Your Purpose in Life and Society Integration

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As already written in the main article “Discover Your Soul Purpose,” life’s purpose is the assignment that you have taken to earth as a soul. For example, this could be that this time you do not make the same “mistakes” as in previous incarnations and master the challenges with ease.

If you integrate your mission into society, you can also consider this as your vocation. So, you find your vocation by unfolding your life’s work and your archetypal qualities and abilities.

I have even made a self-check for you to filter out your archetypal qualities and abilities.

Find Your Purpose in Society

For you to get your life’s work and soul purpose integrated into society, you may determine for yourself what your unique abilities and qualities are for society. This is one of your higher purposes for society.

To be in a higher service, you must essentially have a fundamental understanding of the global economy—especially the perpetual female and male gender struggle, which is littered with conflicts.

I am a big fan of the spectrum of consciousness from Gene Keys to understand these conflicts in depth.

We live in a time in which women become more influential in politics, economy, and cooperation. We can observe this by looking into the management levels of companies or politics.

There is no wrong or right here. Just as there are good and bad role models for men, there will also be bad role models for women in management positions. One of the significant challenges in today’s world is the balance and diplomacy between women and men.

This is an example of how you could offer valuable benefits in society with your life’s work if you have the abilities and qualities to find diplomatic and peaceful solutions to disputes.

How do you proceed so that you discover this social purpose in life?

First of all, you have to deal with yourself and your inner life. At the same time, you are currently already passively implementing this task as an employee, self-employed person, or entrepreneur, which helps you to recognize your abilities and qualities more. Probably, you are already “On the track” even though you may not know it.

How could this social purpose of life look like?

Maybe you are a programmer in a company and find ways to integrate new concepts for gender equality into society. Here it is vital to act outside your comfort zone because nobody has ever done this task and mission before.

Maybe you are a kindergarten teacher and find ways to integrate new concepts for gender equality into society. This takes place here on a completely different level than with the programmer, yet both possibilities could help all people worldwide find their harmony.

For me, equality means not to force women and men or girls and boys into a prefabricated box. So, it is about letting them freely unfold so that they can develop their own style. This way, they are aware of their purpose in life much earlier in their lives and automatically act according to what they enjoy most.

Of course, these people carry out a social mission in life, which is for all people and the earth. 

Your Purpose in Life in Society – Private Factors  

What is the benefit for you and your private environment if you integrate your purpose in life into society? What do your brothers and sisters get out of it?

Ask yourself intensively how you and your environment can benefit from your life’s work in the long term.

Private and personal are very close to each other. The personal is focused solely on you, and the private is including your circle of friends and family.

What effects do your actions have on your friends and family?

What changes do your actions have on your friends and family?

The paradox is that only through a process of inner change, can you positively influence your outer world and your environment. This does not yet require manifestations in the form of more external resources.

“Like more happiness, love, patience, and understanding, the inner resources will lift you and your environment to the next level of consciousness.

Your Purpose in Life in Society – Environmental Factors

The purpose of life in society can just as well be fulfilled for the environment. Maybe you are a programmer and develop a new system for more efficient waste disposal or a system like Boyan Slat with “The Ocean Cleanup” for the sea’s plastic problem.

Depending on what your expertise is, you can also use it for the environment. The most important thing is not to set yourself any limits. Above all, it is essential to follow your heart and see clearly that your mission will be a success no matter what.

Your mission is always serving the society and not only yourself. This is essential!

You can also help the animal kingdom. Always check the global social benefits. See that it improves your well-being and the well-being of your fellow human beings, animals, and nature.

Your Purpose in Life in Society – Business Factors

What is the benefit for you and other companies if you integrate your life’s work into society?

Today we are all conditioned to short-term profit, but short-term gain, no matter what kind, is extremely volatile and does not serve the well-being of all. If you want to profit in the short term, you need a participant who can make extreme losses in a short time. If you build your strategy on sustainability and the long term, everyone can benefit.

For example, who recommends a credit of 100.000 Euro or more to an already “poor person” who wants to be successful, so that he makes 5.000 Euro fast and easy “money,” acts selfishly in the well-being of himself. Whoever wants to sell a property to a successful person has a different lever and can play the game even more intensively. I am personally not a fan of debt, no matter in which way. I just don’t like to play Russian roulette with my future, especially not in a time like today, when everybody wants to sell everything to everybody and prices worldwide are rising to the unaffordable and have already risen.

Look for yourself and integrate your life’s mission socially, where everybody can profit, and nobody can lose. A real win-win situation is a prerequisite for sustainability in our society.

Conclusion: Mission of Life, Vocation, Purpose – Integration into Society

It is always fun to write about this topic. At the same time, our language has made it increasingly difficult to distinguish between individual words. The mission of life, vocation, and purpose are just a few of the many names that repeatedly cause confusion. Some of these terms are the same, and some are very different.

For me, life’s mission is the task of the soul, and the vocation is the collective realization of the mission of life on an active level (DOING). The purpose is the passive level (BEING) that always resonates. This passive level (BEING) could be understood as a system of values that define you and your whole personality. Just like a fish swims in water and takes the water as a passive matter of principle (BEING), we also accept our purpose as an unconscious matter of principle.

Therefore, it is damn hard to find out our life’s purpose for society.

We may look into our consciousness, subconscious and superconscious and the limiting belief systems bound in them to find out our passive qualities.

We may deal with fears, worries, and frustration. Your shadow work is a prerequisite for discovering your passive qualities and your life’s work. As the shaman has learned to look deep into his inner being, you may also learn ways to look deep into your inner being again.

Here I personally work with Meditation and Gene Keys in combination with self-study and recommend dealing with both because they are connected with joy and fun.

PS: You will find out parts of your being, your hidden destiny about your life purpose and vocation will become increasingly apparent.

With love,

Your Dominik

Dominik Porsche
Dominik Porsche
Hi, nice to see you here. I am Dominik, dad, student, teacher, Gene Keys Guide, consciousness explorer, open-hearted and spiritual inspiration for the people around me. On Beyonduality I accompany you on a joyful and courageous journey to discover your Soul Purpose, your authentic energy expression. The project Beyonduality guides you in integrating and transcending your spirit awakening experiences through the Gene Keys Teachings. My vision as a dad is to accelerate the process of remembering – that we are spiritual beings – not only humans in flesh. So, we remember our inner truth of abundance and can all live in peace and harmony.


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