Sleep?

 Yes, it can happen. And yes, this can also be the cause of the tiredness and depressed feeling. I am no doctor, so I can’t say what is the exact cause. I experience up until today, a very mixed sleeping rhythm. But it never happened to me that I could not sleep for days, for example.

Even in my sudden spiritual awakening, I was able to sleep long enough. You just cannot let fears control you if you, for example, fear the darkness or sleep. You have to discover the negative beliefs that convince you that the night is evil or dangerous. You have to let go of those and similar limiting beliefs that just do not make any sense.

Can Spiritual Awakening Make You Tired? 

Spiritual awakening can be tiring because you access more conscious awareness, and your body needs to readjust, relax, and rest. I was exhausted after my actual awakening experience.

It is nothing to worry about, and this stage will soon be over within a day or two. You just have to be able to let go. No worries, no doubts or fears. Never believe the belief systems that wish to make you tired all the time.

Most of the tiredness in our society is coming from bad or wrong food consumption. So, maybe it is a great time to analyze and change your food behavior. I can highly recommend a raw vegan week from time to time.

healthy eating

We clean, repair our coffee machine and car, but we are not willing to clean our stomach a week. We have to reconsider the importance of our physical bodies. When we spiritually awaken, we soon understand how sacred the body truly is.

Can Spiritual Awakening come from Alcohol? 

Why did I include this question? No idea! Hahaha – no, seriously, I have never heard of a case that spiritual awakening was triggered from Alcohol.

I have friends who attended spiritual retreats to take Ayahuasca, a shamanic alchemical natural mix of herbs to open up the psychic awakening states; this may be something in which you access information that was not available before you trigger your spiritual awakening. From zero to hero.

I never took drugs, so I am not a fan of recommending any of them. I love to access my higher levels of consciousness naturally. 

Can Spiritual Awakening Cause Dizziness? 

In the readjustment phase directly at the present moment of the sudden spiritual awakening, this can be the case because you adjust to a different level of conscious awareness.

For me, I would not say I felt dizzy. However, my perception changed. This is also something you should probably not be too worried about, which is just another attempt of one of your limiting beliefs to convince you to not change them.

Simultaneously, if you feel really bad or dizzy and this is not going away, I would consult a professional! This is entirely your responsibility.

Can Spiritual Awakening Cause Headaches?

I never experience headaches; however, every personality is different! So, consult a professional if you have severe and prolonged headaches.

What always helps a little bit is to deeply breathe in and out into your belly button. To circulate and relax your whole system. To shift your focus away from the pain in the head. That is what I am doing when I have a headache.

Most of the time, I know my headaches come from the back of a weird and wrong sleeping position. So, it is also all about how you can read or scan your body. 

Can it happen that I had a Spiritual Awakening and Can’t Focus?

 Your mental ability and quality will be transmuted in a spiritual awakening. This may cause more thoughts for some time, which may cause a lack of focus.

The importance is that you never identify with your thoughts. Let them appear, observe them, and let them go again. Meditation was my significant learning curve to be in peace with all thoughts.

It took me 3 years to learn this. So be patient and learn to meditate, because it makes a massive difference for your mental health. 

Thanks so much for reading my article about spiritual awakening. Please leave a comment below and share your experiences.

With Love,


Job Change into Vocation – 5 Steps to Let Go of Your Frustrated Job!


This article is also available in: 🇩🇪Deutsch (German)

Who does not know it? Just started in a new job and already the first colleagues are stressing.

Most of the time you can’t choose the people to work with. One of the challenges as an employee.

But that doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to start your journey directly to become an entrepreneur or self-employed person, because they also have massive challenges.

It also means that you first have to find out what you need and what is good for you.

Maybe you need annoying colleagues who show you your fearful issues so that you can let them go.

But maybe not!

Only you know that for sure.

This article is about how to live your vocation with a job change in 5 steps.

Because your job has been bugging you for too long! So, let’s go and live your vocation with a job change soon! It is time for your job to change into a vocation!

1. Admitting that Your Job is no Longer Satisfying

Congratulations. Since you are reading this article, you have mastered step one with excellence! Maybe not 100% yet but already 95%.

The first step is, to be honest with yourself and to be able to say: No longer with me! There has to be a change!

This often leads to anger, stress, and fear. How should you cope with all this?

There are 5% … self-doubts!

If you have overcome these self-doubts and are already looking for new solutions, you can be proud of yourself. Because even today many people expand this 5% self-doubt to 95% and reduce the chances for new solutions to 5%.

Makes sense of course!

So if your job is not fun, joyful, and enriching (more than 70% of the job content), then you should urgently find alternative solutions.

Initiate your change, by finding alternatives to your job!

2. Find New Possibilities

Maybe you have already found alternatives and the job change has not been matched with the fun, joy, and enrichment. Maybe you have already been to new jobs very often!

I would like to share with you in the article what is important to live in your vocation after the job change or how I love to tell it – ‘Job change into vocation’.

Then there is a very high probability that you will not change your job anymore. On principle! Because if it gives you joy and you can grow in the long run, why should you change?

Maybe you will turn your job into a vocation even faster than you thought.

Here at step 2, it is important to look for solutions not only on the outside but especially on the inside. Ask yourself why…

… you were so unhappy at your previous job. Was it the one colleague who constantly annoyed you or is it possible that you are still allowed to work on your inner self?

But with why-questions, we often just don’t progress.

So, go within and see which qualities and abilities were also in demand in your job. Maybe it just didn’t suit you to be able to work joyfully and enthusiastically.

There can be so many different reasons for this.

Practically speaking, you have an endless choice in your job search with LinkedIn, Glassdoor, Monster, Facebook, and all other social and business networks. Besides, there are job agencies and other online platforms.

So, there is no reason to tell yourself that there is no more suitable job or profession.

Your life is hidden abundance, also in the job area.

3. Attracting the Best Environment and Perfect Job

To live your vocation after the job change, you also need to understand the limiting beliefs that you have activated within you. This is key for your job change into a vocation!

I have written a detailed article about this. If you have not yet dealt with your beliefs, please read here how you can change them for yourself.

In the short version, these are beliefs you have about yourself and the world. These beliefs lead to your emotional states and negative thought constructs that you have about yourself and others.

If you want to live your vocation with the perfect job change, then this only works if you also look at what other convictions are still running in you, which brings you again and again into unsatisfactory job situations.

A part of our life’s work and soul purpose for all of us is to increase our quality of life. For this purpose, you are encouraged to deal with yourself.

Then you will also draw more joyful and beautiful surroundings in your life. Starting with your friends, to your colleagues, and business partners.

The more aware you are, the clearer you judge the people in your environment, and the faster you make decisions that will give you a higher quality of life.

4. Embody Your Qualities and Abilities in Your New Job!

To be more aware of yourself, you must know your strengths and weaknesses. Most importantly, you must be aware of the unique qualities of your consciousness and your abilities.

For this purpose, I have created a self-check, which you can perform here. The self-check takes about 15 minutes.

If you know your qualities, you can decide more clearly which steps are the next best steps.

Maybe you have reached a point where you realize that life as an employee does not suit you. Then take the next steps.

Maybe you have reached a point where you realize that life as a car mechanic does not suit you, but you want to stay employed. Then take the next steps.

Maybe you have reached a point where you realize that life as an entrepreneur no longer suits you. Then take the next steps.

All this is only possible if you are aware of your qualities and abilities. Then you are self-confident, self-assured, and clear in your decisions.

What will otherwise be your reality?

XY tells you what to do, think, and feel.

Then you are moved from job A to job B without realizing that you don’t want to work as an employee anymore as an example. In this way, we remain caught in our mediocrity, which we have been conditioned by our education system since early on.

I just noticed how close the word ‘school system’ is to the ‘debt system’. What a wonderful ‘coincidence’. (only in German – Schul – and Schuldsystem)

So, both the school system and the debt system probably still influence you today.

You are a victim of these systems or you use the systems to your advantage (abuse the system). There is no good or bad here. If we are honest with ourselves, we are victims or abusers in our society. The crucial thing is that even the victim is an abuser because without the victim there could be no abusers at all.

What abilities and qualities could you possess?

Here are 5 job-related abilities and also 5 qualities of consciousness listed.

5 Job-related Abilities

  • Craft skills / good dexterity (special ability)
  • Creativity – very high imagination
  • Quick decision making
  • To always be calm and relaxed
  • Ability to work in a team – The leader in the team

5 Qualities of Consciousness

  • Quality of Peace
  • Quality of Love
  • Quality of Compassion
  • Quality of Creativity
  • Quality to Forgive

You will find more abilities and qualities in your self-check.

5. Start Your Vocation and Gain Experience

Your change of job and living your vocation can go hand in hand. The vocation does not have to be a new job as an employee! So take a close look at what you enjoy most. Often it is also very intelligent to get by in your job for a few more months and in the meantime create something new or discover something new.

If you know what environment and surroundings you want to attract.

If you know who you want to work with.

If you are more aware of your abilities and qualities and you have a chance to change jobs, then make it happen.

Feel from your heart if the job change enriches you and your being. Don’t analyze too much whether it is the right time or whether it is not the right job after all. Your mind is not made to make these decisions for you. Only your heart has this possibility.

And remember: Anytime you feel tensions in your life, you can be sure that your mind influences you too much. So, listen to your heart, which is always light and gentle. And if it feels too heavy and you feel powerless, change it by changing the limiting beliefs that do not allow you to be active on this level.

Be aware that you have created any limiting beliefs yourself and that they had a right to exist at the time of their activation.

But also, be aware that we live in a time that today is no longer as it was 40,000 years ago.

Also, be aware that you have the power to let go and change all the beliefs that limit you in love.

And above all, be aware that the 70 trillion cells within, are working in cooperation and are only waiting, for you to have the confidence to make joyful changes.

So, what are you waiting for, if you won’t job change into your vocation now, you might never?

Be sure to write your questions that appear in the comments below.

With love,

Dominik Porsche

Overcoming Limiting Belief Systems: Quick Help and 5 Sustainable Steps

This article is also available in: German

This article deciphers the secrets of limiting belief systems!

What could such a limiting belief system look like? How can you let go of your limiting beliefs and transform them into success patterns that enrich your life positively and sustainably?

All of this you can find out here in my new article.

1.What Are Belief Systems?
2.Examples of Limiting Belief Systems
3.That’s Why Belief Systems Are Important!
4.5 Sustainable Steps to Overcome Limiting Belief Systems
5.Quick Help for Limiting Belief Systems
6.Frequently Asked Questions When Overcoming Limiting Belief Systems

What Are Belief Systems?

Everyone knows them. Problems that do not stop being problems. A recurring challenge without end in sight. And we keep running into an invisible wall.

Today more people than ever know who is responsible for this.

Belief systems, behavior patterns, or scientifically neural networks.

How they can be sustainably changed and how challenges can be overcome with ease, however, is still known by very few people.

Who is guilty?

Our limiting belief systems.

These limitations make us believe that belief systems are always logical and therefore logically reversible.

But just our limiting belief systems, if recognized, are illogical!

Why should we limit ourselves to be happy, but poor at the same time? Why should we limit ourselves to be good at sports, but being afraid of injuries at any time?

All this is anything but logical. And yet we give these belief systems our full attention in the form of an emotional high-energy structure just waiting to be unloaded.

Examples of Limiting Belief Systems

Here are 10 simply structured limiting beliefs / negative beliefs:

  • I am poor.
  • I am sick.
  • I lack creativity.
  • I am thick.
  • I am unworthy.
  • I’m holding on.
  • I know that I am better than others.
  • I hate conflict.
  • I make myself small.
  • I am always unlucky.
  • I am unpopular.

Here are the possible 10 positive beliefs:

  • I am wealthy.
  • I am healthy.
  • I am full of creativity.
  • I feel comfortable in my body.
  • I am worthy.
  • I am letting go.
  • I am down to earth.
  • I love peace.
  • I am strong.
  • I am always lucky.
  • I am popular.

Here are 5 more complex limiting beliefs:

  • I can only be rich when I’m sick.
  • I am healthy but only when I am poor.
  • I am unworthy so I never let go.
  • I am left to be loved.
  • I am only appreciated when I win.

Why not…

  • I am wealthy and healthy at the same time.
  • I am healthy and wealthy.
  • I am worthy and let go.
  • I love myself and stay in touch with others.
  • I am always appreciated, even when I lose.

That’s Why Belief Systems Are Important!

They sustain our reality. If we had no belief systems, we would be like in a dream, directly manifesting and fluid. The physical reality, therefore, needs strong collective belief systems such as that it is dangerous to try to fly as humans. We have limiting belief systems that we collectively agreed to, like gravity, space, and time. So, not all limiting belief systems are bad. A computer program and computer games also have limitations and further specifications. This computer virtual reality would not work without these specifications. It is similar to our physical reality. Besides the collective unconscious, we have activated individual unconscious limiting belief systems, which are completely different from person to person. If we did not have these differences, we would all be a bunch in the ocean without the possibility of expression in art, music, sports, and all other creative activities. This is what defines us as human beings. When we perceive belief systems from this perspective, we have the opportunity to make adjustments to them more easily. As individuals, we are less taken by our beliefs.

To adapt them sustainably for our quality of life, I learned to apply the following 5 steps practically.

5 Sustainable Steps to Overcome Limiting Belief Systems

Before we start with the 5 steps, I would like to add as step 0 that all 5 steps should always be connected with play, fun, and joy. Because the steps are connected with seriousness and not with enthusiasm, we give up. So always make sure that even the experiences of your deep-seated fears are connected with a spark of joy and that you have the overriding clarity of why you are aware of your fears (to let them go in love). Always keep a certain distance from your fears, like projected on a mirror or a screen, if it becomes too intense.

Step 1: Willingness to confront yourself.

First of all, you may have the willingness to confront yourself in depth.

This first step is often overlooked!

We look for quick and easy solutions that work without having to confront our fears. The best examples are affirmations and the conversion of negative beliefs into positive ones. Here we do not need to deal with our deep-seated fears. Here we do not recognize on the heart and cell level why we have allowed this limiting belief system to exist.

We very quickly and often exchange a mental construct for a new one and hope for the desired change. In very rare cases this works, but your belief systems must match and allow it. Otherwise, the energy of limitations is too strong to allow and experience the new and to let go of the old forever.

Step 2: Tracking down the origin of the limiting belief system 

In the second step, we may recognize the origin of the limiting belief system. This is often much earlier in our development than we would like to admit.

Working on the inner child and the experiences of our childhood are the beginning of the transformation of belief systems, but not the end.

Belief systems behave like trees with large and small roots. The seed and the roots bring the tree into physical appearance. Just as the roots of a tree have many entanglements, our belief systems are massively entangled and interact with each other. For example, if we have found and defused a belief system that we discovered in our childhood about ‘low self-confidence’, many other belief systems can continue to fuel and maintain our ‘low self-confidence‘. Just as one root leads to another root. The seed of a tree and the first roots are the origins.

Entanglement Belief Systems

In the picture: The white limiting belief system is connected with the origin. The red limiting belief is connected to another origin. Only when we find the origin does the whole entanglement loosen. Often we find only a small part of the energetic structure, as marked in white and red on the picture. This changes very little. The goal is to discover and defuse the true origin. Then it is time to plant the new seed. (Step 3 – 5)

If we look at a neural network as in the following picture, we can see the similarity to the root structure of a tree. Neural networks are the scientific term for belief systems.

neural network

Those who work only with affirmations do not recognize the own roots of their behavior patterns, but the general programs of the collective, which do not necessarily have to be strongly activated in us. For example, we could try to change “My bones are my weak point” by saying “My bones are strong and healthy.

But you haven’t figured out why your bones are your weak point. This can have an infinite number of reasons. Similar to a Trojan horse, the problem will not vanish into thin air just because you think it away.

The subject needs practical experience to understand and anchor this in-depth at the cellular level. I hope that with the metaphor of the tree the concept behind this problem will be understood.

We may also learn to understand that our limiting beliefs always want to keep us from changing them. It wouldn’t be helpful if we could just snap our fingers and change all the programs we don’t like.

Therefore, many people convince us of our limiting belief systems so that we only scratch the surface. They constantly distract us from our inner world. Especially to initiate our next 3 steps in this process, our limiting belief systems distract us again and again!

Step 3: Remove the emotional energy from limiting belief systems 

Now the magic begins.

Dissolving your limiting beliefs can be a breeze.

When we are close to the origin and have recognized it and emotions are rising, we may let go of this emotional energy in love. It is also important to gain practical experience and to understand how to let go of energies that are no longer useful to us. We hold on to most things, as we hold on to life, even if we do not want to admit it. In the picture below you can see what happens when you let go of the origin and the emotional attachment.

changing belief system

Finding the origin triggers a chain reaction. As visible in white, free energy is at your disposal. You put the free energy into a new emotional desirable structure as explained in step 4. The red belief system remains, as do the rest of the belief systems that were not directly docked to the original pattern.

Step 4: Using the released emotional energy in a new pattern of success 

It’s nice that you now feel liberated or released, more relaxed, calmer, and more peaceful.

Now the most important part begins!

To use the newly gained emotional energy from the old into a new pattern of success. This works with your imagination. You recreate the situation with all your 5 senses in your mind.

Through this, you will find that you will feel even more liberated, happy, and peaceful. These sensations of your physical body, the emotions and thoughts that arise, you can use at any time as a valuable measuring instrument. However, this requires great clarity of your inner and outer world. Nowhere in this 4th phase must resistance or doubts arise again. This is a sign that you have only dissolved parts of the limiting belief systems and that there are still other aspects that you may let go.

limiting beliefs vs subconscious mind

The picture on the left showcases emotional states. Let’s say in our example in the picture (steps 2 + 3) your belief system has made you aggressive, irritable, and tired. A clear indication that it was time to say goodbye to this limiting original pattern. The picture on the right shows you how you should feel and experience immediately after you have changed the free energy of the limiting belief system into a new pattern of success. Let’s say in our example you feel liberated, peaceful, and heart-opening after the new creation.

Step 5: Strengthen the new success pattern and act upon it 

This is where the full potential of the new success pattern unfolds.

You go into even more detail of the new success pattern and write down which challenges to master, which skills you are allowed to learn, and which next small steps you will physically take.

It is also important that you look at how other people feel with your new success pattern and how it supports them in their lives. The time component is also important.

Until when is your success pattern physically 100% activated?

When will you initiate the next small steps?

Nowhere in this 5th phase must resistance or doubts arise again. This is a sign that you have only dissolved parts of the limiting belief system and that there are other aspects you are allowed to let go.

All this will seem complex to you, but in essence, it is like driving a car. We simply learn many small different components that work together and only work as a whole.

Just imagine you don’t know on which lane you have to drive or who has priority. It’s the same with our limiting belief systems today. We do not pay attention to the essential components so that we can be masters of our destiny.

Bonus Step: The 6 steps of transformation for success patterns

challenging limiting beliefs

After you have activated a new success pattern, a new journey begins. You will share it with yourself or with others (level 4), you will crystallize it (level 5) and you will be grateful for it (level 6). If tensions or disagreements arise again in the field (Step 1) you will receive feedback from your environment (Step 2) and can then adjust your belief systems again (Step 3). I will soon write an extra article about this, which will describe this in more detail.

Quick Help for Limiting Belief Systems 

As mentioned before, I am not a fan of affirmations. However, they can have a supportive effect at very short notice. 

Quick tip 1: Positive affirmations:

You feel poor and think you are poor, then from now on feel rich, think rich and above all act rich! Tell yourself that I am rich and prosperous or all the money in the world will always flow to me instead of saying I am poor or I don’t know if I will make it to the end of the month.

I am honestly not a fan of this approach and it rarely keeps the 5 sustainable steps from above. This is the case because the emotional structure is still more strongly anchored in the old belief system than in the new positive belief system. For this purpose, I am making a special article that shows exactly why we think we have let go of a limiting belief, but in reality, it never happened. The limiting belief laughs inwardly and says: “Haha, again you didn’t catch me! Good luck next time, you won’t get me dissolved so quickly!

However, the procedure can lead to a step by step understanding of your conditioning and limiting belief systems and you realize that it is one step too short to realize – why you have activated this belief system in you.

Another popular method is to write the limiting belief system on a piece of paper and then burn it. For example, you write “I hate money”, “I am insufficient” and all other limiting belief systems that resonate with you on the piece of paper and then burn it. Here you also do not follow the 5 steps, because you do not use the released energy in new success patterns. You could then make a list of positive affirmations that correspond to your dream life, but let’s be honest about how often this happens in our lives.

Quick and sustainable tip 2 – Gene Keys:

I recommend a combination. Order the book “Gene Keys” and read the chapters. Here you will very quickly recognize which combination possibilities exist in our DNA and which limiting belief systems are active in you. If you catch limiting beliefs by thinking, feeling, or acting in a limited moment, then you are much closer to the origin of the behavior pattern. Follow the above 5 sustainable steps to change your behavior patterns.

Frequently Asked Questions when Dissolving Limiting Belief Systems

  1. How can I make sure that the limiting belief systems are dissolved?

You are self-confident, light, and peaceful. Uncertainties, doubts, and conflicts are suddenly gone. You will not experience the same problem on a physical level again in your essence. Your thoughts purify themselves and you think less and less about the problem until it stops completely. You have no confused ideas that the same thing could happen again.

If this is not the case, then you have certainly ignored one of the sustainable 5 steps. Then the search begins all over again until your new positive belief system gains significant conviction within you.

  1. What to do when my limiting belief system comes back?

 Then you did not change the origin, but only the effects of the origin. But you have moved forward anyway because you are now more aware of this process. The next step is to check which of the 5 sustainable steps to change your belief system you failed to follow. You may look deep into your fears again, always connected with distance and joy until the positive belief systems are working actively and without tension.

  1. What are the dangers of dissolving limiting belief systems?

Always only the dangers that come from your limiting belief systems. Here are 3 of the biggest dangers.

  1. Power & Clarity: The belief to know how the dissolving of belief systems works and to have arrived at the end of evolution. Knowing everything means not being open to new and different views of a worldview.
  2. Self-doubt: You doubt whether the new success pattern / positive belief system is activated. If you doubt yourself, either you have not found the origin or there are limiting belief systems associated with self-doubt.
  3. Fear: We are afraid of the new and instead of rising above our limiting beliefs, we let them control us again. So have the courage to stand up for your new life that may cause some short-term obstacles, but after that, the quality of life will be much better.

Feel free to ask any questions you have about your belief systems in the comment box below. Write down your experiences so far, how you have overcome your limiting belief systems, and changed them into positive belief systems in the comment box. I am curious!

Unconditional love,

your Dominik

How Can I Discover My Vocation, Meaning of Vocation & Gene Keys


This article is also available in: German

In this article I will provide you with valuable guidance and insights to find your vocation more efficiently. If you engage in this natural process, you will find your vocation with ease. You may ask yourself: How do I really find out what I want? How can I find my vocation? How do I find my purpose? Are there shortcuts to this path? How could I ever find my vocation without the big picture? In order to answer all of this and more for yourself, let’s jump into this river of vocation together.


What is a vocation?
Who has a vocation?
What is the purpose of a vocation?

– Fear-based Vocations
– Heart-based Vocations
How can I discover my vocation?
What vocation is right for me?
What is an example of a vocation?
The Trinity of Brand, Vocation, and Culture
Your Core is Your Vocation
Vocation vs. Job

What is a vocation?

A vocation is your greatest inner desire of how you would love to see life around you. In general, a vocation in our current collective society is often career-based. So, it can be about how to earn money in a loving gentle approach, that supports you and your client to the highest potential, without having any expectations to make a living out of your vocation. Thus, a vocation can make you a living, but it is not a requirement. This depends on your Soul Purpose and your needs in daily life. Some make a living out of their vocation, while others don’t. The most important factor is that your true vocation comes from your heart and not from the mind. This is the most reliant factor to discover your vocation.

Who has a vocation?

Every human being has a vocation to fulfill, which means everyone has a vocation to discover. Most human beings fulfill their purpose unconsciously, while only a few discover their vocation through the unconscious collective level of humanity consciously. Because the vocation is a collective phenomenon, we have to raise our frequency above our thoughts, emotions, and behavior patterns to access the collective field of humanity.

Just because everyone has a vocation, it should not create pressure and high expectations. This is because also small vocations exist. Not everyone is meant to be the next Messi or Ronaldo in soccer. Not everyone is meant to be the next Dr. Joe Dispenza or Eckart Tolle in spiritual teachings. We have to respect also the people’s vocation that is not meant to inspire millions. If you inspire from the heart, no millions of people to inspire are needed.

What is the purpose of a vocation?

The greatest purpose of a vocation is to act on it for the wellbeing of humanity, earth, and other all intelligent beings. The purpose of a vocation is to never abuse and manipulate human beings. This abuse and manipulation or victimization can be seen as a step stone on your journey to your true vocation before you discovered what your true heart-based vocation is. Most people are on the threshold to find their true vocation, however, have not yet arrived to act and initiate their true vocation. I would love to introduce you to my thoughts on two concepts of a vocations, heart-based vocations, and fear-based vocations.

Fear-based Vocations

Even the subtlest amount of fear involved in your vocation diminishes the true journey and depth possible in the vocation. As an example, your vocation is to help animals. You built up an organization that takes care of animals, which is great. At the same time, you tend to fight people that threaten animals badly. You may judge and accuse them, and you have strong opinions about those people. In one way it’s a separation of them and yourself. You tell yourself that you are better than those people. This judgment mostly occurs on a sub and unconscious level of your feelings and thoughts and you are not aware of them. Because you separate yourself from the “bad” humans, you separate yourself from humanity as a collective being. As long as you project fear and bad feelings onto others, you strengthen the exact energy that you so desire to change. In one aspect you help animals, but energetically you strengthen the root of the problem or challenge. This is a super subtle example of a fear-based vocation. A vocation is not limited to a business or project model. A vocation can truly be anything that you are passionate about. Even in this fear-based vocation, your challenge to solve would be to not be entangled into those emotions and feelings anymore. This is your collective task and it’s moving you into the direction of the heart-based vocation. So, the vocation is an outer and inner journey. When you read those lines over and over again, you may find great truth in them, because those type of fear-based vocations are what most human beings are into right at this moment. The higher purpose of your vocation is to let go of the fear that you still hold onto.

Heart-based Vocations

When there is no trace of fear left, you ascend to the level of the heart-based vocations. I know what a lot of people may say. How can there be no fear within, isn’t that a fantasy? That is the greatest higher purpose of humanity, to move beyond fear. And because it is the higher purpose of humanity it is also an essential part of your Soul Purpose. Most people have given up fighting their fears. This is because we cannot fight fear, we can only allow, accept, and embrace the fear from the heart of our being. And this transcends the fear into something extraordinary, unconditional love. We are at the beginning of humanity to transcend those lower frequency fears, collectively and individually. In the example of the person that built an organization to help animals, they would never become emotionally hateful and hurtful for another human being, no matter what they did. They would always surround them by love, listen to them carefully and teach them compassionately and enthusiastically, why they believe there has to be another way to support animals, instead of not caring and hurting animals. They would be role models in caring and loving not only animals but also the people that have a fearful relationship with animals. In essence, they accelerate a new paradigm shift and put energy into this new modeling. Also, they stopped increasing the energy of the old paradigm model, which means there is absolutely no attention and focus on the fear-based reality. They are still aware of the fact, that this fear-based reality exists in a parallel dimension, next to theirs.

How can I discover my vocation? 

One piece in the puzzle of your vocation is the understanding that your vocation always thrives from your Soul Purpose. Then you can clearly see what vocation is right for you at the time it is right for you until a new vocation shows up or the current vocation transcends into a next level vocation.

I have written an extensive article about Soul Purpose. In this article, I stated the following;

The Soul’s Purpose is the mission that you have given yourself as a soul for this life on earth. The Soul Purpose is also often associated with the soul mission, vocation, mission in life, or purpose.

In this sense, the more aware you are of your Soul Purpose, the more aware you are of your vocation. This is because the vocation is a fractal part of your Soul Purpose. To be highly aware of your Soul Purpose, the importance is to let go of who you desire and want to be and become who you need to be, and who you are designed to be.

Only our collective and individual limiting belief systems create the barrier to continuously stay in a state of separation in which we have forgotten who we truly are.

I also created a soul purpose self-check PDF list with qualities and abilities for the Soul Purpose to help you in this specific process. You can access the self-check here.

When you are aware of your Soul Purpose, you align efficiently to your vocation, when the time is ready. To be aware of your true vocation for humanity can take patience and time because it cannot be forced.

What vocation is right for me?

Today we have a lot of misunderstandings about the meaning of vocation because it is abused for selfish acts and misleading self-development training programs and coaching. I am for example not here to tell you the exact vocation your heart needs to express. I am here to guide you towards discovering the vocation yourself on your guidance and self-coaching. My knowing is that you can find the right vocation only on your own. So instead of searching the right vocation, ask yourself which part of your personality on earth, needs more awareness and clarity to see your true vocation. I already talked a lot about meditation, Gene Keys or CYP-Bio-Feedback Method, to name a few valuable permission slips, to be and discover more of who you already are. We are in the time of self-discovery and self-illumination to be an empowered creator and co-creator. I will talk more about Gene Keys later, because the programs are super valuable for your vocation self-discovery journey.

What is an example of a vocation?

Most people would argue that a vocation always helps others, but often they exclude themselves out of the equation. In my worldview, a vocation has to benefit others and yourself equally. When you help people, animals, or nature and you exclude yourself, how much of help can you truly be to anyone? So, this is an example of a vocation.

Since we already started with animals in the chapter “What is the purpose of a vocation?” let’s continue here.

You started an organization for the help of cats and dogs. You love it, so you daily invest all your time into your organization. You run low on staff, because you are still new, and you cannot afford it. There are a lot of cats and dogs that need help. This challenges you a lot! Luckily you find an investor to support your heart-based project. Now you have also more time for yourself. Now you begin to work on your emotional and mental level to deal better with clients and people that trigger you. From starting to help cats and dogs, you now managed to help yourself too. You have great support in your project and you also know the importance to take time for yourself.

Are you an animal lover? Then this could be a vocation scenario for you.

Let’s check a second example of a vocation.

You are a Coach for Business Leaders. You do this because you love to help human beings to grow in their personality and you decided this to be your vocation.

Your approach to coach people is inspiring and your focus is on the emotional realm. Somehow you just managed to have great customers and you find the time for your personal growth to create a nice balance. That you were able to have great customers was not a coincidence. This happened because you invested a lot into your personal growth and your radiance and authenticity created your customer opportunities. And your customers are super happy. You don’t have to trick anyone into buying your products because your value for your customers has true value and they know this. To become even a better version of yourself, you invest a lot of time into your personal growth too. You are very gentle in your daily life and everyone sees you as a role model for emotional stability and growth.

You Inner Guidance

Please forget everything about what others tell you to believe about freedom, abundance, and peace. Just believe in your inner guidance! That is enough. Your vocation is not limited by starting an organization or being a coach. Your vocation can also be as an employee or any other form of activity that you are excited about and you love to do.

Be certain as a marker that the vocational activity excites you, helps others and yourself. And if there is nothing that excites you, just start something and if that does not excite you, stop it and start something new until you discovered something that excites you. Do never interpret this a failure! We are so easily conditioned to do something unexcited for far too long in our life. That’s about it.

Be in the knowing that your true vocation is unlimited, ever-expanding, and exquisite. It can never be copied by others.

The Trinity of Brand, Vocation, and Culture

Trinity of Vocation

In the Gene Keys, there is a trinity of branding, vocation, and culture at a collective level. This is an aspect of the Pearl Sequence in Gene Keys. In my opinion, one of the best paths at present to discover your vocation. When you are not aware of the Gene Keys, I highly recommend it to you. Gene Keys gives you a greater understanding of your weaknesses, strengths, and future potentials all underlined by human genetics and consciousness.

You will quickly notice that your vocation is just a single piece in the puzzle of your being and that other pieces in the puzzle help you to discover your vocation tremendously. For example, when you know what your outer work (Life’s work / Brand) is and how you express this into the world and you know your cultural strengths, the true vocation of yours will be visible easier.

There are also the trinity pathways of Service, Initiative, and Growth. To embody your core Vocation, you have to initiate or act (Pathway from Vocation to Culture)! This means you have to initiate your Vocation and implement it into Culture. The next step is “Growth” which is the pathway from the Culture to the Brand. You grow your Brand through the effects you have on Culture. As soon as your Brand (inherent individual value grows) this affects the quality of service for your Vocation to others.

This is how it looks personally for me.

For me, it is all about commitment (Brand), dynamism (Culture) and humanity (Vocation) at the gift level and devotion (Brand), liberation (Culture), and compassion (Vocation) at the siddhi level. When I am at my worst, I showcase half-heartedness (Brand), provocation (Culture), and turbulence (Vocation) at the shadow level.

The trinity of the 29. Gene Key (Brand), 39. Gene Key (Culture) and 36. Gene Key (Vocation) helped me a lot in my self-study for my true higher purpose and core vocation.

In each sphere of the hologenetic profile are also 6 lines. My brand is line 6, which is about teaching. My culture is line 2, which is about partnership. And my vocation is line 2, which is about marketing.

So, my core vocation is teaching, partnerships, and marketing. Line 2 thrives in 1 to 1 relationships/partnerships, so that’s what I am focusing on in my projects. I am an agent (Marketing) to teach about the expansion of consciousness at the core level of my vocation.

This inner realization needs patience and time. It cannot and will not be visible for you within a day. I am into Gene Keys for about three years and before Gene Keys, I studied and coached another very deep system to let go of my limiting belief systems. For about 7 years now, I tried out many projects and most utterly failed. It took me a lot of patience to follow through my unique path of life.

This creates a framework for my core vocation. I am always self-critical about all sorts of restrictions. So even thus, those are my Gene Keys in my hologenetic profile, I am aware that I do not have to limit myself to those Gene Keys or one permission slip. A permission slip is everything, a tool or set of tools that empowers you to express more consciousness into your daily life. I use a lot of different permission slips and I will write more about them in my first book.

Your Core is Your Vocation

In Gene Keys, the core of your being is also the vocation. Both share the same sphere. So, your vocation can be seen as the core consciousness quality of your being. The embodiment of your core means the embodiment of your vocation, no matter what you do. There are a lot of people in this world that judge, compare, and opinionate everything. So, should you have a vocation that is not for the masses to see, this is fine as long as it is fulfilling you. When you are happy and excited about something, it does not matter what another thinks and say about it. For sure, when you harm others, they would react and think and say something about it. This is different and a sign for you to change for the better.

Vocation vs. Job

To end this article, I shortly wish to motivate you that a vocation not necessarily is your job or has to be your job! You have skills that thrive best as a hobby too. You also have skills that thrive best in your job. Some of the soft skills will be passively helping others in your job and in your hobby. As long as you enjoy and are passionate about your daily life, you are fine. This should be more than eighty percent of the day, combined job, hobby, family, and friends. If you are not passionate about more than eighty percent of your day, you should check out what’s the source and challenge of dissatisfaction. Vocational jobs are great, however not mandatory! At the same time, we should always consider what we are doing. If what we are doing doesn’t excite us anymore it is time to move on!

I wish you the best journey of your life to discover your vocation.

Thanks for reading my article.

What vocation are you called to right now? Comment below.

Unconditional love,


ONE Great Mistake in Modern Spirituality – DON’T DO IT!

This article is also available in: German

There are too many spiritual pearls of wisdom, which, when combined, create complications of an incomplete worldview.

One of them is that we are connected to everything that is. We are one, it is often proclaimed in spiritual circles. Many spiritual seekers want to experience this unity again and unite with it. Leave the exhausting material world, the matrix, and reunite with the spiritual non-physical world where only peace, love, and abundance can be found. In doing so we forget completely that at this moment in our physical body on earth we are one with the spiritual world.

How do I mean that exactly?

There is a sentence in the film Troy with Brad Pitt in the leading role that particularly inspired me. After Brad Pitt, in the leading role of the best warrior Achilles, destroyed a holy divine statue of the Greeks, his comrades-in-arms asked if he wanted to enrage the gods! To which he replied “The gods are jealous of me because I am here on earth and they are not! These gods cannot harm me.”

We could interpret this as follows.

We are on earth in a very dense physical world, but this world is not physical at this moment, just like the spiritual world. Here there is no separation. The only separation that exists is the one we tell ourselves in our beliefs every day after we wake up. So not only theoretically have we never been separated from the spirit, but practically we have never been separated from the spirit.

The limitations must be maintained in the physical world, otherwise, the physical everyday experience would not be possible in this way. This also explains the condition of mentally ill people, which from a psychological and medical point of view could not be understood up to now.

The gods are not separated from us and make their own experiences. We, humans, are not separated from the spirit and we also make our experiences. Those also are scientific discoveries of quantum physics, in which 99.9999999999% of matter, viewed from the atom, is not matter at all, but only information in the quantum field.

As humans, we have such a variety of experience possibilities as rarely in existence. This is possible for us because of our strong materialization and the time and space component, in which we as a collective consciousness are ready to play along.

Even suffering and pain can be perceived as joy if we change our attitude and perception of it. I have experimented and experienced this myself. Although I never subscribe that physical disabilities and severe injury are always perceived as joy because that is not the case. Similarly, our attitude either creates a negative, neutral, or even positive image of these physical phenomena. For example, we could reflect positively on how we always put ourselves in dangerous situations to punish ourselves for lack of self-love. We realize that our actions are exactly what we radiate inwardly.

We move step by step from being a victim to being a creator. So we could look at this in a positive light if we surrender to suffering and consciously transcend it. This suffering has to be connected with joy and not with pain. For more pain and suffering only creates more pain and suffering. If we look at this with loving mindfulness and let go, we create the space for us to let go of this belief filled with thoughts, emotions, and feelings and are ready for a more joyful creation.

Achilles says with his statement that we are also creating gods. Achilles is fully aware of this and embodies this wonderfully in Troy.

Today, through prominent scientists like Nassim Haramein and spiritual teachers like Richard Rudd, we are much closer to this truth, as most people would like to believe.

Paradoxically, we are one and at the same time a fractal of the whole with a unique blend of qualities and abilities. Nassim Haramein’s latest scientific experiment shows that in the proton, one of the smallest possible particles, all information from the universe can be read out, such as the temperature of the sun, the distance of the planets, and much more. So although we are individuals and could think; “We are small and insignificant”.

At the same time, we are able with our true intelligence to create the impossible! When we can realign our beliefs to this god within ourselves, we allow ourselves to be much more than we currently experience. We allow ourselves to play an active role in the part of God authentically and without feelings of guilt.

Here we may only note that every element in existence carries God within itself. Many elements and beings just cannot apply this consciously and actively. But we as human beings have this possibility just like many other beings. So it is up to each one of us how we want to shape this world on earth.

And as there is always a reaction to an action, even the most selfish people on earth should always act for the well-being of all that us, shouldn’t they?

And please say goodbye to the thought that you have to return to the spiritual realm. Back to where you experience unconditional love, peace, freedom, connection, and abundance. This is already possible for you as a human being in this present moment. And whether you want to hear it or not, even the most horrible experiences you have had on earth have come through you unconsciously or consciously.

Most of the time we are not aware of how we have manifested these experiences. But look back and reflect on some of these experiences. In some of them, you will notice things that you were not aware of before in this way.

It is because of the dual aspect that shadow and light or low and higher consciousness seems to be much more intense.

The ONE Big Mistake of Modern Spirituality

The one big mistake is that we want to leave this planet. We want to experience the security again, which we still experienced in the womb. We want to feel this freedom again, which we experienced as a pure unlimited being. We want to experience this abundance again, that we are connected and related to everything and that everything is available to us at all times, which we need and wish for.

In doing so we forget that we have to create this security, freedom, and abundance here on earth because this is part of our life’s work and soul mission. Everyone will experience this security, freedom, and abundance in his way. One person needs an account balance of 1.000.000 and the next person lives fulfilled with 2.000 per month and a low account balance. One person needs a life partner at his/her side for a fulfilled life and the next person wants to stay single and live fulfilled with animals.

We live in such a diversity that we have to learn to deal with it. This is the task that most people are currently allowed to fulfill themselves. To be connected and at the same time completely grounded.

To build a stable house without holes in the foundation and walls and without time pressure. Then we are also able to connect in a relaxed way with energy that was previously far off our scale. Energies of love in all its facets and we enjoy all these forms of expression.

Then we are also a big step closer to embodying our true life purpose. To embody this soul purpose is the mission of Beyonduality and is personally my great vision.

A new earth on which we recognize that we all live together as brothers and sisters without having to take anything away from each other. A new earth where we simply celebrate every day from morning to night! A new earth on which we all simply do what we love from the heart.

Every fractal, even you contribute an insignificant part to this, so be brave and live your dreams instead of just thinking and talking about them. Live them in a way that you always respect other people deeply, never take them too seriously, and always go through the world with a smile. Your reflection will not laugh back if you don’t start laughing first! The same is true in life in general.

So laugh out into the world and the world laughs back

But first work on your deepest shadow issues and weaknesses. Open them up completely as far as possible, bit by bit more and more. Then your laughing becomes truly authentic and you truly radiate. Because hardly anything scares you anymore.

I am a big fan of Gene Keys and use this archetypal system to understand and transform my belief system more profoundly.

With unconditional love,
Your Dominik

Commons of Your Soul Purpose and Death


This article is also available in: German

To embody your life purpose or soul purpose, you may let go of the conditioning that you have activated since birth and even earlier from the perspective of your belief systems.

Only when you have peeled the onion so far that your consciousness crystal shines through, you can discover your soul purpose. And only when you have discovered your soul purpose, a process begins slowly, that you embody this soul purpose, if it still suits you.

If it no longer suits you, you can assign a new soul purpose for yourself with the power of free will. This is possible because you have also given yourself the current soul purpose. Why then should it not be flexible?

With death, there are many similarities in this respect. Because to let go of your conditioning, you let go of who you think you are and begin to become who you feel called to be. You will receive completely new access to your part of consciousness that was completely hidden from you until then. You will make different choices, have a different attitude towards life, and attract new friends and relationships that match this new unlocked part of consciousness.

Therefore this change is like death into a new world unknown to you until now. This is why so many people choose to stay who they are. This is why so many people die within their first 35-40 years because the conditioning from childhood has grown so much that those people have little impact on their lives.

Blows of fate have among other things the destiny to shake these people awake again because they have already died in spirit.

So be aware that everything that happens in your life has a purpose, no matter what someone else tells you. Then you kindly offer compassion to this purpose for existence and you have the chance to develop your life into something unique.

No matter if you let go of conditioning and implement new beliefs or if your physical body goes back into the earth in a decay process, the process is the same. That is why so many people fear death and that is why so many people fear to decondition. Because deconditioning is simply like death. The death of an old ‘I’ that will never be the same again.

Ask yourself here what you really want to experience from your essence. Don’t answer yourself, just live this answer.

In the personality development sector, this is a great challenge. Everyone wants to be someone else but does not accept the ‘now’ as it is, to let go and be someone else.

We look for every shortcut there is, without looking into the depths of what is really going on inside of us. We suppress these sensations, feelings, and thoughts until the water overflows and we feel lost or depressed. We project these sensations, feelings, and thoughts onto others to be right. We explode internally or externally without getting to the roots.

We only get to the source if we are absolutely honest and transparent with ourselves. We are allowed to put our hearts above the mind and make decisions from it. Often the mind makes us doubt and tells us all kinds of consequential dangers, which we will suffer as soon as we begin to change. And if we don’t care, the mind tells us that our loved ones will suffer.

Our mind is extremely malicious and it has to be. Because all conditioning we have co-created ourselves. We are stronger and more powerful than our minds. To experience this understanding on a cellular level is the first step from being a victim to being free.

Back to Death and Your Soul Purpose

In our collective society, a great taboo is placed on death. So there is also a big taboo on your soul purpose and on deconditioning. If you dare to approach deconditioning courageously, you dare to break the taboo that sits on death and your soul-purpose.

This may result in temporarily loved ones being foreign to you, your friends and family no longer understanding you and wanting your old ‘I’ back, or you being foreign to yourself.

All this is temporary if you approach this master quest with intelligence and not with the intellect. All this is temporary if you keep the right attitude for yourself.

The attitude can be, for example, that you feel deep compassion for all the people around you who do not understand what process you are going through. Compassion does not compare and judge and lets all people be as they want to be. But at the same time compassion sets crystal clear boundaries.

Another attitude can be that you respond to non-love with love, no matter what comes and goes or you forgive because they don’t know what you have found.

They don’t need to know it either, because they will understand it when they understand it and not before. So just give the people around you space, because they need it.

If a person in your environment is too toxic for you, set a crystal clear boundary and decide to go your separate ways or spend much less time with that person. Often this toxic person still supports us seriously, because we can grow considerably from this person and discard our remaining doubts. Because when we react emotionally here, no matter if a toxic person or not, we still have toxics that we can let go of. Simply running away does not cause any fundamental change.

So be patient in your process and your fellow human beings will be patient and gentle with you.

Thanks for reading my article.

With love,

Human Design vs. Gene Keys – What to Study and Master?


This article is also available in: German

Recently, a lot of people asked about the difference between Gene Keys and Human Design. This article is supposed to be a neutral space Gene Keys and Human Design to coexist harmoniously. I am into the Gene Keys from Richard Rudd and I have basic know-how in Human Design readings for my chart. I am happy that my close friends have taught me the basics of Human Design in the last couple of months.

In this article, others will also report about the difference between Human Design and Gene Keys. So, you have all relevant view points on this subject.

Now, you might ask yourself: What is Human Design? What are the Gene Keys? How is Human Design compared to Gene Keys? Are the two systems complementary to each other? Can I study and teach both systems at the same time? What are the advantages and disadvantages of both systems?

What is Human Design?

I am always keen to learn and to understand why people fall in love with a system like Human Design or Gene Keys. So, I did my research as much as possible through my close expert relationships, my personal reading experiences, and online researches.

Without a foundation, you can’t build a stable house. So, let us begin with the basics for newcomers.

A lot of people know the popular personality test ‘16 Personalities’. Here you have the possibility to access your personality type out of 16 personalties. To access your personality type, you have to freely attend the online test that looks like below.

Human Design 16 Personalities

The Human Design System does not work with a preset test with questions as 16 Personalities does. Your personalized test score is astrologically calculated with your birthday, city of birth (only used for the correct time zones), and exact time of birth. Very important: Neither Human Design nore the Gene Keys are a new form of astrology, both only use the astrology calculations to locate the positions of the planets.

Human Design

In my life, for a long time, I had been very critical and skeptical about astrology, planets, spirit guides and maybe you are also one of the skeptics. I believe it’s great to be constantly self-critical while having an open mind about the results of any kind of system that tells details about who you are and who you one day will become. From my experience, life is not a one-sided preset.

Human Design was developed by Ra Uru Hu in 1992. Human Design is a great way to expand your world view for yourself and others when used with an honest, caring, and loving approach.

Human Design is divided into four design types; Generators, Manifestors, Projectors, and Reflectors + the Manifested Generators which have been discussed to be the fifth design. When we read our test scores of 16 Personalities, the results are self-explaining and there are no charts to read. The test scores of Human Design are very far in-depth, and the system is about parenting, relationships, money, dreams, history, and the future.

For example, this is how the Human Design Chart looks like.

Human Design Chart

On the left side *Your Human Design Chart* is the red-colored ‘Design’ and at the right side the black colored ‘Personality’ . The informations below are the 1-64 Hexagrams of the I Ching and the numbers from 1 – 6 are the lines, for example, 1.2, 2.2, or 19.6. In the middle of the chart are the nine centers, from Root Chakra (physicality) to Crown Chakra (consciousness) and the connection between the nine centers in red or black are the channels that either are active or not.

I have to say that a lot of my human design chart readings were very accurate in the way I express myself. At the same time, a part of my higher self stays self-critical, while not giving to much energy into my physical mind of the ego structure. I honestly reflected my experiences and current status quo and whenever a professional reader shared an insight of my chart, it was astonishingly accurate.

Human Design Book: Human Design Book order now

What are the Gene Keys?

How is Gene Keys compared to Human Design?

Gene Keys is a mystical system for your higher purpose that was developed by Richard Rudd in 2002. The Gene Keys are quite new compared to Human Design, which has been first published in 1992.

Gene Keys and Human Design both use the same astrological mechanisms to calculate your hologenetic profile.

Here is an example of a Gene Keys Hologenetic Profile.

Gene Keys Profile

The Gene Keys Hologenetic Profile differs a lot from the Human Design Chart. Instead of the nine centers in Human Design, Gene Keys utilizes eleven spheres. There are currently three different self-study sequences (Activation – Green Spheres, Venus – Red Spheres, and Pearl – Blue Spheres) on the official website. Each Sphere includes a hexagram from 1-64 and one line (1-6). In the hologenetic profile, you can see that each sphere has a different theme. For example, the top green Sphere is the Sphere of Life’s Work. The hexagram 60 of the Sphere of Life’s Work is about the Shadow of Limitation, the Gift of Realism, and the Siddhi of Justice and the Line 3 is the Changer. Here, Human Design uses self and non-self and Gene Keys use Shadow, Gift, and Siddhi.

For more details and how to start in Gene Keys, read my extensive article about Gene Keys here.

Gene Keys book: Order Gene Keys now

How is Human Design compared to Gene Keys?

We already noticed that both systems utilize the Chinese I Ching and its 64 hexagrams, an ancient universal system that can be found in art, music, nature, and science. Both systems also have the 6 lines and the same planet constellations.

Gene Keys and Human Design use similar and yet very different linguistics for the 64 hexagrams and the 6 lines. In Gene Keys the 64 hexagrams are described in Shadow, Gift and Siddhi and in Human Design they are described in Self and Non-Self.

In Gene Keys it’s all about the Spheres and the Hologenetic Profile, how the Spheres interact with each other with the lines and the roles of the Shadow, the Gift and the Siddhi, which are embedded in each Hexagram. In Human Design it’s all about the nine centers, self and non-self, and how the nine centers interact with each other through the channels.

Gene Keys compared to Human Design is about your higher purpose in life, while the focus of Human Design is about recognizing talents, unfolding individuality, and living integrity. In general, both systems are about parenting, relationships, prosperity, dreams, history, and the future.

In Gene Keys there are no specific design types. In Human Design compared to Gene Keys are the four main design types, Generator / Manifestors / Reflector / Projector that are mechanically built around the 12-line types.

Three of the 12-line types are for example 1/3 – 6/2 or 5/1. In both systems, you discover the same hexagrams and lines. If you have a 55.6 in Human Design, you also have a 55.6 in Gene Keys. So you can look at a Human Design Chart and you also know the details of the Gene Keys Profile and vice versa, because they utilize the same mechanisms for reading DNA.

What I love about Gene Keys is, that Richard Rudd also implemented natural Human Design wisdom in Gene Keys, because Richard Rudd deeply studied Human Design before developing Gene Keys.

One of the big differences that I sensed but wasn’t aware of until others shared their insights, is that Gene Keys is a more feminine transmission and Human Design a more masculine transmission. Gene Keys uses the concept of trinities (Shadow, Gift, and Siddhi) and Human Design uses the concept of dualities (self and non-self). This is a very important fact, that can’t be denied.

My blog Beyonduality basically is about the essence of the trinities in which the heart is prioritized over the mind and we act from the heart. This is acting from your intrinsic intelligence and understanding rather than giving our intellect the power for decision-making.

We can also easily recognize this from the fact, that Human Design divides your personality in four main designs, Manifestor, Generator, Reflector, and Projector. You can only be one of those four design types, thus it’s a different perspective to describe your authentic energy. In Gene Keys, each hologenetic profile is unique. Tendencies for your personality type can be found within the 6 lines and the 11 Spheres. Here, everything else is up to your imagination.

What others say about Human Design and Gene Keys

I decided to make all statements anonymous. Those are all statements that I found to be relevant.

This is what others say about Human Design compared to Gene Keys.

  1. One of the biggest differences for me is that Human Design is dualistic, having the self and not-self, which to me seem equivalent to Shadow and Gift in Gene Keys. Bringing in the Siddhi transforms the work completely and opens every key to another realm. I tend to use Human Design for more practical, everyday things, and Gene Keys for overall life contemplation.
  2. For me when I use the systems with clients, it’s progressive. Beginning with Human Design because between the visuals and the “this or that” nature it’s the perfect starting point in my experience. Gene Keys is the next step, the “zoom in” point, and is usually in one of the follow-up. I use the systems in client development, not teaching the systems as a whole. So, delivering what is necessary.
  3. I’m not a teacher – however … Richard Rudd’s descriptions of Gene Keys are deeper – but that requires deep awareness, and I think it can only happen alone – it’s not choral singing. Human Design – 1. Different types of work completely differently energetically. 2. 7-year deconditioning process 3. For me understanding – “Your mind is turning your intelligence into a joke because intelligence without awareness is just a bad joke. It is what happens when you think that your mind is going to guide you to the promised land. It is not equipped.” – Ra Uru Hu
  4. Human Design is more masculine and left-brained and Gene Keys is more feminine, right-brained, poetic and creative. Human Design is supposed to be truth. Gene Keys is a living transmission.
  5. Human Design analyses the charts very strongly. There are general statements e.g. for all those who belong to a certain type. And because of the specific constellation of the planets, there are very specific statements about each one. When I get into a design, I can explain it. The Gene Keys sequences offer an introduction to self-exploration and self-development. Each of the 64 Keys concerns you. In my opinion, when I talk to someone about their profile, it only offers very good access because the themes and patterns are immediately recognizable.

Thanks, everyone for your great statements.

I would love to have your experience in the comment area below. The most relevant comments will be a part of the next update of this article. So, feel free to leave a comment.

Are the two systems complementary to each other?

Yes, personally understanding both systems can be of great help for you. Especially, when people around you are into Human Design and you are in Gene Keys or vice versa, it is always great to have a general knowledge of both systems. At the same time, this depends on your soul’s purpose.

Are you a teacher and a student?

Then both systems can massively enhance your knowledge. However, never forget that you have to be an embodiment of living the core values of those systems. When you are only studying a system like Human Design or Gene Keys intellectually, you are missing the most important fact. You will never be fully authentic.

Are you a student?

When you are not interested in teaching about a particular system, I believe it’s not so urgent to know the basics of both, Gene Keys and Human Design. 95% of people are students from the design of their life’s purpose and they won’t need to be passionate about teaching others by coaching or workshops.

At the same time, in private and personal life, we are always teachers for ourselves and others. The difference is, that our friends and relationships do not necessarily have to be aware of the fact that you study Gene Keys or Human Design. You don’t have to tell them about astrology, hexagrams, lines, or channels and you can just be gently holding space for them. You can inspire friends without creating more complexity for them. Your open heart and listening to their challenges are enough for that.

Can I study and teach both systems at the same time?

For sure you could study two systems simultaneously, however, I would never recommend you to study more than one complex system (permission slip) at a time. We all have our individual 7-year cell renewal cycles and it is recommended to master one complex system at a time. So, I recommend you to primarily focus on one of the two systems because they are very rarified, in-depth, and different.

You also wouldn’t study 10 languages at the same time, right? This is a half-hearted attitude, so make a commitment and devote yourself to one system at a time to be recognized as an authority and an authentic role model, for yourself and others.

And when you notice a system isn’t exciting for you anymore, you can always stop it immediately and start another one. Just without a start, there will be no ending. So start.

I know I am not exaggerating about 10 different languages. To deeply embody Human Design or Gene Keys could be like speaking 5 – 10 languages fluently at the same time. That’s why both systems are self-coaching systems in essence. Teachers can just guide you to a general understanding and can inspire you to broaden your world view. This is great because when you decide to learn a new language, teachers are also able to quickly accelerate your learning curve. But integration and practice in your daily life can only be achieved by you.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Human Design and Gene Keys?

I took this question into this article because we are always interested in the ‘bad and good effects’ of a system. In detail, I am sure you can lose yourself in both, Human Design and Gene Keys. My perspective is, that the impact of both systems has to be experienced in your daily life. When we only learn theory, we would never be able to drive a car. It’s no difference to Human Design and Gene Keys. To truly master a system, you need patience, clarity, and endurance of at least 5-7 years and more.

The advantage of both systems is, that we gradually learn how to unlearn and let go of old negative belief systems. I can’t speak so much about Human Design in this perspective, and I believe that this ‘unlearning’ is one of the major differences in Gene Keys to Human Design.

A system is only as good as the teacher. Human Design has many teachers in many languages. Besides the foundation, there is no ‘main’ source of a resource like in Gene Keys. Right now, Gene Keys has everything available at their official website and Richard Rudd further creates new programs. Ra Uru Hu, the founder of Human Design is not actively developing Human Design anymore, because he died several years ago.

For me, this is a big factor to be careful of Human Design Teachers, because not every teacher can be as pure as the original creator. This does not mean that I am not careful and self-critical of the Gene Keys teachings. Even today, I am always staying on guard and being self-reflective and careful because life is not stagnating, it’s highly fluent.

I won’t go into certain details of the advantages and disadvantages of both systems. In certain points, they balance each other out and enhance your wisdom. In certain points, Gene Keys and Human Design can be dangerous, while only studying them from the physical mind and the ego.

I love that Gene Keys is very expanding and all 64 Hexagrams are seen as a part of you because we collectively constantly interact with each other and activate and deactivate different genetic sequences in our daily life.

And as I have written before, a system is only as good as the teacher and the student. This is a universal truth of existence because you are just not able to be aware of a level of consciousness hidden within a system far beyond your current awareness.

It’s like sitting in a Formula One and you can’t see the magic of the car, because you are not able to start and drive it. And even if you could drive a Formula One, it would be not as exciting as to an experienced Formula One driver, driving the car.

If you can’t see the beauty of a system, it’s not because of the system, it’s because you are not aware of the inherent beauty yet.

What’s my note to any kind of system to unlock more awareness for you?

A system is only as good as the teacher and the student. Choose your teachers wisely. The best way to do so is to not seek a teacher. You have to gently and naturally invite a teacher into your life. By doing so, you open the world to your higher mind. Your perfect teacher in the form of synchronicity will be in your life when needed. This is how it always worked out for me. I was never actively seeking a teacher.

When you push yourself to find a teacher or you are being pushed by a teacher to follow their teachings, you probably won’t have the experiences that your soul truly longs for. Then you only get the experience, in which your physical mind (ego) divides you further into physical reality and creates more disharmony. In this case, you gave your egoic mind the full power of decision making, which all the times end in disaster.

This is not something bad. We are human beings. We all face those situations to different degrees. To know the experiences, we need to experience for our soul and which experiences not, is one of our main lesson as a human being. It is the beauty of humanity and transcending this beauty is beyond beautiful.

Thanks a lot for reading my article!

I am a big fan of Gene Keys and Human Design because they helped me to have a deeper understanding of my essence of consciousness.

I hope I was a good guide for you in this article to have a general understanding of my life’s philosophy for self-studying in your personal development, Gene Keys and Human Design.

Now, it’s time to drop your comment below for all relating questions that you have. I answer them personally, as quickly as possible.

Also, share your points of view and experiences.